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Swamp Themed Crew: What to get?


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Hi all,

well, I like to get back into Malifaux with the start of the new rulesset. I read through the book the other day and one thing I noticed is the sketch for those Waldgeists. They remind me of Games Workshop Dryads and I highly like the look of these (both, the DRyads and the picture offered in the M2E book).

Therefore I thought about starting a Swamp themed Crew led by Zoraida.

But now I really don´t know wht to add themewise.

Of course, the following models are almost auto includes:


Vodoo Doll

Bad Juju



Besides these I´m searchng for some inspiration on what other models may fit the theme, especially ones that aren´t neverborn but may be fielded due to Zoraidas special rules.

I am not purely looking for models with "swampfiend", any model is a good one that may come out of swamps. Mmhh, maybe some resser models? Maybe some bog bodies? Uhh, I have to have a look on the Resser minions...

In addition, is there any tipps or tricks regarding Bad Juju? I´ve never used him and I like to try him out, though I don´t really see his strenghts. He costs a lot and is rather easy to hit, meaning he seems to die the death of a thousands cuts without bringing to much to the game.

Any advice here?


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You won't get many ressers, as it have to be living models, but the nurses are an excellent addition to Zoraida. Probably not that swamp themed though. Your better off looking at some of the Gremlins I think.

I use PW nurses with her. Plus the nurses are creepy enough to suit a neverborn paint scheme anyway.

Indeed wicked dolls and stitched ate themey. Raphael from the gremlins is nice and Lenny is FANTASTIC with the nurse due to the numbskull ability!

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