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Need plastic binding glue


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I've tried asking this question at my store, but the response has been either "I don't know" or "I never heard of it".

I usually use super glue, but I was told for delicate plastic models I should use a type of glue that will bind the plastic pieces permanently together. Turning the weak point pretty solid.

What is this glue called and where can I find it? I was told by a friend of mine that its called "Modelling Glue", others have just called it plastic glue.

GW sells thin and thick plastic glue, is this it?

(I ask because when I asked at the store the guy said no, when I asked him if he knew what glue I was looking for he said no.)

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I second the post for testor model masters plastic cement. (the stuff edonil linked to)

make sure its the black bottle with red lettering and "model masters." this version has a super thin metal tube for an applicator. this lets you get into tiny spots, without globs of glue ruining the model.

this stuff does not need a lot to work. one of those bottles lasted me almost 3 years. and i put stuff together on a regular basis. the stuff softens the plastic and checmically welds the 2 pieces into one solid piece once it cures. so try and keep your fingers dry(dont want to press your fingerprint into the model) and back away from the join while pressing it together.

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Thirded for Model Master line. I use it exclusively for plastics. I'm always willing to try different glues for metals, but plastics I have hit full on brand loyalty. The applicator is nice and easy to use. If it gunks up it comes with a clearing rod (which you will lose if you take your eye off it for a second!) and I've never had it dry out with the nice screw on cap.

I swear I don't work for Testors...

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I agree with the Testors "Model Master" I have tried the GW plastic glue, the Testers Plastic Cement and a few other companies plastic cement and glue. Now I only use the Testors "Model Master" and am waiting for the next community hazmat disposal day to get rid of all of the other brands of glue that I have tried and not been happy with.

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