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Mr Magpie Traveling Circus

Sliver Chocobo

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Writing rules Mr Magpie, feel free to add your thoughts

Mr Magpie

Outcast master

Circus member, mercinary, beast, Vermin, cashe 0

Wk/Cg 4/6 Ht 2 Wp 4 Ca 0 Df 2 Wd 7


Utterly revolting: this master may join any crew led by an Arcanist or Guild master, but can not hire or join any crew with a non circus Showgirl. Models with Irresistible must pass a Wp ->12 Duel Moral duel, this can not be ignored by any talent

Circus Master: Crews led buy this model may only hire any Circus or mercenary from any faction at no additional costs, crews containing this model must hire at lest 3 Magpie but no more than 4

Empty Inside

Part of Flock : Whenever this model makes a walk action all magpies within 6" of mr magpie also make a walk action, but must end the action within 6" of Mr Magpie.

Master of the flock: This model gains +1 Ca and +1Df for each Magpie within 6" of this model

Affinity : Hamlin

Heart of the flock : depending on the number of Magpies with 6" of Mr Magpie this model gains the following effect

2+ this model gains hard to wound

3+ this model gains soft cover, +2:crows to Ca and terrifying 11

4+ Incress this model terrifying by 1 and Mr Magpie gains the following ability "Swarm of Bird: any emery model with 6" of Mr Magpie must win Df->12 duel before making a strike, if that strike is against Mr Magpie that duel becomes a Df->Ca duel or that action fails unless that models control chooses it to take an uncheatable 1/2/4 Dg flip

5+ Incresse this models terrifying by 1 and this model gains +fate to Swarm of bird flips

6+ Increase this models terrifying by 1 and this model gains Anathema


(+3) Magpie's greed : This model has 3 addition AP to used for casting spell but must discard a card to make each of these actions

(1) Bird Call : discard two control cards summon a Magpie this ability my only be used once per turn


Ca (:crows:crows) Connected to the plague [Thieving Birds, Covered in Filth] The defender gains a Blight counter

Ca (:crows) Pretty little jewels [Thieving Birds, Obey, Covered in Filth, Ringleader] discard a card draw two cards


(1) Thieving Birds

(CC:12:crows:mask/Rst:Df/Rg:6) Target players control must discard a card, you draw a card

(1) Obey


(2) Ring leader

(CC: 14:crows:crows/Rst:*/Rg6)

This spell may target a models Wp or Df target Circus or vermin model makes a (1) or charge controlled by this model

(1) Cover In Filth

(CC:13:crows/Rst:Df/Rg6) the model takes 1Dg for every Magpie within "1 of it

added Note Mr Magpie ignores the hiring restriction when hiring Special forces (Circus Workers)

added Note Mr Magpie ignores the hiring restriction when hiring Special forces (Circus Workers)

In the same way Ramos does with M&SU assets and Zoriadia does with Dolls



Totem(Mr Magpie) Vermin, beast, Magpie, insignificant cost 2

Wk/Cg 10/- Ht 1 Wp 4 Ca 3 Df 4 Wd 1

Beak :melee1

Cb 6

Dg *



Part of the flock: up to six Magpies can connect to Mr magpie at one time

Mr Magpies Birds: this model cannot move more the 6" away from Mr magpie

Weapons beak : this model may only make one stile with this weapon per turn, this weapon deals no damage, instead the control of the model discards a card and you draw one


Cb(:crows) [beak] Greedy Birds : instead of drawing one card, draw two and discard one


(1) Magical extension


Edited by Sliver Chocobo
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I hear you wanted Circus Gremlins, so I made some

Circus Gremins

Outcast minion

Gremlin, Circus Member, circus worker, Insignificant cost 4

Wk/Cg 4/- Ht 1 Wp 6 Ca 5:masks Df 6:masksWd 5


Rg :melee 1

Cb 5:crows

Dg 2/3/4

Thrown Knives

Rg :ranged 8

Cb 4

Dg 2/3/4

Gang of Gremlins: this model may only make one walk or sprint action per activation, when this model makes a moves any time this model moves any Circus Gremlins within 3" of this may moves this same distance, this model loses insignificant While within 3" of a frendly Ruby or three or more friendly Circus Gremlin

The painted Face: This model has Terrifying->11 against gremlins and gains Rare 3 when hired by crews lead by Gremlin models


Weapons Knives, thrown Knives paired



(CC10:masks/Rst/:- /Rg/:C)

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You might want to take a look at those Circus Gremlins and give them some kind of hiring restriction. They will be absolutely amazing must haves with either Som'er of Ophelia. For 2 Ap you'll get to shuttle up to 18 gremlin models (30mm bases) 45" around the board with one succesful casting of Acrobaticcs. I might restrict it to only affecting Circus Gremlins (same goes for Gang of Gremlins). I would also give them a method of becoming significant models similar to the way that Wicked Dolls can.

Mr. Magpie is rather interesting though.

Edited by Omenbringer
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Good thoughts Omen, changes have been made

---------- Post added at 10:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:57 AM ----------


Duel faction Neverborn Arcanist

40mm Base

Circus member, Beast, Nephilim, grave-robber, Unique cost 7

Wk/Cg 4/6 Ht 3 Wp 6 Ca 5:masks Df 5 Wd 8

Paired Talons

Rg :melee 1

Cb 5

Dg 2/3/4


Non-union member: this model can be hired into crews containing MS&U members models

Blood frenzy : When ever this model makes an attack you may discard two cards or a blood counter to give this model cumulative +1/+2 to Wk/Cg, +1:masksCb to Paired Talons strikes and -1Wp and -1Ca, this model also loses Harmless and gain terrifying -> 11 or increases this model terrifying by 2

Driven by blood: when ever this model deals damage to a model, it must spend it's next to make a strike or charge against the closet model

Held on a leash: instead of deploying this model as normal, instead at the start of the second turn deploy this model no more than 12" away from an enemy or an objective to a strategy or scheme

Frozen Heart

Hard to wound

Black blood


Paired Talons: weapon gains a :+fate when made against a model on less than half Wd's, whenever this model deals moderate or severe damage this model gains a blood counter


(+1) Melee Expert

(0) Drink Blood

(0) smell fear

(1) Ravenous


Cb (:masks:masks) Flay [Paired Talons]

Cb (:masks:masks) Bloody Fate [Paired Talons]

Cb (:masks:crows) Rip in half [Paired Talons]

Cb (:masks:crows) Rip out it's heart [Paired Talons] after this model kills a non-construct model, that model leaves no counters and this model makes a healing flip


(0) Devour Everything

(CC16:masks/Rst-./Rg-) This model loses Harmless and gain terrifying -> 11 or increases this model terrifying by 2. this model weapons deal one less damage when ever this model deals damage, this model gains a blood Counter and makes a healing flip

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siamise gunslinger

Outcast Minion

40mm base

Mercinary, Circus member unique cost 6

Wk/Cg 5/- Ht 2 Wp 3:tomes/6 Ca 4:masks:masks/6:masks Df 4 Wd 8

Duel paired Pistols

Rg :ranged 8

Cb 3:rams:rams/6

Dg 2/2/4



In two minds: when using this siamise gunslinger's Ca, Wp or Cb of the Duel paired pistols, before flipping you can choose which stat to use for that duel

Gunfighter [duel paired pistols]



From the shadows

Greater knowledge of the city : at the start of every turn if this model is buried, place this model in or behind any terrain more than 6" away from a Objective of any strategy or scheme


(2) bullets everywhere: choose two targets this model makes two duel paired against each of them


Wp (:tomes) you never saw me:burry this model after this duel

Cb (:rams) Crit Strike

Cb (:rams:tomes) Pefect getaway: After killing the defender burry this model


(1) Transposition


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Let's see the super smart strong man!

Chocobo's on the Job

Mighty Murphy

Outcast Minion

40mm base

Circus Member, Mercenary Unique cost 5

Wk/Cg 4/6 Ht 3 Wp 6:masks Ca 4 Df 4 Wd 8

Superior Intellect

Rg :melee 3

Cb *

Dg 2/3/4



Expect Debater : :aura 5 when a model declares a strike it is made using Wp->Wp or Wp->Df duel instead of a Cb->Df

Great minds think alike : When hire into crew containing Pandora this model gains comes cheap and the woe characteristic

Proper Gentlemen: this model has a :-fate to attack flips against models with Harmless, Pitiful and Irrrsistable


Wp (:rams) Counter statement : After attack misses with a melee attack, make a Superior Intellect strike against that model

WP (:masks) Opening statement [superior Intellect] if this strike is this model first action it gains fast

WP (:masks) Closing statement [superior Intellect] if this strike is this model last action this model gains <ahttp://themostexcellentandawesomeforumever-wyrd.com/community/uploads/emoticons/default_Plus.png' alt=':+fate'>:+fate to the damage flip

---------- Post added at 08:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:28 PM ----------

Left to do

Rubber Ruby

Knife juggler


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Rubber Ruby

Outcast Minion

40mm base

Circus Member, Special Forces (Circus Workers)

cost 11

Wk/Cg 8/- Wp 6 Ca 6 Df 8 Wd 4


Circus Blades

Rg :melee 3

Cb 8:tomes/:masks

Dg 1/1/1

Circus blades

Rg :range 6

Cb 6 :masks

Dg 1/1/1


Gremlin lover : this model can be hired by crews lead by Gremlin crews, this model may to gain the Gremlin characteristic for purpose of talents, spells and abilities

Duel Focused [Circus Blade]

Constantly Moving : The model may not be targeted by Ranged attack or charges by models further than 6" away

Bulletproof 3

Evasive 2

Side step Harm


Pass through

Jack in the Box Do not deploy this model at the star of the encounter. All non insignificant models have the action "(1) Jack in the box: Place a friendly Ruber Ruby in Base to base contact with this model, Activate Ruber Ruby at the end of the a activation, this action can only be preformed twice per turn per crew" they also gain the trigger "Wp/Df (:masks:crows) Unleashed the Harlequin : this model Preforms the Jack in the box Action

The Harlequin : :aura 6 Circus workers loses Insignificant

Anything for you Mr M: when hired into crews led by Mr Magpie, this model cost one soulstone less


(+all) Reactivate


Cb (:tomes:mask) jack in box [Circus Blades] this Trigger can only be performed for this model first strike in an activation this strike does 2/3/4 Dg instead of it's current Dg

Cb (:rams:mask) onslaught [Circus Blades]

Cb (:crows) Perfect Kill [Circus Blade] : after this model kills another model, fully heal this model and then burry it

Df (:masks) time to get away : Burry this model


(1) one with the night

(CC:16/Rst: -/Rg:C)

---------- Post added at 03:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:05 PM ----------

Also add :masks to the circus Gremlins Df

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*Evil laugh*

I've moved on to someone yet in a story

Granny Nyx

Duel Faction Restrictionist outcast Henchmen

30mm base

Henchmen 3, Soulless, Construct, Nightmare, Graverobber, Special Forces (Circus worker)

cost 10

Wk/Cg 3/- Ht 1 Wp 8 Ca 6:crows Df 4 Wd 12

Shadow bone claw

Rg :melee 1

Cb 5:crows

Dg 2/2/4

Gorgon's stare

Rg 6:ranged

Cb 4:crows

Dg 0+slow/1+slow/2+Paralysed


The old Crow : Crews led by this model may only hire Circus Member, Circus Workers, Night terrors and Non-unique Gremlins

The Old Nightmare : This model may choose to Ignore any effect that targets contucts, Nightmares and Soulless

Lingerings of the Plague : When this model dies, it leaves no counters of any kind instead summon three Malifaux Rats

Collector of Souls : :aura 12 whenever a non-soulless model dies, this model gains a Sou counter

Terrifying -> 13


(+1) casting expert

(1) Nytmare's Bats: Discard two soul counters from this model, Summon a Night terror

(1) Reap soul, target friendly non soulless model gain the Soulless characteristic this effect last until the end of the encounter, this model gains a soul counter

(0) Frozen Soul : Discard a Soul counter from this model, this model gains Frozen Heart and +2:tomes to it Ca

(0) Soul of Flames : Discard a soul counter from this model, this model gains +2:Rams to it's Ca and this models weapon deal +1Dg and model damaged by this model weapons gain a burning token


Gorgon's stare : Magical

Dark bone Claw : Magical, model damaged by this weapon gain the soulless Charactoristic and this model gains a soul counter


Cb (:crows:crows) Pull of the Grave Spirit [Gorgon Stare] this weapon deals no damage instead kill the defender unless it's controller discards a control card or a soulstone, the model recives paralysed unless it's controller discards an additional soul stone or control card, if that model discards a control card the model must discard another card or it gains slow, only models can discard soulstones

Ca (:rams:rams) flames of Cherufe [bayou Tea Spirit] the damage of the spell becomes 2/3:blast/5:blast:blast then push the defender up to 3". After this push, enemy models within 5" of the defender must perform a Wp-> 12 morale duel


(1) December's Curse


(1) Healing tea leaves

(CC10:masks/Rst: -/Rg5) target Friendly model makes a healing flip

(0) Scrying leaves

(CC16:masks/Rst: -/Rg-) look at the top three cards of your fate deck and put them back in any order

(1) Bayou tea spirit

(CC13:rams/Rst:Df/Wp/Rg 6)This spell may target a models Df or Wp. Dg 2/3/5

(1) Bayou Nightmares

(CC15:crows:crows/Rst: -Rg:C) Discard soul counter fom this model as well as a number of Corpse counters from within 6" equal to the base size of a undead gremlin model, summon that model

(1) Devour Soul

(CC18:crows/Rst:Wp:Rg6) Dg 2/3/4. This spell can only target non soulless models. This model heal a number of Wd equal to the damage dealt. The defender gain the soulless charactorist until the end of the encounter, the model gains a soul counter.

Edited by Sliver Chocobo
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Hidden workers

Resserectionist Minion

30mm base

Gremlin, Undead, insignificant, special forces (Circus Worker) Cost 2

Wk/Cg 5/8 Ht 1 Wp 4 Ca 4 Df 6 Wd 12

Bayou Rot

Rg :melee 3

Cb 3

Dg 0/1/3


A hunger for souls : This model must always charge the nearest Living model within LOS before performing any other action

Slowly decaying : whenever this model makes an action other than pass, this model takes a Wd, if that action is a Charge this model take 2Wd instead, these wd can kill this model

Affinity [som'er Teeth Jones, Hamin the plagued]

Too far gone

Easy to wound 2


(+2) falling apart this model may make two additional action per turn but it suffers an Wd after making each one

Weapons: Bayou Rot, model damaged by this weapon recive a blight token

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Carnie Folk

Outcast Minion

30MM base

Soulless, Circus Member, Mercenary, Rare 3 Special Forces (Circus Workers) cost 4

Wk/Cg 5/6 Ht Wp 4 Ca 5:crows Df 4 Wd 5


Rg 1

Cb 5

Dg 2/3/4

Thrown Knives

Rg 8

Cb 4

Dg 2/3/4


Amongst the cattle : this model is considered a living model for hiring proposes

From the shadows

Utterly revolting: this master may join any crew led by an Arcanist or Guild master, but can not hire or join any crew with a non circus Showgirl. Models with Irresistible must pass a Wp ->12 Duel Moral duel, this can not be ignored by any talent


Rigged Odds : before the flips a card for a duel, flip a card on a result of a

  • Black Joker the duel recives a :-fate:-fate
  • 1-5 the duel recives a :-fate
  • 6-10 no effect
  • the duel recives a :+fate
  • Red Joker the duel recives a :+fate:+fate

Nemesis [guardsmen]


Ca (:rams) [Knives Show] this model pushes it Wk, before making any strikes


(1) Abduction


(1) Knives Show

(CC:12/Rst: -/Rg-) this model makes two ranged attacks against single target

---------- Post added at 10:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:33 PM ----------

Also edited Mr magpie a little

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For the Hidden Workers, do the wounds incurred from Slowly Decaying stack with those from Falling Apart? Assuming they do.

Also I might add a blurb to A Hunger for Souls that specifies within LOS.

Additionally, I would change the "making" wording to "performing".

These introduce some rather intriguing possibilities for Som'er's crew.

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For the Hidden Workers, do the wounds incurred from Slowly Decaying stack with those from Falling Apart? Assuming they do.

Yes there do

Additionally, I would change the "making" wording to "performing".

Additionally, I would change the "making" wording to "performing".

Thanks you the advice

These introduce some rather intriguing possibilities for Som'er's crew.

Yep, i didn't want the circus Gremlins to do what gremlin currently do, also taking ruby will take away the option to take Kin so it also has restriction along with it

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Yep, i didn't want the circus Gremlins to do what gremlin currently do, also taking ruby will take away the option to take Kin so it also has restriction along with it

Taking any of these with Som'er will deny the Kin models (and also denies them to Ophelia completely). The intriguing part for me though is how they boost damage potential for the rest of Som'er's crew.

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Taking any of these with Som'er will deny the Kin models (and also denies them to Ophelia completely). The intriguing part for me though is how they boost damage potential for the rest of Som'er's crew.

the Circus Gremlins wont and can be hired by Ophelia, since they are circus worker they are not special forces (circus worker) but your point still stands, it brings an interesting dynamic that i'm curious to see how it plays out

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Everyone loves creepy children, right, but what if the're physic twins as well, right. no you don't this is awkward


Arcanists minion

30mm base

Showgirl, Circus Member, Mercenary, Soulless cost 8

Wk/Cg 5/- Ht 1 Wp 6:masks Ca 6:crows Df 5 Wd 12


Physic Twins: The listed cost of this model is for one Lydia and and one luna. Whenever this model takes damage or lose Wd, this model take half the amount instead.

Bond (Luna)

Difficult Child


I'm not that short: this mode may choose to be treated as a Ht2 for the propose of spells and Talents

I'm older than I Look: This model gains +3:masks to casting and Channeling Lure and This model gains +3:masks to Casting and Channeling Inviting Approach or Seduction


(1) Self Control: this model and a Friendly Luna Regain Harmless


Df (:masks) "Squeel!"

Df (:rams) Get Hi Mr B: After this model take damage from melee strike, a Friendly model within 4" and LOS may make a Melee Strike or charge action against the model


(1) Lure


(0) Inviting Approach


(1) Seduction


(1) Mind Game

(CC:12:masks:masks/Rst:Wp/Rg:12) When casting or channeling this spell this mode uses it's Wp instead of it's Ca. Name a suit and number the controller of the defending model reviles all cards in his or her hand with that suit or number on it, if that player reviles a card wit both that suit and number on it you can draw a card.



Neverborn minion

50mm base

Circus Member, Spirit, Soulless, Brilliance, Woe cost 7

Wk/Cg 6/8 Ht 1 Wp 6:masks Ca 5 Df 5 Wd *

Hardened Brilliance

Rg :melee 3

Cb 6:masks

Dg 2/4/5

Banshee's Scream

Rg :ranged 7

Cb 4:rams

Dg 2/2/3


Physic Aberration: The listed cost of this model is for one Luna and and one Lydia. Whenever this model takes damage or lose Wd, a friendly Lydia takes the damage instead. if there is no friendly Lydia in play this model dies. When this model dies it leaves no counters behind

Bond (Lydia)

Difficult Child

Black Blood


Woe of inner Darkness: After this model make a strike action, this model gain terrifying -> 13, Flight, Armour +2, becomes Ht2 and +:fate to damage, these effect last until this model regain Harmless. If this model is no longer within LOS of any model other than a Friendly Lydia, this model regains Harmless

Pure Brilliance: this model and friendly Lydia are never consider Friendly to Neverborn models for the purpose of selecting a target for spells and abilities. This model gain the ability comes cheap and ignores the difficult child ability when hire by crew lead by a soulless model

I'm not that short: this mode may choose to be treated as a Ht2 for the propose of spells and Talents


Cb (:masks:masks) Flay [Hardened Brilliance]

Cb (:tomes) Deafen [banshee's Scream] the defender receives Slow


(1) Mind Game

(CC:12:masks:masks/Rst:Wp/Rg:12) When casting or channeling this spell this mode uses it's Wp instead of it's Ca. Name a suit and number the controller of the defending model reviles all cards in his or her hand with that suit or number on it, if that player reviles a card wit both that suit and number on it you can draw a card.

---------- Post added at 12:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:50 AM ----------

Also added Note Mr Magpie ignores the hiring restriction when hiring Special forces (Circus Workers)

In the same way Ramos does with M&SU assets and Zoriadia does with Dolls

---------- Post added at 12:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:11 PM ----------

So a hiring table may be need for Lydia and Luna

Arcanists 8SS (via Lydia)

Neverborn 7SS (via Luna) but can't treat the twins as friendly models

Resurrectionist 10SS (via Lydia)

Kira 9SS (via Luna)

Guild 10SS (via Lydia)

Leveticus 7SS (via Luna)

Hamlin 7SS (via Luna)

Mr Magpie 7SS (via Luna)

Ten thunders 10 (via Lydia)

Jakob Lynch 7SS (Via Luna) but ay neverborn models can't treat the twins as friendly models

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And at last the Avatar

Mr Magpie Avatar of the Flock

Manifest Requirements

1) You control 6 magpies during the turn Mr Magpie manifests

2) You have made your opponent empty his or her hand during the turn Mr Magpie manifests

Circus member, mercinary, beast, Vermin, Magpie

Wk/Cg 6/10 Ht 3 Wp 7 Ca 6 Df 4 Wd 7

Murder of Magpie

Rg: :ranged6

Cb: *

Dg: *-2/*-1/*

Paired Magpie Talons

Rg: :melee2

Cb: 7:masks

Dg: 4/5/6



Utterly revolting: this master may join any crew led by an Arcanist or Guild master, but can not hire or join any crew with a non circus Showgirl. Models with Irresistible must pass a Wp ->12 Duel Moral duel, this can not be ignored by any talent

Mark Of The Flock: Friendly models gain flight and have the magpie Characteristic, each time this model successfully casts a spell summon a magpie to this model

Show Must go on!: :aura 6 friendly Magpie you control have Regeneration +1 and Hard to Kill

Part of Flock : Whenever this model makes a walk action all magpies within 6" of Mr magpie also make a walk action, but must end the action within 6" of Mr Magpie.

Empty within


Heart of the flock : depending on the number of Magpies with 6" of Mr Magpie this model gains the following effect

2+ this model gains hard to wound

3+ this model gains soft cover, +2:crows to Ca and terrifying 11

4+ Incress this model terrifying by 1 and Mr Magpie gains the following ability "Swarm of Bird: any emery model with 6" of Mr Magpie must win Df->12 duel before making a strike, if that strike is against Mr Magpie that duel becomes a Df->Ca duel or that action fails unless that models control chooses it to take an uncheatable 1/2/4 Dg flip

5+ Incresse this models terrifying by 1 and this model gains +fate to Swarm of bird flips

6+ Increase this models terrifying by 1 and this model gains Anathema


(+2) Combat Master: this model has two extra AP these AP can only be spent on strikes

(1) Bird Call : discard two control cards summon a Magpie this ability my only be used once per turn

(2) Diving Attack


Murder of Magpie : The Cb of this weapons is equal to the number of Magpie's within 6" of this model, this weapons Cb cannot go above 6. The Dg of this weapons is equal to the number of Magpie's within 6" of this model, This weapons Dg cannot go above 2/3/4

Paired Magpie Talons: magical, after this model deals damage to a model it receives a Blight counter


Cb (:masks:masks) Flay [Paired Magpie Talons]

Cb (:masks) Greedy Bird [Paired Magpie Talons] the defender discards a control card, you draw a card

Cb (:crows) Mind of the Flock [Murder of Magpie] this model may cast a (1) spell

Ca (:crows:crows) Connected to the plague [Thieving Birds, Covered in Filth] The defender gains a Blight counter

Ca (:crows) Pretty little jewels [Thieving Birds, Obey, Covered in Filth, Ringleader] discard a card draw two cards


(1) Thieving Birds

(CC:12:crows:masks/Rst:Df/Rg:6) Target player's controller must discard a control card, you draw a card

(1) Obey


(2) Ring leader

(CC: 14:crows:crows/Rst:*/Rg6)

This spell may target a models Wp or Df target Circus member or vermin model makes a (1) or charge controlled by this model

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Cool crew you've put together here! I'll have to have a proper look at it but looks really interesting with some different mechanics in there. The next thing I'd really like to see is some fluff behind the crew and models.

Keep up the great work!

Now you mention it there is,


although the Non-unquie minions, the twins and Granny Nyx were of my own creation

---------- Post added at 09:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:19 AM ----------

Also thanks for the feed back :D

Edited by Sliver Chocobo
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Bugger forget the juggler

Armless Juggler

Guild Minion cost 4

Guardsman, Circus Member, Elite Division

Wk/Cg 5:rams/- Ht 2 Wp 5 Ca 4 Df 4 Wd 6

Throwing knives

Rg :ranged 12

Cb *

Dg 1/2/2



Expert Force : This model counts as one of your Special forces option

Undercover Guardsmen : This model may ignore it's Guardsmen characteristic for the purpose of talents or spells

Hard to wound 2

Nobody expect's... When this model makes strikes against models more than 6" away, this model does not lose harmless


Throwing Knives: This model uses it's Wk stat when making strike with this weapon. This weapon can not be used to make strikes against model within 4"


(1) hide in plain site : this model regains Harmless

(2) Target acknowledged : Choose a model within 16" and LOS of a friendly model this model gain +1:rams Wk when the choosen is within Los of this model and -1:rams when the choosen model is it not within LOS, this effect last until the end of the encounter or when this abilty is used again or when the choosen model leaves play. This action does not end Harmless


Wk (:rams) Critical strike [Throwing knives]

Wk (:rams:rams) Perfect kill [Throwing Knives] After killing the defender this model gains harmless

---------- Post added at 09:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:48 PM ----------

And that is a Monty python reference

Beacuse nobody expects the Spanish inquisition

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