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If you were in Malifaux


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Master status in Malifaux... Hm, well, going through the breach would obviously give me powers over enchanting items, weapons, and armor. Think hedge magic, with a bit of science and alchemy about it, and a reliance on stacking minor effects rather than big, flashy stuff. Of the various bosses, the Guild hates magic the most, the Resurrectionists are unhygenic, the Neverborn are Monsters, and the Ten Thunders are too sneaky... Yeah, Ramos and his union would be my best bet. He manipulates people, true, but at least he tries to look after people he needs. And hell, he didn't HAVE to fix up Lady Justice. Decent guy, just has to do some hard things now and again. And the man's got a PLAN. So I'd be VERY polite, and hopefully end up helping out the M&SU as a mystic who specialized in augmenting my crew and warding areas. A long coat with runemetal plates worked into it, a sword carved with magical runes and bullets enchanted to go through the walls of force that I'd be throwing around, and pockets full of assorted mystic trinkets, and I think that my gunsmith buddies, metal gamin, and borrowed automatons could put some hurt on Neverborn and undead threats.

Besides, I'd get to sit in the "Reserved for Union Members" seats for Collette's performances! Woohoo!

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As a Malifaux resident...

I was a stowaway on one of the first trains into Malifaux, after the Breach opened for the second time. Upon entering Malifaux, My mind became riddled with thoughts... Not just my own, which had massed beyond reason, but also those of every other person along for the ride. It wasn't that the thoughts were lumping together or anything, just that they would literally never leave my head.

Of course, soon enough I found that I could also think in the present, and thusly past any distracting thoughts I had. Furthermore, I found that my burden had become a boon for whenever I dealt with Guild operatives under the Governor General's decrees (being a stowaway fugitive running amok in new colonies and all), I could pass unto them a great big chunk of my mind, so to speak. This formed in them a great deal of debilitating pain, the likes of which a mere headache could never emulate, but with rough familiarity of such a thing.

Eventually, I found myself in the company of various odd individuals, all impressed that a mere Earthside human could handle such amounts of information at once. The illustrious Viktor Ramos wanted me in league with his forces, but alas, I proved far too scatterbrained at times to comply with his requests (after all, not all distractions can be denied for a telepath). Various Neverborn creatures seemed drawn to me, as if I were some sort of beacon for their nefarious ways... All the same, I denied them as well, until one day...

I awoke with a start from my innside bed, my mind pounding with thoughts... Too many to be natural, even for me at such a point as this. I ran out of the inn, screaming, but was stopped. A woman, a young, voluptuous lady with an unnatural beauty to her who told me her name was Lizbeth, halted me with a proposition: I would be taught how to properly utilize my abilities if I were to impress her... The means to impress her turned out to be a sort of insertion of active thoughts she had thought, into the mind of her latest flame, Daniel. As dismayed as I was to find that she was to be taken, especially if I did this, I still needed to learn what in the name of all that was holy (whatever that meant for me now) I was.

In the dark of night, I climbed a ladder to the bedroom of a Mr. Daniel Conklin. I crept into the window, and thought these words gently into his head: "Love Lizbeth. Love Lizbeth... Or die."

He clearly took the latter route.

Promptly Daniel started to scream, as though his head was suffering the single most massive migraine ever to plague a human skull. Not long after, Mr. Conklin's head burst, blood splattering across the walls. I was shocked at first but of course, Lizbeth, at the foot of the ladder, was not as I conveyed my tale to her. With a smile, she said, "I am most impressed with you."

I was still at the window outside of Mr. Conklin's room, however, and I was still in danger. The bachelor's family was bound to have heard the screams. And as they burst into the room with shock and horror, Lizbeth shouted to me, "Head or not, think of Daniel attacking them!"

And that I did.

With this, the headless corpse of Daniel Conklin lunged at his father, grabbed the butcher knife from his hands, and slaughtered his onetime parents.

I was in awe at my work. It took a while to understand the weight of my powers, but granting thoughts to the thoughtless seemed to me an amazing gift. Daniel's soul, however, was not inside his body; the only thing I was able to animate was his vertebral column and thus the rest of his body. With my thoughts, he did my bidding and I said not even so much as word to do so!

In short, my telepathy could extend beyond the control of the living, all the way down to the ranks of the deceased.

My name is Josiah Kalk, and I am no mere corpse-carrier. I am what you may call Neverborn, but by God, I have never felt so reborn.

~Josiah Kalk, Resurrectionist/Neverborn Dual Faction


So yeah. That's what I am. More to come if I get around to speaking of The Event or what-have-you. lol

~Lil Kalki

Edited by Kalkris
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As a Malifaux resident...

I was a stowaway on one of the first trains into Malifaux, after the Breach opened for the second time. Upon entering Malifaux, My mind became riddled with thoughts... Not just my own, which had massed beyond reason, but also those of every other person along for the ride. It wasn't that the thoughts were lumping together or anything, just that they would literally never leave my head.

Of course, soon enough I found that I could also think in the present, and thusly past any distracting thoughts I had. Furthermore, I found that my burden had become a boon for whenever I dealt with Guild operatives under the Governor General's decrees (being a stowaway fugitive running amok in new colonies and all), I could pass unto them a great big chunk of my mind, so to speak. This formed in them a great deal of debilitating pain, the likes of which a mere headache could never emulate, but with rough familiarity of such a thing.

Eventually, I found myself in the company of various odd individuals, all impressed that a mere Earthside human could handle such amounts of information at once. The illustrious Viktor Ramos wanted me in league with his forces, but alas, I proved far too scatterbrained at times to comply with his requests (after all, not all distractions can be denied for a telepath). Various Neverborn creatures seemed drawn to me, as if I were some sort of beacon for their nefarious ways... All the same, I denied them as well, until one day...

I awoke with a start from my innside bed, my mind pounding with thoughts... Too many to be natural, even for me at such a point as this. I ran out of the inn, screaming, but was stopped. A woman, a young, voluptuous lady with an unnatural beauty to her who told me her name was Lizbeth, halted me with a proposition: I would be taught how to properly utilize my abilities if I were to impress her... The means to impress her turned out to be a sort of insertion of active thoughts she had thought, into the mind of her latest flame, Daniel. As dismayed as I was to find that she was to be taken, especially if I did this, I still needed to learn what in the name of all that was holy (whatever that meant for me now) I was.

In the dark of night, I climbed a ladder to the bedroom of a Mr. Daniel Conklin. I crept into the window, and thought these words gently into his head: "Love Lizbeth. Love Lizbeth... Or die."

He clearly took the latter route.

Promptly Daniel started to scream, as though his head was suffering the single most massive migraine ever to plague a human skull. Not long after, Mr. Conklin's head burst, blood splattering across the walls. I was shocked at first but of course, Lizbeth, at the foot of the ladder, was not as I conveyed my tale to her. With a smile, she said, "I am most impressed with you."

I was still at the window outside of Mr. Conklin's room, however, and I was still in danger. The bachelor's family was bound to have heard the screams. And as they burst into the room with shock and horror, Lizbeth shouted to me, "Head or not, think of Daniel attacking them!"

And that I did.

With this, the headless corpse of Daniel Conklin lunged at his father, grabbed the butcher knife from his hands, and slaughtered his onetime parents.

I was in awe at my work. It took a while to understand the weight of my powers, but granting thoughts to the thoughtless seemed to me an amazing gift. Daniel's soul, however, was not inside his body; the only thing I was able to animate was his vertebral column and thus the rest of his body. With my thoughts, he did my bidding and I said not even so much as word to do so!

In short, my telepathy could extend beyond the control of the living, all the way down to the ranks of the deceased.

My name is Josiah Kalk, and I am no mere corpse-carrier. I am what you may call Neverborn, but by God, I have never felt so reborn.

~Josiah Kalk, Resurrectionist/Neverborn Dual Faction


So yeah. That's what I am. More to come if I get around to speaking of The Event or what-have-you. lol

~Lil Kalki

What is forum speak for snapping?

Well.... *snaps lol

I dig it cool and intresting.

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Hm... I'd be interested in being an origami master (they have the three kingdoms theme, why not origami?), sort of like Yomiko Readman from Read or Die. Affiliations? As far as faction, Ramos would have the resources, but everyone's choosing Arcanists, it seems.

Perhaps a Resser army that can (cheaply) make spirit, certain construct, and certain soulless minions, perhaps even without the crow requirement, but the first time they're hit, they are sacced. Maybe something like "when a model is summoned this way, it gains the ability 'Paper Thin: This model gains +2 Df and and Hard to Wound +1. When this model is hit with moderate or severe damage, it is sacrificed' for the rest of the encounter."

I'd have paper counters (some to start with), and regain them when one of my summons dies. I can spend paper counters for defense, boosting spells, or giving myself an auto trigger to turn my basic "Paper Cuts" weapon (a Rg 10" ranged or Rg 2" melee, Cb 4, 1/1/2 weapon that ignores armor and HTW) into a Swarm of Papercuts: After resolving this strike, make 2 more Paper Cuts strikes against the same target. You can discard any number of paper counters. For each counter discarded, these strikes receive +1 Dg or +2 Cb. This trigger can be used once per turn."

I could gain paper counters when I kill a Guild (because of their ID papers) or a model with a :tomes in the Ca or Cb (because they have a Tome on their card).

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Hm... I'd be interested in being an origami master (they have the three kingdoms theme, why not origami?), sort of like Yomiko Readman from Read or Die. Affiliations? As far as faction, Ramos would have the resources, but everyone's choosing Arcanists, it seems.

Perhaps a Resser army that can (cheaply) make spirit, certain construct, and certain soulless minions, perhaps even without the crow requirement, but the first time they're hit, they are sacced. Maybe something like "when a model is summoned this way, it gains the ability 'Paper Thin: This model gains +2 Df and and Hard to Wound +1. When this model is hit with moderate or severe damage, it is sacrificed' for the rest of the encounter."

I'd have paper counters (some to start with), and regain them when one of my summons dies. I can spend paper counters for defense, boosting spells, or giving myself an auto trigger to turn my basic "Paper Cuts" weapon (a Rg 10" ranged or Rg 2" melee, Cb 4, 1/1/2 weapon that ignores armor and HTW) into a Swarm of Papercuts: After resolving this strike, make 2 more Paper Cuts strikes against the same target. You can discard any number of paper counters. For each counter discarded, these strikes receive +1 Dg or +2 Cb. This trigger can be used once per turn."

I could gain paper counters when I kill a Guild (because of their ID papers) or a model with a :tomes in the Ca or Cb (because they have a Tome on their card).

Where is the "Like" button again? Thumbs up for the Read or Die reference.

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  • 1 month later...
Hm... I'd be interested in being an origami master (they have the three kingdoms theme, why not origami?), sort of like Yomiko Readman from Read or Die. Affiliations?

Alright, I've come up with something that I think would be rather balanced, a resser model that can hire up to 2 common guild or arcanist models with :tomes in the Ca or Cb, and summons copies of models already on the board in paper form.


Yomiko, Master Origamist for the Ressers

2 SS cache


Wk/Cg - 5/8

Ht - 2

Wp - 5

Ca - 6:tomes

Df - 4

Wd - 12

Weapon, Paper Cuts

Rg - 15:ranged

Cb - 4

Dg - 1/2/3


Papers, Please: Crews containing this model can hire non-rare, non-unique guild models, and any models with a :tomes in the Cb of Ca at no additional cost. Crews containing this model can only hire up to 2 models with way.

Stock of Paper: When determining starting Soulstone Pool, you may exchange any number of your crew’s Soulstones for an equal number of Kami counters carried by this model. This model may exchange 1 of its Scrap counters for 2 Kami counters at any time. This model starts with 2 Kami Counters. When a non-construct that is guild or non-construct model with :tomes in its Ca or Cb is killed, it drops a number of Kami counters based on its base size in additional to other counters.

Companion (Paper)

Weapon, Paper Cuts: This weapon ignores armor and Hard to Wound. This model can discard any number of Kami counters to do +1 Dg per Kami counter discarded, to a max of +3 per strike.

Retrieve Papers: When a guild model or model with a :tomes in its Ca or Cb within 12” of this model is killed, this model gains a cumulative +2:tomes to its Ca and Cb.


(+2) Origami Master: This model can discard up to 2 Kami counters to gain +1 AP per Kami counters discarded that it can only be used on cast and Channel actions.

(0) Harder than Steel: Until the start closing phase, when this model or a friendly model within 8” is hit with a strike, this model may sacrifices up to 3 Kami counters. The target of the strike receive Armor +1 until the strike resolves.


Cb (:tomes) Brutal

Cb (:tomes:tomes): Flurry of Paper: After resolving damage, this model makes an additional strike per t in the cast. This trigger can only be activated once per turn.

Ca (:tomes:tomes) Origamido™ Paper (Traditional Models): After successfully casting this spell, draw a card for every :tomes in the Ca after the first.


(0) Sizing:

(CC: 10t/Rst:-- /Rg: p6) Friendly models with the Paper characteristic receive Evasive 3, Pass-Through, and (0) Link. Paper models can only initiate a link to another Paper model.

(1) Traditional Models:

(CC: 14:tomes:crows/Rst:-- /Rg: C) Sacrifice any number of Kami counters to summon a copy of another model within 6” with a soulstone cost equal to the number of Kami counters sacrificed. That model loses any Rare or Unique characteristics and the Use Soulstone and Hard to Wound abilities. The model permanently gains the following:

- The Paper characteristic

- Easy to Wound 1

- +:tomes Cb and Ca

- "Made of Paper: when this model would be receive Wds, a friendly master within 12” may discard a card or Kami counter. If it does not, this model is killed.”

- “Light as a Feather: When this model would be pushed a set distance by a movement effect, if gains flight and pushes an additional +4”.”

(1) Paper Overlay:

(CC: 13t/Rst: Df /Rg: 6) Target receives the Paper characteristic, Easy to Wound 1 “Made of Paper: when this model would be receive Wds, a friendly master within 12” may discard a card or scrap counter. If it does not, this model is killed,” and “Light as a Feather: When this model would be pushed a set distance by a movement effect, if gains flight and pushes +4”.”

(2) Reuse Paper:

(CC: 15m/Rst:Wp /Rg: p10) Kill any number of friendly Paper models. Enemy Paper models take a (1) action or charge controlled by you, The action selected may not cause the model to be killed or sacrificed as part of the action. This spell may be cast once per activation. Then enemy Paper models take 1 Dg.


Edited by brdparker
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Alright, I reuploaded the pic. Little better, I think. Hm... I might be able to get it better, but in case not, I also copy-pasted the text into the post.

Working on a totem now, a three-headed paper crane!

Some Time Later:

Alright, I've folded... erm... designed a totem for Yomiko! No flickr pic (might be more hastle then it's worth), but I'll put the text up.

Three-Headed Paper Crane

Totem (Scavenger), Paper

3 SS

Wk/Cg - 6/9

Ht - 1

Wp - 3

Ca - 3:tomes

Df - 2

Wd - 5

Weapon, Peck:

Rg - 1"

Cb - 4

Dg - 1/1/2



Companion (Master)

Learned from the Master: Friendly non-Yomiko scavenger models gain the ability: "Reserve Papers: This model may exchange 1 of its Scrap counters for 2 Kami counters at any time."

Made of Paper: when this model would be receive Wds, a friendly master within 12” may discard a card or Kami counter. If it does not, this model is killed.

Light as a Feather: When this model would be pushed a set distance by a movement effect, it gains flight and pushes an additional +4”.

Simple, Easy Fold: Friendly Yomiko models can connect up to 4 Three-Headed Paper Cranes at a time.

Can Construct from Crease Pattern: While this model is in play, friendly Paper and Yomiko models may use a (0) action to summon another Three-Headed Paper Crane.

Flammable: When this model gains a burning token or is hit by blast damage, it is immediately sacrificed.

Sizing: This model can only link to other Paper models. Models that this model is linked to lose Easy to Wound and gain Hard to Wound 1.


(+2) Three-Headed: This model receives 2 additional Peck Strikes during its activation while it has over half of its Wds remaining.

(1) Pass on Papers: This model suffers 1 Wd. Sacrifice any number of Kami counters within 3”. A friendly scavenger gains those Kami counters.

(0) Link


Cb (:tomes) Envelop with Paper: After dealing Dg, this model suffers 3 Wd and casts a friendly Yomiko’s (1) Paper Overlay on the target.


(1) Magical Extension

(CC: */Rst: * /Rg: *) This spell may be cast only once per activation. Cast one of the connected Master’s (1) spells. During this casting, this model may use a Soulstone to change its starting total

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should probably start a separate thread for this.

Can you summarize how you think this master will work?

Some of it seems pretty powerful. Could easily be CA 8....casting 'Paper Overlay' on a high SS target (or two), followed with 'Reuse Paper' which can Obey them away from their Master and make them take damage so they die.

That's just one thing that I noticed with a quick perusal.

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Since Masters inherently cost 0 Soulstones, would you want to make "Traditional Models" say (for its first clause): "Sacrifice any number of Kami counters to summon a copy of another non-Master model within 6” with a soulstone cost equal to the number of Kami counters sacrificed." ? Something tells me that was your intended effect and as such, we wouldn't want abuse like that. :)

That, or you could make Masters cost 10 kami counters to make? I'm not sure haha

~Lil Kalki

NINJA-EDIT: I also have made Josiah Kalk's stat card, for whoever is interested. However, I do agree with Dgraz that another thread should be made for the supplemental stat cards to your personal Malifaux backstories, complete with critique and tweaking. As such, I will make that thread and post a link here in the next few minutes. Expect another edit from this post quite soon.

EDITEDITEDITED....XD: the link is here: http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?38252-If-you-were-in-Malifaux-supplemental-stat-cards! I suggest still writing your backstories here, as that's what this thread was made for, but if you feel up to the challenge, try your hand at creating stats for your character!

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should probably start a separate thread for this.

Eh, I've always been more of a playstyle gamer anyway. But yeah, I'll use Kalkris's thread (it's about time something like that got started :D)

Can you summarize how you think this master will work?

Some of it seems pretty powerful. Could easily be CA 8....casting 'Paper Overlay' on a high SS target (or two), followed with 'Reuse Paper' which can Obey them away from their Master and make them take damage so they die.

That's just one thing that I noticed with a quick perusal.

Couple of things were changed (I'll put the updated stats in the other thread), including that. To simplify, I changed it to the base size of the model. In initial drafts, I thought it would end up being easier to get Kami counters, but it became more and more restricted, which is fine.

Her point is cheap powerful summons, with some fun combos, but low cache, nothing-to-write-home-about stats, and not much damage output to offset the trickery. One of the cool tricks I was thinking about was to take Myranda (with Ca of :tomes), and copy her, giving her a +:tomes to Ca, and paper Myranda she can suddenly shapechange with no extra suit requirement. But it's a card hog to keep a paper model alive, so you have to be very careful.

As far as the Ca 8, something has to die for her to get that. She has to use resources to get the +2 effective Casting Master, and the Reuse Paper ability is a (2) spell, which mitigates the effect highly. Apart from that, she has no movement abilites. If anything, I'm erring more toward she's too weak, so a player would have to make sure to take some high damage output models to compensate.

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