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Everything posted by gi6ers

  1. Definitely going to get some of these, very characterful!
  2. chocolate fudge brownie frozen yoghurt is the way forward!
  3. These might be useful, I'd be tempted to keep the use of the red to an absolute minimum: http://www.coolminiornot.com/139115 http://www.coolminiornot.com/147285 and read the artists comments here: http://www.coolminiornot.com/110944
  4. Wow, very ambitious...I would've used zenithal priming to get me started personally but please keep us posted with WIPs as this is something I'd like to try.
  5. Yup, as ritual says or use a cork coaster. This might be useful for you too. Street bases are pretty easy to acheive with some fine sand IMO. It's all about the cracks and road markings to get a realistic look. You will probably want to pin the mini in place instead of using the slotta.. http://uk.games-workshop.com/spacemarines/basing-bikes/2/
  6. I think you might mean me, TBH if I get a mini and the mould lines are in impossible to reach places or on the face then I'll generally bin the mini and never order from that company again. Also if a multi-part mini has been badly cut and I'll need to pin tiny parts then it will never see a paintjob from me. Prepping minis is the least enjoyable part of this hobby. If I have a choice I'll just buy one or two part minis no matter how much I like the sculpt. the one thing that has made it easier is a set of mini diamond files from Heresy. They reach the parts that other files don't.
  7. I've borrowed your link for the FOD, hope you don't mind!
  8. Looks great, really hoping they don't mess it up, judging from the trailer at least this one will have plenty of gore!
  9. Very cool, the Shaman is holding a heart I think, I'll have some of these!
  10. Looks like a challenge to get a contrast between the dead body and the flesh on the big guy...using purples is probably your best bet.
  11. I don't have the consistency to have phases, usually I'm happy that I've finished something...
  12. I really like it, nice and dark.
  13. Nothing else to add but their is a definite improvement here, keep it up.
  14. It's a reflection of the changing marketplace, just vote with your wallet. Plenty of other cool stuff with less fiddly filigree to paint. If gamers want to field a pre-painted army then the vendors are following a demand. I can't see metal dissapearing in the long term but there is always talk of our hobby dying, to be honest most of the stuff we paint (excluding GW) are produced by tiny little cottage industries who are catering to a small devoted customer base. I think the concern has to be over bringing new blood into 'THE HOBBY', if the pre-paints gets more people into gaming and eventually painting then it has to be a good thing doesn't it? Do you see younger people buying AT-43 and all the other current lines out there? I'd imagine some of us got into this hobby via board games and badly painted D&D minis, is this really that different?
  15. These look very cool but they don't make me want to paint them for display...
  16. Apparently they will have 2 head options..
  17. @Supervike - That other stuff is SF3D Maschinen Krieger, the powered armour is Luna Pawn I think (stupidly expensive from my searches so far..)
  18. @Green Stuff - where can I get some of those goodies, the big yellow mech is the nuts!
  19. obviously a dwarf in the range would be good....
  20. Killjoy, not enough chunky naked psychopath minis out there..
  21. We had a FOD'er come over from Aussie last year, go on!
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