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So, Ashigaru


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OH yes!!!


I love them, I use them with Toshiro in either Yan or Nicodem.  They are awesome with Toshiro to bring on the extra flip. They have a 10 inch threat range and they drive my opponents nuts.  They live through a lot, and then come back. They really do a great job controlling the field.

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I've never used them myself as I have only recently sold my soul and ventured into the rezzers however having played against them they can be a royal b**** to deal with from time to time with careful planning. Brace can cause all sorts of issues, it's a serious deterrent for charging anything within it's threat range. Once you're there it'll just start to jab you to death with it's Rusted Yari. Charging for a (1) is also pretty sweet although it's charge is really quite sucky. On top of all this they have HtK and Armour +1 and gain a Tome to Ml when near Ancestors... All of this wrapped up in a 5ss model really isn't all that bad!

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I faced a Yan Lo list with Toshiro and 3 of these the other day.

I wasn't a huge fan before the game, wouldn't have considered them in my own resser lists but after seeing them in action I can safely say they're worth every soulstone.


Hard to get rid of, effectively a 10" threat range non-linear charge (walk then charge) and cheap as chips, seemed good to me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

They are good against melee lists or lists with melee components, unfortunately most of my last few opponents have played all shooting lists. (Ophelia, Perdita) Against shooting lists they are kind of suck, at that point I'd rather field Onryo or Komainu. That doesn't mean they are bad, honestly all shooting lists are fairly rare and facing Ophelia and Perdita twice in a row is just skew.

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