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Podcasts that cover competitive material?


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There is a thread over here:


I try to keep it fairly well updated, with the last update being in February of this year. I listen to a whole host of podcasts along with hosting one myself. To try and directly answer your question:

  • UKRocky won a number of recent UK Malifaux events, he hosts the Bayou Broadcast
  • Malifools, Malibros, and Soulstone train all attend a number of UK tournaments fairly regularly
  • Tartan Skirmish Radio not only attends events but has TO's on regularly
  • Through the Breach has at least 1 (I think 2) henchmen who run tournmanets along with a number of good US players.
  • I am a regular fixture at Adepticon, and was at Gencon 2011/2012. I play and TO large tournaments at both events. I also travel regularly for tournaments. I am one of the hosts of Gamers Lounge.

All the podcasts hit a different level of talking about competitive Malifaux play.

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Pretty much what Nix says. At Malifools we all play and run tournaments and have various levels of success, with Joel being the best player amongst us though we all podium now and then. TBH though Im not sure you would describe our content as competitive though you might pick up the odd trick here and there.

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Haha like wise with us at the soulstone train. If you can get past my Irish accent and our drunken rabbelings then your already to a competitive start haha.

We do cover some serious content though and guildmonkee is our local hench man and runs and tos a number of events.

If you have specific questions you would ike answering hit us up on twitter and we will answer your questions or post them here or pm. Im sure anyone with the knoladge will be happy to answer you.

Ps we are recording to night although we have far too much alcohol to be healthy so make sure to keep an eye out for our next episode early next :)

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Yeah I agree with Dumb Luck. Anything involving gremlins isn't worth listening to.

Agreed! But then again they are Outcasts so they cant be too bad. :P

As far as Podcasts go, I would also like to add Cheated Fates to the List. They have a great grasp of the crews they mention in their podcasts.

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