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my Vik Crew

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This stuff is popping! I'm really liking the strong colours because they still harmonise together and have been given the full treatment, ie it's a serious paintjob. Usually when I see daring paintjobs like these they are just flourescents picked at random with no layers and harmony.

I'm also new to the forum/game and I'm painting Viktorias backed up by ronins and the gunslinger.

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Wow! I really like your style. It pseudo-anime IMO and totally in keeping with the crew. You've got good solid colours and nice smooth shading/highlights. All this is coming together to produce a nice consitent feel through the crew.

I would really like a group shot to see the crew all together.

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some one asked for a groupshot. I was kind of going for a disco/70s kung fu movie feel as far as theme. I actually like the gloss, althought admittedly it doesnt photograph well. trying to get ready for a tourney coming up.

I also have a display stand in the works for them.

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