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The new nexus of power


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...outside of massive casting damage I was doing the most effective counter to incorporeal models which is hit them with ALOT of attacks...

All in all better it was changed. Although we can argue about the actual change as much as we like. ;)

I will definitely miss having oldnexus against crews that can must a lot of Ca actions. *sigh, poor Huggy just can't take spells like he used to. Having oldnexus on him made him a little less likely to just fall apart like wet toilet paper when hit with spell Dmg.

Oh we can definitely argue about the change itself, I'm down for that. I guess my main beef is that they 2-fer-ed the downgrading of nexus. Bringing it down to 1 wound healed would probably have prevented schenanigans like Huggy getting hit and coming out with more wounds on the other side. But also taking away the trigger coming from Dmg prevention really stinks. I had Jakob in :aura6 of huggy the other day against the 'Kin', and I had a moment of panic because I realized I could no longer could wait to see if an attack hits before spending a SS, I had to just burn it on giving my defense a :+fate or not at all.

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Holy sh:crowst! As in 29 attacks were taken against huggy and it only took 4ss to keep him alive? Jeez, in that case yes, OP to a rediculous degree. Most of my experience with huggy+oldnexus was he got to be untouchable for a about the first 3 turns or so and then the SS's dry up and he'd be left hanging in the breeze.

That's assuming you buy the story as accurate. I don't. There's no way it lived that long and only used 4 stones given how easy it is to hit and its low wound count. Either someone's exaggerating, or they played the rules incorrectly. Fetid, you do realize incorporeal cant reduce damage below 1, right? There's no way it was hit 18 times in a round and lived. Then again, Fetid was also on a huge "cuddle HD to uselessness" campaign in the first beta anyways...

With the new Nexus, Barbaros needs a re-write IMO. The new Nexus is pretty much trash, and he wasn't that great even with the old one. His damage output is terrible, and he needed the survivability the old Nexus gave to do his function.

Edited by ehren37
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