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Webmonkey's Garage Kits,...


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Quick update before bed.

I got the lower half mostly glued and together now. There's still a bit of shading and touch up to do. But overall, I think it's coming along nicely. Though, I am having some issues pinning down the pink. The shade of pink varies greatly depending on the image you are viewing. Some have it as a fairly light, almost bubblegum, type pink. Others show it a bit deeper and richer, with a hair of burgundy or almost purple backdrop in it. I'm going for a more of a deep fuschia tone. Hope that'll sit well with all you guys. If not,.. now's the time to speak up!!!





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That looks pretty close to what I remember of the original Samurai X movie, definitely works for me!

Looking good there Web.

My thoughts exactly. My fondest memories of Kenshin are from Samurai X, so I love the colour you've chosen. Think it also makes him look more adult than some of his other colour renditions. And I always liked more cheeful and happy go lucky, but badarse looking Kenshin.

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First up, a shot of the bottom half on the base. Just so you guys can get a sense of what the final product is going to look like. I wasn't sure about the yin-yang on the base at first. But now that I actually see it, I find that I really like it.


Next up, the chest and shirt parts. Here's a shot of the raw bits,...


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Here's the basic top,...


and after a bit of black-lining,..


It's a bit shiny as I just clear coated it, and it hasn't dried all the way. And, of course, there's still some shading to do. I'll try to wrap that up tonight, and assemble the top and bottom.

Now, I just have to decide if I'm doing the head or the arms and weapon first,...??? Hrmm,.. decisions, decisions,...

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It's coming together nicely.

Personally, I'd be tempted to lighten the edge of the sword with the wavey pattern of brighter, harder steel that's characteristic of katanas (I can't remember what it's called). Just to bring the sword to life a bit more. That's just me though.

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Well not designed per say as much as the result of the process if I recall correctly. I can't remember exactly what the term is for it but Katanas follow a forging process where you cause the blade to cool at different speed for different points in the quenching process. They put clay on the blades to vary how quickly or slowly different parts of the sword cool. The faster it cooled the harder, but more fragile, the portion was while the slower parts were more resilent and made it so the sword was less likely to shatter. The harder part also carried a much better edge. The hamon was the result of the process from the smith using this method. It is also why they vary so much, different smiths had differences in the process and measurements for the water, blade, and clay not to mention despite everything even if you tried you could not perfectly replicate previous attempts so it meant even from sword to sword with a single smith there were variations making each one unique.

It is a really interesting process, defiently when you start comparing the smithing techniques to those used by other culture like the smelting techniques from more the middle east region. Reminds me I need to refresh myself a bit on some history, need to dig out some of my old books to read again.

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I think I might need to go just a bit orange-ier on the hair. I think I got pretty close, but I had to custom mix the color, as everything I have is either too brown or outright orange. I had to mix the two to get something close.

I spent ages re-doing the scar over and over, to try to get the placement right. I think I got it pretty close too.

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