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So i have been away from malifaux awile beacause i was not sure of the 2.0 rules were something good

i used to play Mcmourning and he had changed a bit and frankly i dident like it.

but yea the new plastics came out and they slowly draged me back and since i got the Victorias box from my gf this x-mas

i had to give it a try the only problem is that the rulebook has been rather non existant at the stores a do my shopping
but after realising that the rules manual is the same thing without all the fancy artwork, i bought it along side with the

Yan lo box + Izamu (seriously love that model)

so the big thing i was woundering is basicly how well balanced is the game? i rembember it being rather unfair most of the times
is the Yan lo box + Izamu Vs the Victorias box a well balanced match? im have some friends over that never played the game and i want to Demo it with them.

well think thats all from me right now 
thanks in advance for awnsers

and yea bad english cause dyslectic swede sorry about that

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The game is still in its rebirth infancy, but thus far my opinion, and in general, the opinion of the community is that the game is much better balanced than it was last edition. To what extent that is true will become more apparent as the years go by and all the new models settle into the community. 


All and all I think Yan Lo vs the viks should be fine. I really personally haven't run into a situation where one master is an auto loss to another, and even the harder match ups quite often come down to list builds and general trends then actual massive advantage for one side or another. And I'm speaking in competitive absolutes as well.


The short answer is put them on the table and get playing. You should have no problems at all.

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As someone who did not really care for first edition, I really like 2E. It is much more balanced and streamlined.


As to running a demo with the above boxes, Yan Lo + Izamu is going to have quite the point advantage over Viktorias box by itself. The Viktoria box is mostly straight forward, but does take a little more micromanagement to use than many other base crew boxes. Yan Lo is great fun now, but I would say he is not a good candidate for first time demos. He breaks too many of the games normal rules, not in a broken way, more in a "that's a bit strange" way. This is just my opinion though.


If you decide to run demos with the two crew and Izamu, I would consider adding something along the lines of a Convict Gunslinger to the Viks to better balance out the points.


When you go full fledged into the game, remember that the new standard is 50 points, many things went up a point or two from last edition though so it comes out to roughly the same amount of models.


Also, your English is fine.

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I built both the crews in the crew creator 35 soulstone and no uppgrades (for simplicity)

at first i was thinking that the victorias would have the advantage becouse of the heavy hiters 

thats why i added Izamu and not Yin of Toshiro.

I forgot the Vik set comes with Taelor, and just how expensive she is. Should be fine for the most part then, though Izamu will cry if the Ronin get a hold of him (they ignore armor).

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The Viks are a bit different from last edition. They can essentially manage similar levels of melee beasting (still a bit glass cannon like), but have some added complexity and options. They've turned into a very tactically rewarding crew (I feel) but they're not quite as "easy mode" as they used to be :)


Yan-lo I know very little about as no one plays him in my meta. Izuma is a handsome model though, eh? :lol:

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The Librarian casting healing spells, (3 per turn with Casting Expert as I recall ?) that heal multiple models at once due to the sister mechanic can give them longevity that is annoying (up to 9 wounds healed in one turn, and multiples at once).

Edit: looks like the Healing Energy is only once per turn outside Outcasts, so Furious Casting would work on the Viks crew, but not all, thank goodness, but a good healer though, nonetheless even in others. With the Viks or Von Schill still annoying.

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