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Returning Player Seeks Crew Advice


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I've recently returned to tabletop gaming, in particular Malifaux and Warmachine/Hordes, after a hiatus brought about by constant defeats!!

When I first started, I got a Lucius Crew boxset, which seemed (to me) quite difficult to use, so, after selling the crew contents (less Lucius, who is too pretty a model to get rid of), trawled t'internet in search of a different crew to use.

I decided on the Seamus box, lured (ahhh the irony) by the Mad Hatter and his pimp daddy antics. This however, did not go well for me.....

Apparently my fellow gamers describe my play style as "hyper aggresive" or "about a subtle as a brick", which apparently doesnt lend itself well to certain crew.

So, basically, any ideas on a crew which I can ram down my opponent throat and expect to come out the other side?

ta in advance!

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Sounds like Lilith and the Nephilim, to be honest. They're a bunch of melee beaters who love to get stuck in to combat, then evolve into bigger beaters as they kill things.

The Viktorias are also a pretty solid ramming crew, from what I understand, but they're a little more fragile. The same goes for Lady Justice from the Guild - scary fighter, not too great on the defensive side.

So yeah, maybe look into one of those three?

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Yea i was thinkin the like, unfortunatley my bro has the viks, and my best mates lilith and lady j! Was thinkin maybe the alt lilith model, or maybe an unorthodox perdita close combat crew (eg perdita, judge, santana- god bless kickstarters- and other random stuff). Any thoughts on non-family perdita crews?

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I have no idea if it works in practise, but Seamus, Izamo and the dead rider is plenty of in your faceness. There is little synergy between them, but they are solid models on their own.

A grave spirit for either armour on Izamu or the dead rider, or providing an undead model for Seamus to get the most out of undead physcosis.

Adding in a necropunk and Killjoy and Bete noir makes the whole thing very hard hitting.

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Running Seamus as a massive beatstick did not go well for me. Despite his apparent sturdiness (High Wd, Hard to Wound 2, healing abilities etc) every game he has come face to face with another master he managed to get his head caved in due to a weak Df.... Lilith has enough attacks to tear him to pieces, Lady J makes a mess with a greatsword and even Marcus can whack real hard.

I found the hard to wound a double edged sword...although in theory it seems great, all my experiences meant that there was more chances of my opponent flipping a red joker, leaving the mad hatter not so much mad, but more....dead. Especially when you have to chuck soulstones away to guarantee hits due to an average Cb stat....

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If anyone tries to sell you on the idea that Seamus is a beatstick, has never played Seamus. Even McMourning can dish out the pain, but when it come time to take it, he will crumple like a wet bag. You want in your face without Neverborn, Lady J or the Viks, I would suggest Misaki. She has the AP and triggers to deal out the damage and still get away from all the action.

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