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4M Wrap Up


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So 4M is in the books and from my POV as organiser everything went swimmingly well. Once the initial match-ups were completed everybody just got on with it,arranging games and keeping the drink flowing. SO much so that I was able to do things like play Zombicide and Conrad got in several games of SAGA.

I even did some recording :)

There were a couple of moments of concern, I thought we had lost Lee for ever when he went off to get some more boards from the DIY shop for instance and after the food problems Friday night I did worry that everyone was going to lose weight on a gaming weekend, but fortunately that sorted itself out.

Still it went well enough and was well received enough that I was convinced to do another similar event next year - details in a couple of months.

I would like all the attendees feedback though, what went well, what wasn't so great, what sucked, that sort of thing. Ideas that I heard from people over the weekend was to make capturing and losing special tables more important and a slightly less chaotic way to match-ups (if possible in this sort of event)

I'm also really interested in folks feedback on the characters dying thing. I personally found it great and players certainly came to me for the card flip with trepidation, not wanting their favourite model to die (Lady Justice, Mei Feng, Misaki, the list goes on) as I would like to make that a bigger part of next years event - imagine bounty posters around the walls and you get what I am thinking of.

So thanks again, sure we will do a long chat about it next time we record.

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Had a great weekend masters and uniques being killed for the weekend was excellent and made committing a master to the fray a little bit more risky. Loved the achievements made it a different type of event where winning wasn't the primary concern. Can't think what I would change as there was nothing in my opinion that sucked and looking forward to MCC.

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Had a fantastic weekend - everything went smoothly, as everyone acted liked adults (well maybe ;) )

Liked the achievements, although maybe if there's someway to avoid the 'non-games' to get some of the more esoteric ones - but I don't think you can avoid that really.

Loved the Uniques/masters dying - although some way to keep track would be good - could have a poster up on the wall with mugshots and cross them out as we went along - would work well to quickly identify who was dead :)

Terrain was excellent, although again - maybe a poster showing the different special locations that could be highlighted - if you could get hold of a OHP that could work as well.

One thing I think could have been improved, is the lunches - could have done with a bit more - the chippy run on Sat night was great, and maybe we could have arranged something similar for lunchtime as well - I was getting a bit peckish during the day - although that could have just been the beer! :)

But i'm deffo up for next year :)

Thanks for all the hard work.

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An amazing weekend. Had a lot of fun. Thanks to all of my opponents for some great games. And also thanks to John, Jimmy and Sam for doing the Ten Thunders proud.

As I said to you yesterday Mike, I think the achievements could do with a bit of balancing. Not a massive issue as it didn't affect how much I enjoyed the weekend but certainly something to think about.

As for the permanent kills, the 1 issue you could get is that if too many masters are killed, you leave not everyone in a team being able to play. Not so much of an issue if the next event is M2e (as I'm assuming it will be) as you have a lot more models who can lead crews.

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Hi folks, here's my feedback:

What went well:

Really enjoyed the free-form match ups. I ended up playing against 9 people I'd never met (in person) before... and a couple of gentleman's agreement games with Adrian (who I play pretty much weekly).

The fact that there were no time limits was great as it meant games were as laid back or intense as we wanted.

The atmosphere was fantastic, everyone entered into the spirit really well, and the achievements made games much more amusing (I ended up playing about 5 games where I was just trying to kill a master with the Jackalope... Ophelia and Hoffman narrowly escaped a rodent based demise - the rabbit will be back for you next year).

Camping in the grounds of chateau Marshall was fantastic too. Very welcoming.

Oh, the hall was great too, nice venue, plenty of facilities, plenty of space, not too hot (except perhaps when Lee dressed as Kade), though evidently wheelchair access was an issue (but I'm sure you're already planning that out for next year).

One more point (I'm thinking of these while writing the other sections), the willingness of a few folks to give lifts all over the place was fantastic. Thanks to Lee and Pete for ferrying me around during the weekend, and Jimmy for giving me a lift from/to sheffield (I'll give you petrol money at some point).

The schwag was absolutely amazing, but more on that later (I seem to be the owner of a foil fate deck and a hanging tree amongst other things).

Finally, the fact that I could play a game with 8 #RSRs was amazing. Only lost 7-5 too.

Things which could be improved upon:

Initial gut reaction is the lunches were slightly minimal. I know I'm the odd one out in this, but I rather like fruit and veg. That being said, a couple of quid at the local co-op gave me enough apples, bananas, and other things to keep me going, so it's not really a problem (and obviously you were somewhat money-limited). Next year I might suggest charging an extra few pounds for entry, and beefing up the lunch slightly (though I never went hungry), or else just don't put on lunches, and folks can go and pick stuff up from the co-op when they're hungry.

Making wins slightly more important might stop folks from having "gentleman's agreement" games. Though I didn't have an issue with "gentleman's agreements", they were more an excersise in bagging points, rather than playing some actual games and trying stupid stuff to try and get the more difficult achievements.

Things which sucked:

Number 1 - I never actually got round to playing Puppet Wars... this made me very sad.

Number 2 - Unique models dying: more specifically, over the course of the weekend I must have killed near enough 20 unique models, and not one of them (NOT ONE!) actually died. In one game I killed Sonnia, Pale rider, Sam Hopkins, and Sidir, and who died-died from it? FLIPPIN' KAERIS! Absolutely furious.

Number 3 - ... nope, pretty sure that's it

Thoughts on models dying:

This was all fine, though team arcanist would appreciate it if henchmen were treated like masters when played as masters, rather than as uniques. This also made me take some interesting crews to avoid the risk of losing a unique model. Because of this, the mighty #RSR made it into at least half of my games, as I didn't want to risk unique models... often as a pair (or an octuplet).

Thoughts on schwag:

As this seemed to be something Mike was concerned about in terms of next year's event, I figured you'd want some feedback on it.

The schwag bags were amazing, no questions asked. I now have all the bases I'll need for my new Mei Feng crew (as my old Mei crew was given away as a raffle prize), and tons of really useful odds and ends (KR case coming top of that list I think, it's all kinds of awesome), not to mention discounts for various retailers. The question comes, would I have enjoyed the event as much without the schwag bag?..

...Well obviously yes. The schwag was a brilliant aside, but no one signed up to get a ton of schwag. Next year I don't think you need it (unless you want to).

With the metric ton (tonne?) of raffle prizes, the amount of stuff given away was simply insane. I think for next year everyone would be totally happy with (depending on how much effort you want to put in):

a) just the gaming experience (which was unrivalled by any other event I've been to (Jimmy, consider that a gauntlet thrown down))

B) the gaming experience and some raffle prizes (if everyone brings a few things, it quickly gets very good). If people could bring along a few more unique prizes, I'd be happy to take them off your hands. Utterly shocked at having won both a foil fate deck AND the hanging tree, now I'm just too terrified to open them at the moment.

c) the gaming experience, some raffle prizes, and some malifools official stolestones (I'm massively impressed with the stolestones, they will forever be a reminder of this amazing event... soppy, but true... and great quality).

So in conclusion, sign team Sheffailed up for MCC (and make sure it happens if/when I'm in the country).

Cheers malifools, hope that is useful

Dave/sssk/winner of all the unique goodness

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It was great, had a really fun and relaxed weekend.

Thanks to all the organisers, thanks to my Outcast brethren and as I said on twitter thanks to everyone there. It was really the people that made this such a fun weekend. I talked to most and felt everyone managed to be in good sprits the whole time, despite lack of sleep and too much drink.

Negatives are really hard, not to be nice but as it was so much fun. I guess as Jimmy said territories could have been clear with a tracking system. The second day was a bit strange as I was just achievement grabbing so not really playing proper games but that was the nature of the beast. Someone already said but making territories more vital might reduce the "can we play this I need to do this what are you after" (soooo guilty of that)

That's it, was a great weekend and really just had a load of fun.

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Overall a brilliant weekend of gaming.

As others have said some of the achievements could do with a little tweak, and the special boards maybe increased in importance.

However when you consider this is the first time this kind of event has been tried in Malifaux (tell me if I'm wrong) then I think it went all rather swimmingly.

Count me in for next year, assuming I can find 3 chumps to put up with me again.

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Awesome weekend, great games, great boards, great company. Will definitely be back for MCC!

Loved the deaths of unique models, like the idea of a bounty board, pics of the uniques that get crossed off as they die and people being able to put bounties on models. Would have the added benefit of a reminder of which models are no longer available.

Would like to see more around the control of territories (and again, something to indicate who holds what territory).

I'd like to see more import put on winning and losing games, purely to avoid the 6 turn pass, pass, pass, pass games.

Agree with others, the schwag, while amazing, wasn't the reason for coming. If there was no schwag next year I'd still come. However, I will be doing my best over the next 12 months to make sure my hobby purchases are from 4m supporters

Thought the focus on painting was great, definitely agree with the Malifools that more of a deal should be made of it and especially liked the esoteric spirit of Malifaux award (well deserved by Spooner!) and was really chuffed with my special mention and baby Ceasar plushie :D

Thanks again to the Malifools and clan Marshall for the best weekend I've had in 20+ years of "the hobby"

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Just to add to everyone else comments I really had a weekend of great fun. The more events I go the more I feel that Malifaux as probably one of the best communities of all the wargames. I will definitely try and make it to MCC if it does goes ahead.

Things which could be improved upon:

1. I agree with the folks on the fact that arranged games were a bit too easy to get just to get your achievements in. I am not even sure I got a proper game on the second day as I was just trying to get all the achievements. Suggestion for improvement could be either make the control of the tables more important, so say everyone starts with two special and a few normal tables and then loose points for losing a table or something like that. Reward more the victories, or make some of the achievements only possible if you win.

2. Masters and models dying was a fun thing as I would definitely try and keep it. Maybe try and make it harder for it too happen. At the moment some masters and models have a much higher chance of dying because they will in combat every game, and some will never see combat. Maybe get ride of the positive flips for dying multiple times, make it hard for models to be killed or also put some chance for benefits in. But with MCC being second edition is hard to say what at the moment.

3. Others have already mentioned the special tables but I just felt there was no incentive to try and get hold of tables. I had no idea who controlled what and what impact that had on the event. Make it clearly what loosing them implies and maybe keep track of it on poster board of some sort. I also didn't see many games happening on them so again some sort of making sure people are using them.

4. Have to agree on the chaotic of getting match ups in, I know a lot of people didn't manage to get games against some factions. But have no idea how to actually solve that one unless you do timed games. Which again I actually liked being able to play games without worrying about time.

5. There were benefits to try and games in with the same master/crew but no benefits for variety. Could add something that mirrors that, like play a game using all the masters in one faction and win at least a game with each master or never use the same model in two games.

6. Neverborn win the event


1. The venue was great, enough space for everyone, excellent gaming tables and the garden too enjoy the sunshine and get some fresh air.

2. Painting competition. Honestly I am getting to the point where I am starting to feel bad to put models out, because I know other people won't get anything for their effort. I think including prizes for the 3 best painted and a judge pick was a good idea.

3. The amount of schwag was incredible. I didn't go for it and I will go for MCC even without it. The generosity of people giving their wins for their raffles tickets to people was also awesome.

4. The opportunity to actually meet all the people from the forums.

Edited by Bacms
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2. Painting competition. Honestly I am getting to the point where I am starting to feel bad to put models out, because I know other people won't get anything for their effort. I think including prizes for the 3 best painted and a judge pick was a good idea.

Don't feel bad! Seeing awesome painting in the hobby is what drives others to improve their own painting (if they want to).

You wouldn't expect Joel to go to a tournament and just pass every activation so that other people that turn up and play get to win something for their effort, or Usain Bolt to run 100m backwards 'cause all the other runners had trained hard and deserved a chance. If you want to win you've got to be the best. Personally if I won a painting comp and you were there but had decided not to enter, it would take something away from my victory.

Last one's a moot point though, think I'm still a ways off winning a painting comp...but not going to stop me trying!

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Like everyone else, I had a great weekend, and will endeavour to be at MCC. The schwag was very welcome, and the raffle great fun, but were just the icing on the cake (and the rest of the cake would have been just fine).

Personally I wasn't keen on playing the "non-standard" games just to get achievements (even though killing both Izamu and Yan Lo with Guild Hounds was quite satisfying), but appreciate that some fun games can be, well, fun - but should be games not walk-throughs. maybe a wider range of game sizes for achievements.

Points about the posters was good (can get B&W ones made at work) along with importance of ownership of the key boards including compulsion to play on them (which I don't think was policed.

Should have brought some food with me (including fruit), but that's my fault!

Local pub food was very tasty, but I think they need some advance warning. They also need to learn how to store and serve real ale!

Venue was ideal, and could probably cope with a small increase in numbers. B&B was homely and served a great breakfast. Conrad's bacon butties looked good, but I resisted :)

Maybe you could include achievements for playing PW and even team EBO.

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The only problem with adding a win to the achievements is that for players like myself out of the 9 games(discounting the gentlemans game with Dave) I played I only won one but got no achievements in that game. May be the team that has the most special boards gain extra achievement points or have a more profound impact I.e. if you own the mine increase the soulstone cache

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Maybe you could include achievements for playing PW and even team EBO.

My biggest disappointment of the whole weekend was not getting to play Puppet Wars. This was mainly my fault for wanting to try out zombicide and munchkin on friday, and being nackered on Saturday night, but next time hopefully I'll get some puppeteering in.

I don't know that specific achievements for these games is necessary (why give PW/EBO better standing than some of the other great games which were going on), but maybe achievements for games which aren't Malifaux might be good. One of us could even run a little Puppet Wars tournament on one of the evenings. I'm sure we have plenty of boards and puppets between us.

Anyway, I'm getting distracted from the Malifaux aspect, so I'll shut up.

EDIT: how many sets of "cash and guns" would we need to combine to have a monster 30 player game? Couldn't possibly go wrong.

P.S. In the meantime, I'm still figuring out how to run a Puppet Wars tournament in Sheffield in the not-too-distant future, keep your eyes peeled.

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Maybe just adding 'and win' to several of the achievements would help out - it'd mean you'd have to actively try to win to get them - and even 'gentlemans aggreement' matches would maybe devolve into a scrap to win the achievements attained in them.

All well and good until players agree to play 2 really quick pass games where each side takes hold out once to 'win' 2-0. Once you give a game within a game to players they will find the loop hole you didn't spot when writing it.

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I guess a can't play the same opponent twice in a row would solve that problem.

Our aims for MCC currently are

  • Make table control more important probably by combining it with a resource system
  • Reduce the amount of 'Gentleman Agreement' games
  • Increase the importance of Capturing and Killing characters
  • Keep the fun and enjoyment level at the same place we got to this year

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I guess a can't play the same opponent twice in a row would solve that problem.

Our aims for MCC currently are

  • Make table control more important probably by combining it with a resource system
  • Reduce the amount of 'Gentleman Agreement' games
  • Increase the importance of Capturing and Killing characters
  • Keep the fun and enjoyment level at the same place we got to this year

Worthy aims that should provide another great weekend of fun gaming for all that get tickets for the event.

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One of the things we realised on the master death is that losing that model can ruin the weekend for someone - John and Misaki for instance - and we don't want that to be the case. Capture and then negotiating a ransom sounds so much more fun :)

I also agree with this, sounds like an awesome solution.

The other points you mentioned here and on the podcast I think it will be down to importance of controlling tables and capture models. Perhaps with this system you can even include rare models as being captured.

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