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Starting Yan Lo


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So a local player was going to start Ten Thunders with Misaki, but the box is currently sold out. He asked me(as I was the one who showed him how to play as the Henchman was busy), what he should pick up to have a comfortable start playing Yan Lo.

I suggested box set, Izamu, and the Onryo, but I'm a Resser/Arcanist at heart and not a Ten Thunders player. So I figured I would ask for him what you guys would suggest from the currently released models what to pick up to have a decent Yan Lo crew(He owns Yamaziko and supposedly has a Ten Thunders box our LGS will order when it comes back in stock).

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Yan Lo Box + Izamu + Toshiro is a pretty solid setup that I've played a couple times now. I'm not strictly a resser player, but it's impressed both times I've played it.

Edit: Played against.

Edited by Ryu
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Hmm, i hadn't thought of using the drowned. Maybe i need to pick some up now and give that a shot! Though, your description of them is pretty much how i feel about the Ashigaru.

I'm not dogging on them, but does anyone else pretty much just use them as a wall? I find them useful, (and one acted as an Treasure grabber for me this past weekend) and i don't think i would ever leave them behind in a Yan Lo list. But i have to say, they are pretty much just a tar pit for me. It helps that they are hard to dispose of (for most) but i find it a little odd that i don't really use my minions for combat or fodder, but instead they just act as a means to slow the enemy down until Izzy can get out.

Has anyone tried out Toshiro or Yin as substitutes for Izamu yet? I am interested to see if the Ashigaru need to pick up some of the damage dealing slack when The Armor is missing.

I'm also starting to feel like the Soul Porter is one of those totems that I always make sure there is room for. Like the Jackalope! I don't want to say auto-include because of the stigma attached to that... but yeah, i kinda mean auto-include. :P

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Going to throw this out, Yan Lo can only take Drowned if he is played as a Resser, not as a 10T. He trades alot playing 10T rather than Resser.

Now my suggestion, the first thing to get after the box is Izamu. He is an Ancestor and while expensive soulstone wise he is very durable and reliable. This will help him a bit in game having a solid piece he and one that as long as he plays smart *which he will learn quickly* he can bring Izamu back should they drop him.

At this point I would suggest Toshiro once he comes out. He is another Ancestor and rather than a beatstick or tank he is more of a buffer and supporter. Between him, Izamu, and Yan Lo's box you have a very good starting point and can expand from there as you see fit.

I personally got a blister of Punk Zombies and Onyu so I could have those options with him but outside of that I am going to let experience deem what else I want. Not sure what 10T options I want with them.

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Yeah that's more what I was looking for EnternalVoid. :-)

And I agree, I told him he should pick up Toshiro and Punk Zombies when Toshiro comes out(also told him to consider adding Yin, just to get all the ancestors). But sadly Toshiro isn't out yet.

Anyone played him with the Ten Thunder options?

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I've only play him as 10 thunders, as those are the only models I have. IMO, his one scheme is going to be fairly hard to achieve unless you have a bigger game going (and hence more ancestors).

I've played him with archers. I have very little experience, but the archers are nice, as they can really pour on some damage. I played him with some Ten Thunders brothers once too, but they didn't really do anything.

I haven't tried him with Ototo or the torakage yet.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have played with a proxy toshiro and I think he does well with buffing the ashigaru. He helps get them going with his teki o jüden action. I didn't seem to get there plus from being near him to often cause he would move elsewhere to help my line.

I also was able to return a ashigaru using his eternal servitude, but I got lucky having a 10 :crows in my hand to cheat. I was up against avatar Sonia so it didn't help much but it could elsewhere.

The soul porter I think is a must because of his empower ancestor action. If I didn't use link and that to move toshiro up he wouldn't be able to keep up to the ashigaru. Plus being able to have a little wiggle room to grab up his relic if tosh eats it.

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Yan Lo is pretty reasonable to have a fun flexible crew pool.

Masters of the Path




Night Terrors or other cheap minion blister for variance.

I would even recommend Nicodem's box set after that to rob the Punk Zombies, etc...

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