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Hey fellow guildfolk,

So for a while now I've had this idea to try to get Perdita + Enslaved Neph. + Samuel Hopkins to work for me on the table. The idea being that you have Obeys to maximize the use of "power pistol Sam". Sam also benefits from Hunter and Scout - which can help depending on the board terrain and possibly negates a big need for a watcher. Finally, Sam is not super mask dependent - in fact he'll be effective regardless of suited cards (which is very nice in a crew to me).

Anyway, in the past, this hasn't worked well for me. Without going into specifics, I still can't seem to get off those big shots where I need them.

But revisiting the idea in light of books 4, is there a way to make this core work with some new models? I was thinking maybe riflemen mixed in might be better at providing longer range threat (maybe also fit well into the obey list theme?). Likewise, I keep looking at the Pathfinder's Pit Trap ability...

Anyway, should I just scrap the entire Ms. Ortega Mr. Hopkins idea or is there something to warrant trying it again? Ideas?



@Turbodog - I think the biggest benefit book 4 brings to the kind of thing you are talking about is the Oiran - for 5 ss getting Lure to either drag Hopkins up the board, or drag him out of combat will make it much easier to get a decent Rapid fire off...

It's suit dependent, but adaptive mind means it can be about crews which aren't heavily used by any of the other models in this combo...

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