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Nekima and True mother order of operations

The Godlyness


Nekima Bleeds on model and kills it summons a tot can she immediately Grow the tot into a young?


a slow full health young seems good to me.


for referance


Feast, My Darlings: When this model kills an enemy model, a friendly model within 6" may count as having killed the model for the purposes of the Grow and Mature Abilities.

Born of Blood: Once per Turn, when an enemy model within a2 is killed due to the Black Blood Ability or the Black Blood Pustule Action, this model may discard a card to summon a Terror Tot in base contact with the model before removing it. The summoned Terror Tot suffers 2 damage,
ignoring the Black Blood Ability.



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The bigger reason to discuss it and things like it here is that eventually, someone is going to come up with it at a tournament, and ask the tournament runner to give them a rules reason why it doesn't work. I'd rather give them ammunition to use against "that guy" in such settings.


but yeah, common sense: not on the list of five senses for a reason—it's about as common as psychic ability.

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Heh tell that to after damaging triggers. Collodi is a prime example of a dead model doing an action before expiring.

I'll have to assume you're talking about the My Bidding trigger. If you're saying that a model he damages and reduces to 0 wounds gets to do a 1 AP action before it leaves the table, that's wrong unless there's been something added to the FAQ.

Anyway, looks like you've made your mind up and mine is made up. I'll wait for designer input.

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If you find that thread you will see your answer. The trigger itself explicitly says when it works. Ie before the model is removed.

Don't worry I was upset to wondering how a dead model does an action. (Or if a model that is at 0 wounds but heals does it still die but hey can't have it all)

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I'll have to assume you're talking about the My Bidding trigger. If you're saying that a model he damages and reduces to 0 wounds gets to do a 1 AP action before it leaves the table, that's wrong unless there's been something added to the FAQ.

Anyway, looks like you've made your mind up and mine is made up. I'll wait for designer

The killed model does indeed take a 1AP action before being removed. 

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A similar question came up during a tourney at the weekend. Nekima killed an ice Golem so I grew a young nearby to a mature. My question was does the ice bast hit the young before he matures or after? If it's before potentially the young could die (he was on full wounds as it turned out) and would not mature. If it happens after I can summon into base contact outside the blast area and avoid damage on my mature.



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A similar question came up during a tourney at the weekend. Nekima killed an ice Golem so I grew a young nearby to a mature. My question was does the ice bast hit the young before he matures or after? If it's before potentially the young could die (he was on full wounds as it turned out) and would not mature. If it happens after I can summon into base contact outside the blast area and avoid damage on my mature.



Large rulebook pg.46. General Timing call out box. Triggers resolve before abilities. If two abilities resolve at the same time then the attackers ability resolves first and then the defenders is resolved.

The young would grow first and then the mature would take the damage I believe.

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