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Webmonkey's Garage Kits,...


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Oh looks awesome!! Can't wait to see her head haha.

Given how ornate her clothes are I would say staff, but the green gold also gives me an almost woodland beauty sort of vibe pulling toward voting for the sword. Hmm, I shall reserve judgment until I see more of her. :)

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Small update. The top section of skin still needs to be shaded, as does the collar. Plus there's a jewel that seems to be set in the center of the collar. I still need to paint it up, but need to choose a color. It'll be important, because the same color will be used in the jewels on the weapons. I also may change the collar color to the green as opposed to the brown.

Anyways,.. sorry,.. but it's more crappy night-time pics,..



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ok,.. skin shading of the upper skin section completed. And went for a purplish gem. I thought it popped a bit against all that green and gold. (Didn't want to do red again since I used it on the clockwork fairy) I had also thought about a blue, and may still change it.

Up next,.. the jacket and the arms. But for now, here's where I'm at,...



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I was doing that at first,.. "pre-shadowing with paint and then blending out with the pastels" and it looks really good. But I find that I get nearly as good of a result with the pastels alone, and as such, can cut out a step. And anything that saves time is a good thing I think.

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You'll have to wait a bit for that. I have a jacket, arms, and a weapon to sort out first. Also, I've had several people ask about how I did the eyes on the clockwork fairy. So I'll do a step by step on this one to show how. It may slow me down a bit, but hopefully some of you can gleen some insight from it. *grin*

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ok,.. got the jacket on and started it. I've only got about half of it done, and there's still some touch up and such that needs doing. Plus, I have a bit of greenstuff work to do on the seam down the back, and then I have to paint the other side of it. But at least this should get you a feel for where I'm going with it, and what it looks like with the jacket on.

One of the beautiful things about these models is their versatility. In this case for example, I could have left the skirt off if I had wanted,.. (but I guess that I'm just not that much of a pervert *wink*). Also,. I could have chosen to leave the jacket off and the model would have looked just fine without it. But I like the jacket look, so that's what I'm going with.

Anyways,.. enough prattling on for now,.. here's the photos,..



Next up,.. finish the jacket, and then on to the arms.

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Haha, I was actually just about to ask if these models were based off specific characters and that's where their colour scheme is from - or if you are personally selecting the colours you do the outfits in.

I'm going to guess from the above conversation - you're selecting them youself.

She's coming along so so so well. I can't believe how you're getting all that little detail so nice and clean.

Oh, did you decide on sword/staff?

I vote you cut and glue them together and give her a Swaff! Or are they Stords?

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