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4M Boards


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One of the things we are trying to do with our upcoming 4M event is have a series of boards that have actually been designed for playing Malifaux on, rather than playing on generic fantasy or gothic sci fi boards. To this end a few friends and myself have been beavering away to get them ready (god I hate making terrain) and thought it was worth sharing them with a wider audience. Apologies if you have already seen some of these on Twitter


Down in the Bayou


Dreamers Bedroom, actually has one more thing coming for it, a set of wooden toy soldiers


Decembers Lair. Hazardous and Impassable terrain abounds.

All of these boards (and several others as well) will have special scenarios and rules associated with them to make it a very interesting couple of days of Malifaux.

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I do think a lot of tournaments in the UK are light on terrain for Malifaux. Usually okay for large terrain but lacking in smaller, scatter terrain. For instance most of the tables at Gunsmiths were definitely a lot better for ranged crews than they were for other types.

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Well 4M isn't a straight forward 'fair' tournament now is it? So playing a bit fast and loose with terrain isn't such a bad thing. And with masters that can die don't get them lured into magma!!

I do agree that some of the tournament tables I've seen/played on where lacking enough HT1 scatter terrain.

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I think they may be slightly.

The Bayou board needs a bit of cover on the left hand side. A bit of foliage or something on the islands.

The Dreamer Board might be okay with the soldiers you mentioned.

The Raspy board is probably okay to be honest. You could add some smaller rock type things maybe but I'm not sure it's necessary.

One important thing that often gets ignored is deployment zones. Look at both deployment zones (assuming standard deployment) as ask is there enough initial cover. People will normally concentrate on terrain in the centre of the board and leave the edges mostly clear.

Edited by CunningStunt
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They look great Mike...

I do feel they are light on terrain as well but I'm used to trying to fit as much as possible on my tables and aim for around 50% if it is all layed on one half of the board.

The Theams are good tho and with boards like the Dreamers we can't see what height they are.

One thing you could do is get some mangrove style plants for the Bayou board to give more of a scatter cover.

Also the Dreamer board could do with some blocks for line of sight blocking terrain.

The Raspy board is good as well... I was wondering if you could go onto the crevasses or if your pushed into them your going to fall to your death. One thing you could add to it is some snow drifts for scatter cover which could be made quickly with some form of base and then using cotton balls pushed into varying shapes then when I did something similar for smoke I sprayed them black then white then a couple more times to get the shading I was after.

I hope that helps and I can't wait to see more!

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Re the bayou board

The terrain is laser cut, I think from a company called deep cut studios, I found them on eBay but it was a while ago

I have some more scatter terrain for the board (some ruins / statues and trees) that are currently in the painting queue and some hedges if we need them

Re the amount of terrain

I'm playing guild so if you could just stick some height 1 walls in my deployment zone and leave the rest of the board clear that will be great

Bit more scatter would probably be better, also got to consider schemes, is there enough for reclaim Malifaux / plant evidence etc

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I do think a lot of tournaments in the UK are light on terrain for Malifaux. Usually okay for large terrain but lacking in smaller, scatter terrain. For instance most of the tables at Gunsmiths were definitely a lot better for ranged crews than they were for other types.

Agreed. Although Wyrdly (see what I did there) at Gunsmiths the 2nd through 5th spots were taken by Neverborn, who are not renowned for their ranged attacks as a rule. Maybe they were all using Pandora... :Hiding_Puppet:

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I'd echo others that maybe a little extra scatter terrain would be good.

The other thing I'd suggest is that a summary of the height and type of terrain on each board be provided, a. to speed up/simplify the pre-game sequence and b. means everyone is playing with the same terrain

All looking great though! Can't wait for 4M

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I love the swamp board. It is similar to an idea I had about a way to make them so I'm glad to see someone doing it. What did you use for the swamp tiles?

The tiles are 1' square mdf pieces painted with poster paint and then covered with watered down pva glue to give it a slightly glossy finish. I am having slight problems with the tiles warping so it's probably better if you can prime them in some way first (I'm sure I have seen some kind of mdf primer on the market somewhere)

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