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I would just really like to know.


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Bear in mind that Peasant Clothes and similar abilities say that the model regains Harmless, not that it gains Harmless. It's always been my understanding that "regain" is an instantaneous effect that resets a lost ability, whereas "gain" is an ongoing effect that ends at the closing phase.

I feel this is supported by the fact that you can immediately lose Harmless again (by taking an action other than Walk or Pass) - if "regain Harmless" was an ongoing effect, it would immediately kick back in and restore the Harmless ability every time it was lost.

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Almost... Oiran has a few abilities which say "Gain Harmless", though maybe that's an error. Candy and Kade do both have "Regain Harmless" abilities. I'm not sure off-hand if there are other Harmless models that can get it back somehow to check if their wordings are different.

It may be a difference of immediate vs ongoing effects, though if that's the case I'm not sure how we're supposed to tell the difference. It could simply be that Harmless is printed on the models' cards and so it is not considered an Effect per the FAQ and so does not end until it says so in the rules for Harmless. I can see why Assimilate ends in the closing phase, I just can't say why an Action that lets you gain/regain Harmless is any different. Maybe it isn't, or maybe I'm missing something?

---------- Post added at 07:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:59 PM ----------

In this thread Ratty clears up that "When an talent says a model gains an ability, eg Melee Master(+2), It literally prints it onto the card for the duration of the effect."

This is exactly what is happening with Assimilate. It is an effect that lasts until the end of the turn and for that duration the model has the ability.

Doesn't really clear up the Harmless issue however.

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The rules for Harmless tell us when it ends. It ends when the model takes an action other than walk or pass.

Because of this it doesn't default to ending at the end of turn. So If Hoffman were to assimilate Harmless he would be harmless until he performed an action other than walk or pass. Even if that were in a later turn.

Its a commonly suggested tactic for Hoffman to assimilate Link, and then link to something. After the turn he assimilates link he will loose the ability to link to another model, but if he has already linked to a model then the link to that model will last until its end conditions are met.

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Adran is correct - Assimilate creates an effect that prints a talent to Hoffman's card. This includes other abilities that specify an end time. Hoffman effect of Assimilate in this case is to allow Hoffman to use that ability. Once it is used, it generates it's own effect that ends when the ability specifies. Examples of this are Link and Protect the effects of which last after Hoffman has lost the ability to use them again...

Restoring (or gaining) Harmless is similar - those abilities create an instant effect (Model gains Harmless), and then Harmless ends as specified in it's own rules...

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