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2nd Annual New England Soul Harvest - 11/16/13

Silas Cordell

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Harvest season is upon us again and that means it's Malifaux time at the Game Castle in Londonderry, NH.

Soul Harvest this year will be an M2e event. At this time, I am not planning to allow the wave 2 beta models out of concern for confusion about rapidly changing rules. Proxies will be allowed for wave 1 models which have not yet be released.

Registration starts at 11, round 1 begins at 12.

Format will be:


Fixed Faction

3 rounds, 105 mins each


Squatter's Rights


Turf War

The TO (ie, me) will flip a scheme pool at the beginning of each round for all players to draw from. These schemes will not be chosen in advance.

$5 entry to be paid to the store and awarded back out as store credit prizes. We will have awards for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, painting, and sportsmanship.

RSVPing in this thread will help me plan for an appropriate number of players. We had 14 last year, can we top that?

Edited by Silas Cordell
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I may be able to make it to this after all....just moved myself and been working like a dog to get things done so I can attend. If I can get some odd end things taken care of Sat morning I may have the green light to attend. What's awesome is the Game Castle is only 15 min away from my new place!!

Reg is at 11-12? If so that gives me some extra time.

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Silas runs another great event, this time while ringing! (even if he mutters the darn flipped scheme pool to only half the players!)

I really liked the scheme pool being flipped start of round, if only because it felt different from my last two tournys where everything was determined and announced beforehand.

I felt that 50ss was a bit chunky. After 13 tournament games of sizes from 30-50, I think I am a 45ss believer. I am a "fast-ish" player (I tried a couple new models this tournament) and usually complete my games, but again this tournament found myself losing VPs because of losing turn 5.

It was nice to have another large (16 player this time) event in New England... if you are floating around the northeast of the USA, I would strongly suggest trying to make some of our events, M2e is really picking up around here! (TempleCon 2014 in Rhode Island is the next definite event)

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Silas runs another great event, this time while ringing! (even if he mutters the darn flipped scheme pool to only half the players!)

I really liked the scheme pool being flipped start of round, if only because it felt different from my last two tournys where everything was determined and announced beforehand.

I felt that 50ss was a bit chunky. After 13 tournament games of sizes from 30-50, I think I am a 45ss believer. I am a "fast-ish" player (I tried a couple new models this tournament) and usually complete my games, but again this tournament found myself losing VPs because of losing turn 5.

It was nice to have another large (16 player this time) event in New England... if you are floating around the northeast of the USA, I would strongly suggest trying to make some of our events, M2e is really picking up around here! (TempleCon 2014 in Rhode Island is the next definite event)

I'm glad everyone had fun.

I am planning to make Templecon events 45 ss. Hopefully that will allow enough time in each round to finish.

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