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huge gaps in new plastics look terrible to me


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so i'm putting together my hungering darkness and I notice it has these gigantic gaps....everwhere. The one cutting through it down the middle and where the arms are. There are also terrible gaps in the mouth. Liquid green stuff couldnt even touch these gaps. Jakobs jagged waistline gaps are horrible as well. If this is any idication of what wyrd is going to be putting out in the future, i'm really dissapointed. It may be personal opinion, though the hungering darkness is a crap model to begin with. It certainly doesn't need these gigantic gaps either.

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I recall putting my Dark Debts crew together and having similar kinks in the works, which can definitely be worked out by putting greenstuff or what-have-you in the right places. Also, regarding other plastics, the Dark Debts box set was their first release after GenCon last year, iirc. Therefore, Wyrd has been able to take such matters into account for future releases. However, since the mold has already been made for the DD sprue, it isn't too likely that the gap issues for that box specifically will be fixed soon (unless Wyrd is planning to surprise us, a task which they never fail to achieve :) ).

Either way, rest assured that Wyrd has definitely thought about this, and are continuing to keep producing models which gradually outdo each other in terms of quality. They never stop getting better!

Case in point 1 (Gaps): Dark Debts v. Relic Hunters: I had the same thing happen with mine, as I mentioned. I was worried that McCabe's horse would be the same way but was pleasantly mistaken.

Case in point 2 (breaking plastic): The Thunder (anothr early release) v. Relic Hunters: Granted, this is partially my own fault because I didn't have the proper tools to take pieces off of the sprue, but I was surprised when my blade-tonfa torakage's blade snapped. I was dreading Dismount McCabe's lasso breaking off, but 3-4 weeks in and he is still ship-shape!

I'm telling you, Wyrd is great at learning from their audience's input, and shaping up to exceed all expectations. :)

~Lil Kalki

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I used Milliput on the huge gaps of my Hungering Darkness and it seemed to fill them well enough. There's not much you can do about the giant tadpole look though; that's just how the miniature was sculpted. If you look at Soundwave's thread in the painting forum he has changed his to look a bit like an angler fish which I think is a fairly good way to improve it.

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I used Milliput on the huge gaps of my Hungering Darkness and it seemed to fill them well enough. There's not much you can do about the giant tadpole look though; that's just how the miniature was sculpted. If you look at Soundwave's thread in the painting forum he has changed his to look a bit like an angler fish which I think is a fairly good way to improve it.

Why I'm humbled!

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Not trying to pimp my own show, but on episode 10 of Through the Breach Podcast I go through using a squadron putty slurry mix to fill in the gaps on the Malifaux plastics. It is the best way I have found to do it. You can brush it on and because it goes on thin it will not obscure detail.


I also have a video I am working on about it as well. :-)


Edited by Obscure_Ref
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