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Zoraida & Lev BFF?

Iron Heel

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Thank you for the spoilers *smug* I'm just finishing book 2.

I sort of expected that she was left behind in the First Breach era with all that hermitism in the Bayou and everything.

Now it might be funny if the Marcus is somehow connected to those two because I also picked him with the two fore mentioned masters and I read somewhere that Nathan wrote that he was the oldest Arcanist...

Btw. I always thought of her as being a gypsy.

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Thank you for the spoilers *smug* I'm just finishing book 2.

I sort of expected that she was left behind in the First Breach era with all that hermitism in the Bayou and everything.

Now it might be funny if the Marcus is somehow connected to those two because I also picked him with the two fore mentioned masters and I read somewhere that Nathan wrote that he was the oldest Arcanist...

Btw. I always thought of her as being a gypsy.

He's definitely the oldest, but not Levi/Zoraida old. He's just really fit for his age.
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Some spoiler on these stuff for those that have not finished all of book 3. So if you don't keep reading if you don't waint stuff spoiled.

Marcus is the oldest Arcanist but from when he was talking to McMourning it was implied that Marcus use to be a teacher or at least at a college before coming through the breach. It is why McMourning went to Marcus for help when the guild was starting to suspect him. McMourning is also relative of Miranda and met Marcus through him. It was also suggested in the same scene that Marcus might have been a teacher with Ramos, where Marcus was the senior of the two. In the same scene you also learned that Miranda really really hates McMourning.

As for Levi and Zoraida some things can be made out from all their discussions and then some possible conclusions from reading between the lines in Book 3. First according to Zoraida, Leveticus should have recognized her when she was all young thanks to her Avatar, as she claims it is how she once was when he knew her. He pretty much said he tries to forget it. As we know, Zoraida is 100+ years old, having been around when the first breach closed. It is suggested from her discussion with Lilith in either book 2 or ealier in book 3 *can't remember which at the second and have lent them out* that Zoraida and Lilith were the ones that closed the breach the first time. Now it might have been the Nephilims and Zoraida being an aid to Lilith or Lilith giving Zoraida what she needed to do the job, but Zoraida was part of it. As she was doing magic and what not back then, it is easy to suspect she is 120+ years old by the current fluff, 100 year gap between the breach closing and opening again plus the years since it opened and her needing to be old enough to be able to do this stuff. As supposively Levi knew her when she was young he would have had to have been around back then as well.

She also makes a comment at one point when Levi is asking her questions about how the roles have becomes reversed and now he is asking her for the answers when before she was the one *she implys at this point that it was a long time ago that this had occured too*.

In Levi's discussion with Alyce at the hanging tree earlier in the book, Levi suggests that he learned his little come back from the dead trick Breachside, but that he never had to test whether he could do it Earthside when he had went back. Now we know that Levi does go earthside sometimes for jobs, as we see him coming back to Malifaux in Book 1 when he talks to the Vik, but he was doing a job for Sonnia so you have to wonder how often he does it. This though leads to one of the things we don't know, had Leveticus been on Earthside when the Breach closed or had he been trapped in Malifaux. Still Levi seems to have found how to augment his own life and stretch it far longer than a human should, much as Zoraida has though I suspect each has found their own ways of doing it.

There are other hints and nuggets of info in the talk and other parts of the books that give thought to the scene with Levi and Zoraida, but sadly with out my books I can't reference them and make sure I am explaining it fully and entirely correct so I will hold off. But one thing is clear from the scene and that is Leveticus and Zoraida have a long history.

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