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Moments of Levity


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On 5/17/2017 at 7:10 AM, Joel said:

I'm trying to come up with a viable list that can draw a lot of cards in a turn.  So far I'm at this list, but could you make it draw/filter more cards?

levi (bone, oath)

2 waifs

2 aboms

sue (return fire)


flesh construct

dead doxy

phillip and the nanny 

with aboms pinging the flesh construct and dead doxy dropping markers for Philip, sue going hurt and Vanessa's intuition and surge I can get 5 extra cards a turn with ease and possibly more. 

I had a thought for this card draw list; Necropunk(s). It isn't 6ss, but you already have lots of anchors in this list so it's ok. It does the job of both the Dead Doxy and the Flesh Construct in a roundabout way.

The auto heal upon activation makes it a great candidate Abominations to draw cards off and it's leap means it can give 2 markers for Philip and the Nanny with relative ease, plus of course earning you VP later in the game. If you had both a Doxy and the Necropunk and were careful with your positioning you can set Philip up with 4 markers on turn 1.

It's also 1ss cheaper than the Flesh Construct so you could add Oathkeeper to Philip and the Nanny/Vanessa or another ss to cache.

Necropunks seem cute with Alyce if you ever bring her in since the cost to Burn out is significantly lower when it automatically heals again when it activates.

Thoughts on the Necropunk in this list, @Joel?

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Thanks for the idea, I've been tinkering with the list in the background too - the addition of The Thorn who can hit a necropunk after he's placed his scheme markers and draw 2 cards has been something I've considered. 

It does mean I have a lot of points sat back though 

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So I've been running a local tournament and saw a scary good Levi list:

Levi + Bone



2x Necropunks

4x Aboms


That's 11 activations right off the bat not counting Core and Storm. He basically spent Turn 1 amassing the best hand he could.

Then Turn 2 he combined the Engine and proceeded wrecking face while Johan held the rear and Punks were running schemes.

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Played a game last night with this list:

Levi (Iron, Souls)

2 Waifs

Mech Rider

Ashes and Dust

2 Aboms




vs a Ten Thunders McCabe list in guard the stash. I took Tail 'Em and Frame on Johana. Final score was 7-4 on turn 4, sadly didn't get to finish the game however it was pretty decided by then. He managed to kill a lot of my stuff but I kept summoning Abominations to keep the model count up. Mech Rider sadly got taken down on turn 3 but the 2 spiders he got out kept things going. Probably the most effective Levi list I've played yet. 

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  • 3 months later...

My usual Leveticus list is as follows

Leveticus, Desolate Soul, Survivalist

2 Waifs

Rusty Alice, Desolate Soul and Sometimes From the Aether

Ashes and Dust, Scramble

Hodgepode Effigy

Freikorps Librarian and Abominations


I dont always use the Pariah Upgrades as they aren't always neccessary. Though if I did, it would usually be for Flesh Golems and Necropunks, i usually have a Cashe of 5-6 stones as well to start

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