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Some question about m2e rules



Hello, i got a bunch of question about m2e rules.

P.s. English isn't my native language, so sometimes its hard for me to understand the exact meaning of the rules. If you answering my questions, put their letter and number please.

Here the list of them:

Disengagement strikes:

a)enemy model engaged by my two models. If enemy model wants to escape , how many disengagement strikes i can make? (i mean 2 strikes>>1 per my model. am i right?)

2)My model with melee range of 1 engaged by enemy model with melee range of 3.

a)Can enemy model escape, without being hit by my range 1 disengagement strike?

b)If i want to attack enemy model , i must use walk action and move a least at 1'' to hit him?

c)This move doesn't cause disengagement strike?

d)And also i can't charge, because my model is engaged?

Casting duels:

a)for example i want to cast Rasputina's Freeze over at Ronin. I flip 8 of rams and successfully past tn 15 duel. Ronin flip a queen and got 12+5=17 total.

Can i cheat fate with Rasputina?

Charging enemy:

a) I want to charge Ronin with my Ototo. Ototo's melee is 3''. So i can stop Ototo at 3'' away of Ronin? make 2 strikes and aslo be out of her melee range (which is only 2'')?

Climbing the walls:

a)Ht2 model with wk 5 want to climb at ht 2 wall, how many '' model must spend to do that?

c)Ht 3 model with wk 5 want to climb at ht 2 wall, how many '' model must spend to do that?

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Disengaging Strikes:

a) each enemy model gets to make a disengaging strike.

2) how far away are they? I'm going to answer for both 0.5", and 2".

a) Yes if they're 2" apart; no if they're 0.5" apart.

B) Yes if they're 2" apart; no if they're 0.5" apart.

c) No, because you're not disengaging. (disengaging means "leaving engagement" (and engagement means "being in melee range"))

d) correct.

Casting Duels:

a) Yes, you can cheat fate. You can even cheat fate if you'd flipped a 13:rams and were winning the duel. (for example, if it was December's Curse and you wanted the :masks for Overpower)

Charging Enemy:

a) yes, you can.

Climbing the Walls:

(I don't have my rulebook on me, so I can't be sure.)

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Climbing the walls:

a)Ht2 model with wk 5 want to climb at ht 2 wall, how many '' model must spend to do that?

c)Ht 3 model with wk 5 want to climb at ht 2 wall, how many '' model must spend to do that?

Models may move vertically up and down terrain with the climbable trait. Vertical movements costs double the distance moved. To climb a height 2 wall would cost 4 inches of movement to reach the top of the wall. If the terrain that is being climbed is 2 inches or less you could continue your movement and fall down on the other side of the wall and suffer no damage. The height of the model is not a consideration when climbing, just the height of the terrain.

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Thank you very much for helping.

I have some more questions:

Shooting into engagement:

I must flip a card for each model that engaged. The model with the lowest card, become a new target.

Can i cheat this flip?


There is an example with Lilith and Young Nephilim in the book. Lilith severe hit with severe 2/3:blast/4:blast. She got 4 damage.

What about Young Nephilim: can he make def duel (so the blast will miss him) or he just suffers 3 damage?

Auras and pulses or spells that target multi targets:

If aura or pulses target enemy models with df/rst duel. Every model must pass this duel?

a) For example Rasptina's Freeze Over casted vs 2 enemy, that are in base contact with each other.

B) Electic Creation's Burst must only pass TN 13 duel. And there is no def duels against it's pulses?

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Shooting into engagement: No, you may not cheat. Cheating is only for duels, damage and healing flips I think...

Blasts: The Young Nephelim does not get to make a duel. He just suffers 3 damage.

Not sure about the rules for 'Tina and the Electrical creation...

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Assuming that freeze over and burst haven't changed since beta...

Freeze Over: the exact wording is "target model and all models in base contact gain paralyzed". There's only one target who gets to resist, the other will just get hit if the first fails to resist.

Burst: they don't get to resist. If the Creation passes the TN, they just take damage.

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Be aware that shooting into engagements :

you do not flipping for all engaged models. Just for ALL (engaged or not) models within 2 " of an engaged model.


Your Ototo is engaged with a Ronin, and is 3"away.

You shoot into the engagement targeting the Ronin. Despite being engaged with Ototo, you do not need to flip for Ototo as he is more than 2" away.

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Assuming that freeze over and burst haven't changed since beta...

Freeze Over: the exact wording is "target model and all models in base contact gain paralyzed". There's only one target who gets to resist, the other will just get hit if the first fails to resist.

Burst: they don't get to resist. If the Creation passes the TN, they just take damage.

Freeze over also changed to include "non leader model" for the base contact "easy freezy", but you can still target leader models directly with freeze over.

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Hello, have a question about Fuhatsu's Steam Gatling Sweep and it's trigger.

For example there are 3 enemy model. I hit one with Steam Gatling Sweep for 5:blast and other 2 models for 2 damage. Then i take trigger (Sweeping Fire) and want to make another attack.

Can i use it vs models, that were damaged by Fuhatsu's blast?

Edited by K0lyan
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Good evening. I got 3 more questions:

1)Ronin charges Ice gamin and kills it. Can she push herself away from "Explosive demise" pulse range with her "Next target" trigger ability?

a)what the exact term for abilities like "Explosive demise", are they triggers or what?

b)there are different timing for triggers (like after fail, after damage etc). What type of triggers executed first?

2)If model have such wording in assault action's trigger "this model do something" (like ronin). Such wording points only to ability's owner?

3)Ice golem have "Toss" ability. Can i toss gamin something like this?

(For example total distance of toss is 7 inch and gamin pushed in straight line)


p.s. sorry for my english and thank you for your patience.

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The Toss ability pushes the gamin, so the straight line needs to be from the GAmin and not the golem. In your picture the gamin would hit the wall before it got to the position you are aiming for.

Explosive demise is an ability. They are always goign to happen when their conditions are met. A trigger can only happen on a duel and will need certain suits to happen

Things that happen after damaging happen before things that happen after killing, so the next target will happen before the Gamin works out it is dead and blows up.

This model will onyl apply to the model with the ability

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I think the throw is a push that stops if the projectile model hits anything over Height zero. If the ground angles up or down in the fashion of an inclined plane, you might be fine, but anything else but a scheme maker is going to have the model stop, even a grave stone or a rock will stop them.

---------- Post added at 02:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:20 PM ----------

So, you throw models into terrain, between terrain (provided the gap is wider than the model's base), and off terrain, but not onto terrain (unless there was a piece of terrain adjacent to the one the model starts on, and is ether coplanar, or lower than, with no intervening gaps.)

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Only I'd such terrain has been classified as blocking or impassible - if the rock was classed as severe, note that pushes ignore severe terrain penalties.

I'd certainly agree with that. That's why it's so important to go over terrain at the beginning of the game. If there is a patch of tall weeds as terrain, common sense my say its possibly severe, but passable. Terrain that looks like thick bushes, on the other hand, may be assumed by a player to be severe but passable, or impassable by another.

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Good evening.

I am curious, when and why Seamus's bag of tools trigger got double :crows:crows.

Also. As i understand to use "sweet murder" trigger i must use soulstone and flip/cheat a :crows or there is other ways do activate it?

p.s. as i remember in some beta rules it has one :crows and has other name.

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hello, yesterday played two 30ss Viks vs Seamus games. We used starters. I got a bunch of questions, about los, lure and tactics.Here is 4 situations on picture.

A. Viks of Ashes engaged with Sybelle. Vik of blood behind 2 inch wall and doesnt have loss to Sybelle, the distance between her and Sybelle is 3 inch.

Can i use 2ap ability from Vik of Ashes to place Vik of Blood near the target?

B.I want to shoot 2nd belle with ronin, the distance between them 7inch. 1st belle obscures Los of my ronin.

What cover bonuses will have 2nd belle?

C. I want to shoot belle with ronin, the distance between them 7inch. Other ronin obscures Los of my ronin.

What cover bonuses will have belle?

D. My ronin engaged with 2 belles. She has obscured LOS vs 3rd belle. The distace between them 2 inch. Can i declare melee attack vs 3rd belle? Does this strike get any :-fate vs Belle.

E. Lure skill from belles. Can i get any benefits from hard/soft cover vs this skill?

Also looking for any advices how to counter lure from belles with starter models.

Main tactic of my opponent was to use lure from 2-3 belles vs one of the Viks or Taelor. Move her to Seamus+Copycat range and kill her.


p.s. Sorry for my english and those online graphic editor.

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A. Yes. No line of sight is needed to the sisters. And it's in base contact with the target, not 'near' =)

B. The Belle will not get cover bonuses. Models do not provide cover. And if the middle Belle had been a wall or something, the other Belle must be within 1" of it to get cover.

C. Same as B. Only if Belle and Ronin are engaged in melee you have to randomise target.

D. The Ronin only has a 1" melee range, so it doesn't reach Belle #3. If the Ronin had melee range of 2" or more it could strike Belle #3. No cover is granted for melee attacks, and models do not provide cover (so no -flip).

E. No. You only get cover from attacks with the ranged (pistol) symbol.

Some suggestions:

Try to keep your model out of LoS from the Belles.

Activate the Viks late in the turn. That way when a Belle has lured a Vik or Taelor close to it or some other key model, the Vik or Taelor can unleash hell.

I hope it helps =)

---------- Post added at 11:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:09 AM ----------

And in the future I suggest you start new threads when you have new questions. It makes it easier for others to find the answers later.


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my bad for ronin melee range.

thank you for responce. There is a picture in 1.5 rulebook (p20). Where a ht3 warpig with ht1 gremlin behind it. Pig blocked Nino's LOS vs gremlin.

Is it possible to do same thing in v2 rules?

Also is it possible with model that have same ht2 like model behind it?

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Yes. Models can block LoS. But they do not provide cover even if they do.

The intervening model must have a Ht equal to or greater than both the others, and block every line that can be drawn between the models. This is usually accomplished by models with larger bases (such as the War Pig), or several 30mm models next to each other.

---------- Post added at 02:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:59 PM ----------

In the above example (D) the 2" melee range ronin can only strike belle #3 if there is an unobstructed line between them. if belle #1 and belle #2 are in base contact, there would be no LoS

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