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just got Nicodemus, what models would I need just for summoning?


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Basically you summon whatever you need to do for that turn. For example you have a guy with big wounds that heals that you need to shift from the centre of the board you summon a Hanged (because they do an attack that halves the targets wounds and stops them from healing). If you need to move the enemies models around bring out a rotten belle for lures/slows,

If you have breakthrough or protect territory or line in the sand summon a necropunk (bear in mind you cant interact the turn you're summoned).

If you need to clog up a zone (turf war etc) summon a flesh construct. They can tank quiet well with 13 wds (if you heal them to full) and starting with 5 poison which heals when it dmgs them.

Also if you have a lot of scheme markers going down or are fighting in a cramped place, crooked men are a great summon. The shafted combined with belles is great as you lure the models onto your scheme markers.

So basically theres no one great summon its all situational also depends on the crows or high cards you have in your hand.

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Hello. Just wanted to note that Nicodem cannot summon mindless zombies without the maniacal laugh upgrade.

Rotten Belles are a solid all around model. They can take a little punishment, reposition your models or your opponent's models, and slow the enemy as well.

Punk Zombies are also good too summon as they can be quite sturdy and also pack a bit of a punch.

Hope you enjoy your games.

Edited for spelling.

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okay, so if it says caX, it means I already count as getting a crow symbol? okay.

Correct, his Ca is 6:crows, so he adds six and a crow to every casting flip he makes, in addition to the value and suit on the flipped/cheated card.

Masters and Henchmen can also spend a Soulstone to add a suit to a duel before they flip any cards, which is helpful if you have a high non-crow card in your hand that you'd like to use to summon an undead.

Rotten Belles, Necropunks, and Punk Zombies are all very good standard models for Nicodem to summon.

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