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M2e and Model usage questions..... might be dumb question


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I'm reasonably certain all of the current models are going to be in the Beta test, otherwise its frankly a very poor test. but these cards, though free, will not be the final version of the cards for the most part. Instead when 2.0 is released it will be with the faction decks that will contain all the current models cards with new models coming out with there own cards.

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As far as I know the beta opening in 2 weeks (or a week and a half, I lose count) is book one models only. Then the beta that is opening later this year (post GenCon) will be everything that isn't book one.

---------- Post added at 03:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:44 PM ----------

And to answer the OP's question: M1E models that are not book one will not be usable in M2E. M2E will only become the standard version of Malifaux after the full release next Jan.

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Beta Release 1: June

- This will be a pdf that will have the new rules along with cards for all minis from the original Book 1 release along with some other crews to ensure 3 Masters are playable for each Faction.

- So if you play Dreamer, Colette, or other Book 2 crews/minis you won't have M2E cards for them at this point. Additionaly only some of the new Ten Thunders stuff will be included but they haven't been specific on which yet so we'll have to wait and see.

Official Release 1: August

- All of the beta stuff released earlier is officially released and can be bought at GenCon (and through Wyrd store I think during GenGon period although don't quote me on that).

- I'm not exactly sure of when this will be available for purchase at your local game store, probably Sept-ish depending.

Beta Release 2: Sept

- All the minis that weren't included in Beta Release 1 will now have pdf beta cards availble to try. So you can start using your Dreamer, etc minis.

- At this point, you will be able to play with all of your current collection using the M2E rules. Some of it will be in beta format but that won't prevent you from playing.

Official Release 2: Jan/Feb 2014

- Beta release 2 stuff will be published and new cards available for sale. Everything currently released will be completely updated and ready to play. M2E becomes tournament official.

Hope this helps.

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Correct. And really you could play 1/1.5E for as long as you like regardless if you really wanted to.

But as far as "legality", 1/1.5E is the official format for Wyrd specific tournaments (i.e. those at GenCon) for the rest of the year (your local Henchperson is free to run whatever they want of course). Starting in 2014 with the full release of M2E that's when they switch to 2E being tournament standard.

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