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Smogcon 2014


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Think I have finalized the rules packs for Smogcon now but if you could all give them a quick read through before I send them off to the graphical wizards that would be great.

Couple of questions:

Crew Construction

Single Master. At the start of the Tournament, each player commits to a specific master (noted by the player on their score sheet) and then will continue to use that master for all 3 games.

Must I take a Master, or may I take a Henchman?

Playing the game

For ease of play each pair of players is considered a single crew (so models are all friendly to each other)

This means that each pairing will be using a single fate deck so think hard about who is going to use what card.

Will we be sharing a control hand also?

:D - Really looking forward to the doubles! It looks very fun.

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I'm intending on playing Nico in the Fixed Master Story, will I need a Mindless Zombie card for each zombie that I end up summoning? Also will the Empire of the Dead Victorian Zombies be okay as proxies for mindless zombies?

EDIT: Mindless Zombies CARD, not mindless zombie.

Edited by Karma Kollapse
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So for the story encounter on Thursday its Fixed Master 100ss pool. Summoned models don't need to be in the pool but upgrades do. Upgrades you can take multiples of only need to be in the pool once.

However I'm considering not telling you what the scenarios are going to be until the day to encourage balanced pools, especially as for scenarios 2 and 3 what you will be doing depends on how the result of your previous game went.


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So for the story encounter on Thursday its Fixed Master 100ss pool. Summoned models don't need to be in the pool but upgrades do. Upgrades you can take multiples of only need to be in the pool once.

However I'm considering not telling you what the scenarios are going to be until the day to encourage balanced pools, especially as for scenarios 2 and 3 what you will be doing depends on how the result of your previous game went.


It certainly sounds like Scenarios 2+3 should be secret; but maybe Scenario 1 could be revealed ahead of time?

Does the schedule have enough flexibility that setup time could be slightly longer since strategies are not known ahead of time?

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yep, I meant Friday, don't know why I said Monday. Got a little fright when you said Thursday though. Personally I will probably be dropping. I can't get the 100ss needed for the pool painted in a month. I will probably just go and play a few games in the smogpit or something

Yeah got my days muddled as well, cause I am setting up Thursday, I would blame old age but instead will blame Conrad for variety

Isn't Conrad to blame for everything?

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Yeah, thank you. I know I could probably scrounge together all the stuff from other people but I don't really like doing that. been responsible for other peoples stuff is not great, and I kinda like playing with my own. TBH there is so much to do at smogcon it is cool. and Casual smogpit malifaux is probably going to be better for me anyway.

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