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Boyzie's WAMP Wyrd competition entry


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Ok I looked at your model and all the comments and heres where I'm at. I was going to skip commenting, but I can't because Lady Justice is my master and I love her. I hate the Justice avatar figure and even though I have it I'm getting stuff together slowly to make a beautiful proxy figure...at least thats the plan. I see yours is crazy tall, is it top heavy? Will you use it in games? Your paint job is exceptional, but I have questions about that also. The green magic turns brown to the ram, why does the blue magic not go black (pretty much the only color of the crow) to form the crow? As for the terrain I can't dig it because I can't figure out what its supposed to be or how it ties in with Justice. What is the stuff below her feet supposed to be, a blown up building?


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This. Is. Amazing. :D:D

EDIT: I agree with Jewomie. We are currently sitting here talking about the final show down in Book 2. :D That part made me love and hate Lady J.

Overall though, great job. I love the colors, especially on the crow. That blue is so vivid and wonderfully shaded from the magic to the darkened beak. :D I hope it does well in the competition.

Edited by RebeccaJo
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Wow thanks everyone for the amazing comments.

Yes I was inspired by the book 2 show down. I wanted to take her name literally and have her balancing on a precipice.

Here is an alternative photo that i'm much happier with. http://www.coolminiornot.com/328413

The WIP can be found here http://www.schnauzerfaceminis.com/dir/showthread.php?tid=491&page=2


Edited by boyzie
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