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Yamaziko: A bit big for a skinny little lady?


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being an older woman, she likes to have plenty of personal space. They wyrd developers gaver her a 30 and she was very much offended by that. she threatened a lawsuit, but as a sign of good faith, they agreed to give her a 40mm to make sure gremlins didn't get TOO close to her. After that she dropped the suit. ;)

either that or the lantern is a lot bigger than it looks. hehe

(in all seriousness, i don't know. Other than maybe they are just trying to get more 40mm models out it the game since there aren't too many in the first 3 books)

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i think Misaki should be. Now we have mounted Lucas so we have a 50mm master (at least for part of the game) but we don't have a 40mm master. In my opinion, she would have been a good candidate for that with how huge her bishento is. Might have made storage and travel a little easier on misaki players, and since she has the diving attack, it wouldn't have hindered her too much when on the offensive. lol

but that is waaaaay off topic. i'm guessing Ryu has it right with the Yari

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And she is Willowy, only dropping one corpse counter when she dies. So the extra threat range of the Yari doesn't also bring an extra bit of body with it.

I do agree that Misaki should also be 40mm, but not just her Master version. The original Minion Mercenary would do well to have a larger base, as well. I find her pewter bisento is far more fragile than the plastic one.

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