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Can I start with Lucius?


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when I'd be better off waiting until next turn to drub them and get my objectives in one fell swoop.

So very true.

I used lucius to sac a full health guardsmen for the reactivate.... To issue commands on a guild hound to kill off something with about one wound left on turn five. Worse part was i was playing reconnoiter. Maybe I should start playing a master that won't let me do things like that.... Or seek counseling.

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Im always sacrifising my models for a reactivate lol. But i try limit it too wounded or cheap models ie hounds or the sarge.

I have a warden but have yet to get a game in with him. The last few strats ive played havnt seen the need for him.

Hounds can be great, especially against lilith or resser crews. Being able to walk then charge for 1ap and strke again with2 models shouldnt be underestimated :)

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