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New to the swamp


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At first I looked at Kirai but she seemed pretty expensive and I also did not like the idea of having 50% of my minis off-board most of the time...

Then I got into Collodi a bit but found him a bit underwhelming in terms of his tricks and possible minions...

Ophelia was also an option but every decent henchman needs a master and Somer wasn't really my cup of tea...

I forgot to mention that my very first idea was the Dreamer but he seemed much to complicated for a first crew...

But in the end there was no question that it would be the hag! :D

So if you have any slippery tricks or slimy tipps for a new slave under her moldy skirt, then let me know! :D

(My first minis will just be the box and maybe the Voodoo Doll - I might proxy it with one of the smaller ones from the box for the first games)

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I'm just going to say that purchasing the voodoo doll is virtually a must if you are playing Zoraida. It is that good.

Conduit is an amazing ability.

Other than that she works really well with pretty much everything.

Both Ophelia and Collodi will work well with her if you want to use them (just not at the same time). I would suggest you get a big hitting model for her to obey. Sure, obeying the enemy is good, but sometimes they just don't co-operate and bring something good to obey. And unfortunatly Bad Ju-Ju is immune to influence, so can't be obeyed.

Enjoy your new purchase, and paly some games with it first before you expand and you are less likely to get a model you won't use much.

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Start here:


and here:


figure out how you like playing and do that, Zoraida is totally ok using whatever. I've seen control lists, ive seen speedy nephilims with her, and i personally go shooty. Also, the first link's list of hirable minions isnt up to date i believe. I think only the gunsmith is missing

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Well a rather nice trick to learn with Zoraida is the multiple Obey chain. You will need a Voodoo Doll for it though. Between a Voodoo Doll, Zoraida, a newly summoned Voodoo Doll (that replaces the other one) and a Dopleganger you can get 4 Obeys off a turn without much trouble (and still have plenty of SS left for hiring other stuff). I really hate that one.

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As stated above, the hag is just good at pretty much everything without being extreme either.

Since you seem to like the swamp, the silurids go very well with her (they are good minions). Zoraida is my favorite official master because she allows you to pick whatever minion you like and still be effective. I don't really like taking bayou gremlins due to the extra cost involved though.

There's also a nasty combination when you need dire measures: Stitched together and Doppleganger around Zoraida? Let's see how a Wp10 Gamble your life suit your opponent's threat (mimic Wp10 from the hag, Mimic Gamble your life) ;). I found the doppleganger useful for Ill Omens alone, sometimes giving Zoraida the opportunity to "Conduit" a foe before it hides.

Her avatar is very interesting too, in my opinion. The opportunity to use her Bayou Two Card on any of your minion cause a turn of events easily.

The only model in her box that doesn't really interact with Zoraida is Bad JuJu as he can't be forced to "obey".

As for future developments, you might want to look at effigies.

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Zoriada makes your crew better. If you need to reach objectives she can help you do that, or obey the other crew to activate the objectives for you. If you need to kill stuff she can help you do that, or obey the other crew to hit themselves. If you need to be in a certain place she can do that, with raven. By summoning wicked dolls she can increase the number of models that travel with her. Zoriada is a really good generalist who pairs great with Collodi + 4 marionettes + a heavy hitter + whatever.

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