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Your Nemesis Model


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I know the topic is supposed to be minions, but to get to mine, I need to go via a master.

So my nemesis crew is the Viks. They ruin me constantly, and there's rarely anything I can do about it. They just jump to where they need to be and then smash face.

I've beaten the Viks once, and they had no Vanessa and no Librarian (and no Student of conflict), and even then it was a 3-2 win, so not exactly too convincing.

So by proxy, I think Vanessa must be my nemesis minion, because she takes my nemesis master(s) and turns them into even more obscenely fast, difficult to get rid of, killing machines.

Oh how I hate the viks

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I just had my second game and I have to say that my personal nemesis is/are the Rotten Belle/s.

I know, there are easy ways around the lure but I could not manage it yet.

In the first game, one Belle lured my precious Zoraida from a chimney and so the old hag died...

In the second game, it was again a Rotten Belle that lured me behind a window which, eventually, led to Zoraida facing a Bette Noire in CC.

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I just had my second game and I have to say that my personal nemesis is/are the Rotten Belle/s.

I know, there are easy ways around the lure but I could not manage it yet.

In the first game, one Belle lured my precious Zoraida from a chimney and so the old hag died...

In the second game, it was again a Rotten Belle that lured me behind a window which, eventually, led to Zoraida facing a Bette Noire in CC.

*blinks* How did the belle manage to get past WP 10 and use soulstones, even with the +4 :masks on Lure?

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Yeah something's seriously wrong if anyone is beating Z when she's resisting with WP.

It may be helpful for people to say what they are playing in addition to their nemesis. Some of the Shill haters have indicated undead for instance (though it'd be even more interesting to know which masters). I'd be curious the people how hate on Ophelia or Viks what they've been using.

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When I first started playing my major nemesis was Snow Storm. I could not kill that SOB no matter what I did. Now that's hardly ever the case, he dies pretty easily to Collette now that I know how to play.

Now my nemesis is spIzamu. Not Izamu, just spIzamu. Fortunately most people at my LGS don't play rezzers, and the first guy that did spIzamu rarely plays his rezzers, so I rarely see him in spirit or physical form.

But damn, the more I think about it, there is so much variety in crews/factions/masters at my LGS there is no one true nemesis model for me. I suppose that's a good problem to have.

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Hmmm---I don't know...XD

At first I think I forgot to use $$ at all...and bad luck with the cards. I was just too impressed by the range.

I'm still practicing.^^

18" is quite the range on a 36"x36" table, when most models are already starting a good 6" in from each side. It's part of what make the Showgirls so pesky when Colette decides to swap places with any of them.

Use soulstones can be a lifesaver, when the card flipped doesn't just fall flat on its face. I've had it where I needed to flip anything above a 3, and still had it throw me an ace just to mock me.

I'm not trying to be hard on you. I was just wondering how it happened.

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18" is quite the range on a 36"x36" table, when most models are already starting a good 6" in from each side. It's part of what make the Showgirls so pesky when Colette decides to swap places with any of them.

Use soulstones can be a lifesaver, when the card flipped doesn't just fall flat on its face. I've had it where I needed to flip anything above a 3, and still had it throw me an ace just to mock me.

I'm not trying to be hard on you. I was just wondering how it happened.

No Problem! :) I did not recept any of the posts as hard :)

If I remember it correctly then in the first game it was just my personal fault: The demo-giver told me to fly on a chimney because I had started in cover versus Seamus who was two feet away and McMourning (Brawl with Pandy). So I flew up a chimney but not the chimney the demo-giver told me to. The demo-giver had recommended a chimney far away from the centre but with a good view, whilst I chose a chimney only few inches away from the center.

So Seamus began to shoot me there right from the first round and I couldn't do anything but burn $$. Sure she has her Proper Manners but this didn't help.

Then with the beginning of the second round I tried to summon a Voodoo Doll (on the roof!) and then fly away. Well, as I said it before, it was my first game and today I regret. You cannot fly away after summoning a doll! XD

Yes, I misunderstood the "Raven"-Action as a "walk inclusive". But it isn't. It's more of a "switch" an you'll have to pay additional AP to move.

Our demo-giver is a very nice person and I'm sure that he would have given me pardon. But exactly this "Raven"-Ability had been discussed ca. 5 minutes before (when Zoraida flew up the chimney), so we just HAD be hard here (me too!).

So, even in the 2nd round Zoraida did not descend from the chiney...and then was shot 2x by Seamus and then lured by 3 Belles, I think.

If I remember it correctly, I burned all my $$ on this chimney and left the game with 0$$.

The second game must be a brutal mistake (mine too!), because Zoraida surely had $$ when she was lured. I was just stupid, I think.

In this 2nd game, Zoraida had 1$$ in the end and all of her crew were dead. She was just hobbling around with her raven. Btw. the Bete fell from a roof and died...:D (well, not really :D )

Edited by noneshallpass
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So, my usual partner in crime for all things gaming is an Outcast player. Who do you think I hate? Depends on the Master of course!

Nix. I cannot describe how much I DESPISE Emptiness. Seriously. Screw that dog. Kill it hard every time. Get a real dog, Hamelin!

Von Schill. I might actually hate him more than his twin employers. And despite all the great things about Von Schill, it is one single aspect of him that makes me hate him, and it isn't even unique to him! The Clockwork Seeker. That damned pistol. That range, that Cb and that damage spread. How is that fair? EVER?! But that bastard. And he has Crit Strike on it? REALLY?! And of course, my friend is a fiend when it comes to flipping. He'll flip the 13 of Rams on you and then Soulstone and get the 12 or Rams. Thanks. Can I quit now?

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No Problem! :) I did not recept any of the posts as hard :)

If I remember it correctly then in the first game it was just my personal fault: The demo-giver told me to fly on a chimney because I had started in cover versus Seamus who was two feet away and McMourning (Brawl with Pandy). So I flew up a chimney but not the chimney the demo-giver told me to. The demo-giver had recommended a chimney far away from the centre but with a good view, whilst I chose a chimney only few inches away from the center.

So Seamus began to shoot me there right from the first round and I couldn't do anything but burn $$. Sure she has her Proper Manners but this didn't help.

Then with the beginning of the second round I tried to summon a Voodoo Doll (on the roof!) and then fly away. Well, as I said it before, it was my first game and today I regret. You cannot fly away after summoning a doll! XD

Yes, I misunderstood the "Raven"-Action as a "walk inclusive". But it isn't. It's more of a "switch" an you'll have to pay additional AP to move.

Our demo-giver is a very nice person and I'm sure that he would have given me pardon. But exactly this "Raven"-Ability had been discussed ca. 5 minutes before (when Zoraida flew up the chimney), so we just HAD be hard here (me too!).

So, even in the 2nd round Zoraida did not descend from the chiney...and then was shot 2x by Seamus and then lured by 3 Belles, I think.

If I remember it correctly, I burned all my $$ on this chimney and left the game with 0$$.

The second game must be a brutal mistake (mine too!), because Zoraida surely had $$ when she was lured. I was just stupid, I think.

In this 2nd game, Zoraida had 1$$ in the end and all of her crew were dead. She was just hobbling around with her raven. Btw. the Bete fell from a roof and died...:D (well, not really :D )

I can definitely confim that you are learning by your mistakes. Zoraida isn't an easy Master to pick up right off the bat. She has so many little things to pay attention too, unlike other same decade masters out there.

It was still a fun 4 way demo game. All of you guys did pretty good for your first game. Though it is noticable that you all come from a tabletop background. :P

Now, on topic!

My personal bane in Malifaux would probably just be Hollow Waifs. I am sick of them. Only once, once was I close enough to being able to knock off both before Leveticus killed himself off. Seamus just had an unlocky black joker shot. >:(

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