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For the few who made it out into the Malifaux wastes there was much to be gained, the further away from the Breach a person ventured the more untouched the Soul Stone mines were, the more lucrative the archaeological digs became, and the higher the bounties on Outlaws rose.

This was the reason for why the townsfolk of New Fairbank chose to settle where they did. But this far from the Breach there was little protection the Guild could provide, but still despite all of this, year after year more workers and labourers continued to arrive at the town's gates.

The truth is, everyone knew life in Malifaux would be hard, and when the town's water turned black and the dead started to rise from their graves no one battered an eyelid, they just raised the danger pay for adventurers and mercenaries.

You see back Earthside, if someone had planned to build a town on top of the buried remains of a cursed and haunted catacomb, people would call them crazy, but Breachside this just meant there were more forbidden relics to be sought!


After nearly 4 months of hard graft, the Malifaux rules supplement MaliQuest I have been working on is ready to go! Below is an extract from the MaliQuest page from my blog www.newfairbank.blogspot.com, which today is celebrating one year of posting Malifaux related nonsense!

For those who want to know more about MaliQuest, it is an action based rules supplement to convert the game Malifaux into a multiplayer game more a kin to a dungeon crawler.

MaliQuest is a 100% non-profit venture on my part. That is correct, I am not charging for any part of this game.

- Please note, all of this information, plus photos and all future errata can be found on the MaliQuest page of my before mentioned blog or by following this link: http://newfairbank.blogspot.co.uk/p/maliquest.html

What do I need to download?

In order to play through games of MaliQuest there are a number of files you will need to download:

The Rules:https://www.dropbox.com/s/fv2xlaj0r5weno2/MaliQuestRulesv1.4.pdf

Character Cards: https://www.dropbox.com/s/txgv8y0vhqblsli/Character.pdf

The Cards:

Starter Gear: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9y6jcmrgy0wapys/Starter.pdf

Artifacts: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tl0i5scqcbqx8td/Artifact.pdf

Equipment: https://www.dropbox.com/s/252jnd82e1wz82b/Equipment.pdf

Mods: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zyg34s4s0wvbk83/Mods.pdf

On Pickup: https://www.dropbox.com/s/plwowf1mpf1blcm/OnPickup.pdf

Weapons: https://www.dropbox.com/s/npu3suy6wxttv7w/Weapons.pdf

And there we have it!

If you need to contact me, please do so through the usual means:

Email: doctorloxley@hotmail.co.uk

Twitter: @doctorloxley

As always, comments and critique welcome



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I am very pleased with this idea. Any thoughts on implementing a leveling system? I'd think something akin to slaughter-points as exp, and at a certain amount of points, the character gains a level and gets either +2, +3-1, or even +3 to stats. This would help to compensate against masters or avatars if the GM wanted such enemies in the Encounters.

I'd love to play this, especially if there were a level-up system like that in there, and possibly classes? All in all, I find this very intriguing and definitely worth looking into further. :)

~Lil Kalki

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A levelling and class idea is actually something that I'm trying to avoid at the moment.

When I first came up with this idea, it occurred to me that with a comprehensive loot system you don't actually need levels or classes.

What I am looking to do is work on my first optional expansion, MaliQuest: The Paths of Fate.

The main aim of the expansion is to award Faction Paths, sort of like Yan Lo's paths but points are awarded for doing things over a campaign, and as you get Faction Points you unlock new abilities, like spells that can only be cast if you have those points.

At the same time there will also be a Black Market, allowing you to sell your unwanted loot for Script, and buy new loot.

More importantly however, is the option to purchase "Soul Stamps". Essentially it allows you to make a card part of your character on a permant basis, allowing you to get another item to stack with your previous one, allowing for almost unlimited character customisation.

While this may not seem much like classes, when you think about it, you want to play an Executioner? Get yourself a set of claws, get some equipment and mods for Love The Job and Slow to Die, and BAM you have yourself an Executioner.

- this is also why you have a choice of 2 out of 6 starter gear. Want to be a Mage? Fire spell + immobilise. What about a pure control healer? Immobilise + Heal, how about a ranged DPS? Pistol + Fire Spell etc.

Hope this helps clear some stuff up. But any questions, fire away!

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Thanks for the comments guys!

One thing that I'm not sure if it is mentioned/known is that there is one thing that is needed that I have not provided: Dungeon Terrain.

I've been using Dungeon Rise Terra Clips which work beautifully, but any sort of tile based Dungeon system will work be it GW in the form of WarhammerQuest opt Space Hulk, or even D&D tiles, they don't have to be 3D if you don't want want them to be.

Hell, with enough grid paper, you could even design your own, you just need it big enough to house models

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Thanks guys for the great feedback. I don't want to sound like a suck ass, but I'm so happy you like the looks of it.

I won't lie, the fact that with all the cards at present your looking at roughly 300. That's a lot to cut out, even with a guillotine. However as each game's loot deck consists of only 100 cards it adds some randomness to the loot drops. So say you REAlLY want to get that Epic Weapon, or Ryle's Hydrolic Fist then there's no guarantee that even if all 100 cards are dropped, that the 1 item you want will also drop.

As you may have guessed, that came from the idea of re-running MMOs to get certain items.

Which actually made me realise something! Set bonuses! I'll need to release some item sets in the future, maybe themed around minions (say 'Death Marshall Hat', 'Death Marshall Coat, Gloves, Boots etc') and when worn together you get extra bonuses!

Now to include them in The Paths of Fate expansion, or keep it aside for another?

Sorry just thinking out loud

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A quick update:

I have updated the rules from 1.2 to 1.3.

A few typos and some further explanation on selecting starter equipment.

- Thanks to David for pointing this out.

It has also been raised that some info from the view point of a GM (encounter size, when to use traps, how to select the different type of monsters etc) I will be writing this up over the next few days-week and will release it as a seperate GM Handbook.

As a further note, i have also started the rudimentary work on the MaliQuest: Compendium. This is to enable the current versions to be a 'Printer Friendly' version of the books, the Compendium comprising of both the main rules and the GM hanbook, complete with pictures/art and home brew fluff.

More to come.

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Well i have finally gotten myself a copy of MS Word and with that i've been able to make this look a little more like i always wanted including access to spell check, tables and proper spacings.

So you'll be pleased to know that there shouldn't be any more typos, and i have finally been able to include a table of contents!

I have updated the links in the first post to represent this.

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Greetings all!

A quick update and a massive request from me today.

As was mentioned before, I'm looking to merge the MaliQuest Rule Book, with the upcoming MQ GM Handbook, along with artwork and fluff to make the Compendium (or should it be Companion?)

I've already started work on my own fluff, an example of this can be found here: http://newfairbank.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/maliquest-short-story.html and I know the great MaliBro Joe is working on something for me, but one thing I am really in need of is artwork.

So please, if you have anything you think is suitable, or you want to create something - or maybe you're a Wyrd employee who fancies helping a community project out, I would love you forever if you could send me your work.

As I have said before, this is a 100% non profit venture from me, so I'm afraid I can't pay for any of this work, but this game is only going to be as good as the community that helps build it.

Anyway I think I've rattled on enough today.

Many thanks and I hope to speak with you soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Greetings all!

It's been a short while since posting anything on MaliQuest and what I've been up to, and today I'd like to give you a short story and example of a boss character.

This is just an example of more to come but anyway I hereby present you with:

A Song for Sissy

Sissy Ruisseau sighed as she laid on her bed in the small room she had acquired in the inn in New Fairbank. The Last Light Tavern took in many strays and offered them a home for a time. It had taken most of her earnings to hold the room for a week, a room away from prospectors and mercenaries where she could have some peace and quiet after a long journey into the Breach. Lying on her belly, feet swinging in the air above her frill covered back side; she looked at the aging piece of paper in her hands. On it, the person she dreamed of being smiled back at her with a wink, top hat in one hand and a deck of cards in the other.

“Oh Colette… How did you do it?!” She sighed a melodramatic sigh. The piece of paper spoke of The Amazing Colette DuBois and the Star Theatre. Come one, come all, to the great spectacle! Be astounded! Be Amazed! Have your breath taken away! Every fibre of her being wished she could be on a poster like that. She didn’t even want to be the main attraction. She just wanted to be a Showgirl, not even a Coryphee, just a Showgirl, but her audition hadn’t gone well. She had met Colette. The most beautiful woman she had ever seen had addressed all of the girls wanting to join the company of the Star Theatre. She had shown them tricks; how to make a coin appear from thin air, how to pinpoint exactly which card a person was thinking and more, each one with a showmanship and smile that just made you love her. Sissy had been so awed she had forgotten her own sleight of hand. She had dropped the little trinket she wanted to make move from one hand to the other without the two meeting and the scolding look she had received had meant her heart just wasn’t in her song and dance. Sissy had left the Star Theatre feeling worthless. She couldn’t even bring herself to empty the pockets of a kindly old man who had asked her why she was in tears. Sissy was a pretty thing; people had always told her so, including the kindly old man who just couldn’t let her spend the evening crying and alone. But maybe she just wasn’t pretty or witty or talented enough for Colette Dubois.

Sissy drank the wine the kindly old man he had bought her and had eaten the food he had paid for too. She even listened to his stories, as boring as they were. She even summoned the courage to show him her sleight of hand trick. Of course it worked that time…


Now that is just an extract, want more? Then friends if I could please direct you to the first (almost) complete fluff section of the Dungeon Companion: https://www.dropbox.com/s/t2qc6qfqumkyii4/Sissy.pdf

All works on this document, including story and character art are the works of my wonderful wife Sarah Paskell, I'm afraid I can only take credit for the formatting (of which I mimicked Wyrd's) and the example in game character.


If I could please give a quick chat about this? Where possible I would like to give players example custom bosses.

In the case of Sissy, she has the base stats of a Showgirl Performer, however has non of the attacks or spells.

What she specialises in is her speed with (+1) Fast, her Spell Enthral and Ability Menagerie.

After reading the story I am sure Enthral makes perfect sense, but Menagerie probably does not. This is where multiple creators can be either a boon or a curse.

When I read the story, I imagined what Sissy would be like as a boss? I saw her dancing around capturing the hearts and minds of all around her, including the little beasties of the Dungeon.

With Menagerie, when she spawns she has a characteristic assigned to her to have Companion with, let's say Nephilim. She is also spawned with some Terror Tots, who up until this moment were perfectly happy enjoying Sissy's performance.

In this instance Sissy is spawned with Companion Nephilim, so after casting Enthral twice to paralyse two of the party, she then uses her third AP to regain Harmless and then sends one of her Companioned Terror Tots to attack the party.

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Good morning everyone!

You'll be glad to know that your Doctor Loxley has been hard at work and now has an extremely WiP demo of the MaliQuest Dungeon Companion to show you. To further elaborate I'll copy over from today's blog post I wrote which can be found here: http://newfairbank.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/maliquest-dungeon-companion-wip.html

Before I put up the link however, a quick warning:

The front cover is a MASSIVE Work In Progress, as is everything within.

Everything you read inside is subject to change, and the GM Guide is pretty much empty, but I have included A Song for Sissy inside that as it features an example boss. Eventually that will be included with the guide's chapter "Example Bosses", and I hope that each boss will also feature short stories (which reminds me, I need to complete the rules on Daisy Haynes).

Also you'll see that there are a few notes scattered around by the great Dr Loxley himself. These are not by me as such, but more my 'living in New Fairbank' alter ego. I hope to work on these and feature more of them as time goes on, especially in the GM Guide. Most of them are just a bit of fun to add flare to the book.

Also the pictures, most of these are WIP themselves and certain ones like the sketch spider (which is actually the Steampunk Arachnid from the loot card with a 'sketch' filter applied to it) needs it's blending fixed.

Anyway, that's enough blathering from me: I hereby present you with v0.1 of

MaliQuest: A Dungeon Companion


Stay safe friends, and I'll see you breachside!

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Good morning all!

Well I hope you're not done with your reading, as 24 hours later I give you the updated copy of MaliQuest: A Dungeon Companion: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xppsfwa8c7255rj/Dungeon%20Companion%200.2.pdf

i think the most obvious change is the front cover, the clashing colours are gone and the whole thing has a monochrome theme.

I've also added the first chapter to the GM Guide: How to make your own Bosses/Monsters, included the Sissy story within this and added another story of my own The Legend of Daisy Haynes including her Monster Profile.

There's more too, a few re-writes, pictures, layouts and more notes from the good Doctor as well.


I'm off work next week and so my aim is to get the GM Guide complete by the end of it, and get started on a feature to be included in between the Rules section and GM Guide - Dr Loxley's Monster Manual.

Thanks to everyone for the kind words and support, and I hope to update you in due course.

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I might be missing something here, it's about the cogs on the items. you have the example of the 4 peacebringers, one of each rarity, yet the only difference I see between the 4 of them is that the rarest peacebringer has the trigger happy trigger, And that each peacebringer has a different number of cogs on the bottom of their cards. Is that the number of shots that can be fired from the gun when you have found it or is it meant to show how much space it takes up in the backpack, etc?

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Cogs=Mods (modifications). Such as +Cb, +Rg, Silver Ammo etc. the more cogs an item has the better an item 'can' become.

Baseline the rarities are the same, but a fully modded rare weapon will be better than a common one.

-actually, thanks for pointing that out! I've just read through an nowhere do I appare to mention that! I'll get it added ASAP!

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Greetings all!

You'll be pleased to note that my promised update is now here:


I have added an extremely brief version of the complete GM Guide, this can be fleshed out if required, but i think i have the basics down.

I have added a short section in the rules explaining Cogs.

I have also added a new story by a good friend of mine titled The Hunter.

I hope you enjoy this and with hope I will have more updates to come!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Evening all!

Today I'd like to share with you a little something that's been a good 3 months coming.

Back in December myself and 3 friends played a WIP game of MaliQuest via Skype, and I have finally been able to splice together the audio, edit out the too frequent silences and upload it to my brand new podcast.

So without further waffle I bring you: SkypeQuest! http://newfairbank.podbean.com/2013/03/11/maliquest-a-playtest/

I am hoping to form a game group who will meet for 30 mins every week and over time play through another campaign of MaliQuest, only this time using the up to date rules, and I'll be doing this alongside getting the Dungeon Companion finished.

If anyone is interested in any more or would like to make suggestions, please let me know.

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Great news friends!

The cast has been approved with iTunes!

You can get it here: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/new-fairbank-radio/id618590209

Any future games I put up of MaliQuest via Skype will have their own little threads, so I can keep this one for the game itself.

Thanks to everyone, and I hope to have an actual game and/or Dungeon Companion update soon.

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Not a problem.

If I may ask, I see you've listed your location as London?

Mind if I ask where abouts?

I've got a few things I need to sort out first (an accounting exam for example) to sort out, but in the next month or 2 I'll be looking to run a game or 2 of MaliQuest in North London (Finchley).

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