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Where is everyone?


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Whenever I play a game, I like to get involved with the online community. Although I haven't played a full Malifaux game, I'm loving it and really want to eaves drop on conversations until I'm ready to jump in and start talking. But it seems like between the 30+ forums where people can post on this site, none of them seem to be much of a hub for all gamers.

Is the online community really quiet, or is there an alternate website where people like to go for game-related general talk? I don't mean to sound critical or anything, I just really like logging on and reading conversations and I'm curious if I should add another site to my bookmarks.


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I have been a Henchmen since just before the first Open Beta started. The site fluctuates a bit, but seems more active during the beta. It probably does so around events such as GenCon as well.

I am not aware of another site.

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Loads of activity on Twitter for Malifaux with a strong community from USA, UK, Australia and Europe.

I forgot about that. Yea, I joined Twitter to follow Malifaux...

Oh, By the way, I love the tray that you posted to Twitter yesterday.

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At the risk of sounding old, I'm not 100% how Twitter works. Who do you guys follow on there so you can talk Malifaux?

:+fate Hahaha....screw it....I am a dinosaur....technology scares me....you kids today with your gadgets and gee-gaws....in my day we did it all with a pen, a piece of paper, an envelope, and an eight cent stamp!!

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Start hashtagging your tweets with #Malifaux and #Warmongers and you'll find the community :)

#Warmongers is for pretty much any miniatures game and there's loads of us. There's also #MiniatureMonday where we showcase what we've been getting up to in the week, Malifaux stuff is cropping up more and more.

(Incidentally I'm @Rekeiji)

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