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Tau-tcasts Part 1: Shas'la Sharpshooters


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Shas'la Sharpshooter

Fire Caste, Rare 2. (Guild)

[TABLE=class: grid, width: 150, align: left]






























Rail Rifle

Rg 16

Cb 6(Ram)

Dg 2/3/4

Fire Caste Armor: Bulletproof 2.


Guerrilla Fighter: Enemy models treat this model as Ht 1 when attempting

to draw LoS to it.

Weapon: Rail Rifle

This model may not make Strikes with this weapon during an activation in

which it makes a move action. This weapon ignores armor.

"The Kau'yon never covered hand to hand!": This model may not take a defensive stance. When this model is the target of a charge or melee strike, its defense flips recieve a [-] flip.

Competitive Shooter: This model has Animosity [Hans, Nino].


(2) Patient Hunter: This model makes a ranged strike which ignores cover, obscuring terrain, and intervening models when targeting.


Cb ((Ram)Crow) Headshot [Rail Rifle]: After hitting a defender with a

Rail Rifle Strike, do no damage. Kill defender unless its controller discards 2 Control Cards or 2 Soulstones. Only models with the Use Soulstones ability may discard Soulstones.

Cb (Ram) Critical Strike [Rail Rifle]


(0)Networked Targeting Matrix:

(cc:10/rst:--/Rg:c) This model ignores any enemy spell or talent that affects LOS.

I came up with some character profiles to use my models in Malifaux and my buddies asked me to come to the forum and ask for a SS cost before I used them in our games.

How much should this cost?

Thanks for the help!

Edited by AtomicKeen
Removed reposition trigger, made sniper a (1) action, made Targeting matrix a (0) spell, edited Fire Caste Armor
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Which Faction is this for?

That does make a difference. If they were neverborn then this is definetly at the upper range, but if it was guild I would make it a point or 2 cheaper. I realise we are in the outcast section, but currently none of the outcast masters can hire it.

I think its about as strong as Nino, so much better than hans. It has 3 good triggers all using different suits which is strong.

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The real thing about this guy is that all his sweet abilities are always on types of things. Making things like Sniper, Guerrilla Fighter or any of those triggers turn on with (0) actions or spells would make it more legitimate as a 6-7 ss model. Also a (0) for guerrilla fighter would give him a marginal weakness due to being targeted before he activates, and having sniper be a (1) spell would force him to choose between taking a sweet shot or 2 only okay ones. Another possiblity is making a (1) spell that is harder to cast but gives Sniper and [+] to your next ranged attack flip.

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Ok, advice has been taken and the profile has been updated. Being able to use the Sniper ability has become a (2) action with built in strike, so the model will have the option between two normal shots or a single sniper shot, and the targeting matrix is now a (0) spell so Han's goggles arent an always on ability. The reposition trigger has been removed to give him less of a suit advantage.

Edited by AtomicKeen
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