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New player! With questions! (Shocker, right?!)


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Howdy. I'm a new player and I have questions, haha. Funny story with it, though. I decide "Hey, I wanna play Warhammer 40k!" So I go out, spend sickening amounts of money on Tyranids. Paint them all up pretty, build the ninety-gazillion dudes and play some games. Some nightmarishly complex, buckets-o-dice, obscurely long games that I simply hated. My buddy had been talking about Malifaux for a while, going on about how simple and whatnot it was. So I got on ebay and snagged a Zoraida box. Played a game, friggin' loved it. Short, sweet, no dice, fluff is fun and so on. So that's that. I have several questions now. Enjoy!

1) I want to put together 4-6 crews. Why? I'm dumb and a prodigy at wasting money mostly. Secondly because the VAST majority of my playgroup = Me + Girlfriend. So it falls to me to buy the crap and whatnot. I want a decent variety of playstyles and themes as well as enough to still play "competitively" at events. So far I have (Or am close to having):

Zoraida box set + Spawn Mother and 1 Gupps. Also 1 Voodoo Doll.

Jakob Lynch box set + Tannen and Mr Graves.

Rail Workers Box Set + Rail Golem

Leveticus box set + Lazarus + Desolation Engine + 1 more Waif.

My girlfiend is gungho about Perdita. So what should I pick up for that? I also want to get Ramos and eventually either Nicodem or Seamus. (Probably Seamus) As well as also having a decent variation of crews and I love playing Leveticus so any advice pertaining to any of this would rock some serious socks. Thanks, sorry for the long post.

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Sorry, I was sure I'd written an answer to this thread.

For Guild crews You can't go far wrong with the starter boxes. My suggestion to flesh out the Ortega crew is probably to buy the Witchhunter box as well. The Witchlings are a great 4pt model, and Sammual Hopkins fits the look and feel of a pistol shooting crew.

In all honesty, all the guild figures work well with all the guild masters so there isn't a wrong choice.

With regards to the other crews - you have a nice range of Neverborn and 10 Thunders to choose from. Leveticus is always a bit of a tough one to suggest buys. About the only universal advice is get a canine remains as you are going to want a second waif and that is th echeapest way of garenteeing it will be there. Both Lazarus and the Rail Golem wil work well with him.

I don't think there is anythign Vital you are missing. After you have played a few games you might find things you're struggling with, but I would play with what you have to start with and get an understanding of it first

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As Adran said, there's not too many choices within the Guild that don't work great with all of the masters. The 'dita box is great as it is and comes in at a nice 25SS. If you add to that Abuela and the Enslaved Neph you've got a competitive 35SS crew. There are however things in the Guild that aren't Ortegas that are too good to not consider such as the Executioner, Witchlings and Austringers. Because things fit together so easily, I would personally say just get what you like the models for as it will almost certainly work ok in game.

In the interest of covering all of the play styles, I'd maybe recommend adding a dedicated caster to the list like Raspy or Sonnia. Ramos would kind of fit this role but he also summons so has some crossover with Nico. For variety I'd recommend Nico over Seamus however, it really depends how much you want to spend as getting the most out of Nico requires quite a large selection of models.

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Welcome welcome welcome :P

Well....For Ramos, i think its a fairly safe bet to start with the box, and then add an electrical creation, mobile toolkit and a Large steampunk Arachnid or two along with Avatar Ramos :) AFter that you can even expand with mechanical rider or a soulstone miner, if you want some more different models.

For Seamus...you guessed it....the start box, and then you have alot of options for expanding:

The safe bet: Crooked men, Bette Noir, Avatar Seamus, Grave spirit

Other alternatives: The Hanged, Molly Squidp...something something and her totem, Deadrider, Dead Doxys, Von Schill (outcasts), a couple of canine remains, mayeb even some punk zombies (even though they do better with Nicodem).

I think that Seamus is the one to choose if you want alot of different models to choose from, and ramos if you want to play the summoning game :D (kind of weird since Seamus is the resser, but suck at summoning stuff)

Hope it helped :)


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I'll try to remember when i get home to write a proper response here, but the three female guild masters together are great for giving variety to your crews, along with an executioner, and specifically for sita, her totem the enslaved neph.

Rest ill add later as phone sucks for long posts.

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Sorry, was busy and just remembered i was supposed to come back here now :(

For now i will add what i like with your stated crews that i have used :)

Zoraida box set + Spawn Mother and 1 Gupps. Also 1 Voodoo Doll. For Zoraida i often am simple and like the twins Lelu and Lilitu, and/or a Mature Nephilim. And Waldergeists.

But as a personal thing i tend to run a Nephilim heavy list for Zoraida for some reason, they work i guess would be why, also makes expanding to mele heavy Lilith and easy thing to do.

Jakob Lynch box set + Tannen and Mr Graves.

Unfortunately i have not really got the chance to use him yet, he wants the Beckoners, that is all i know, everything i have read has said they are basically essential for him :)

Rail Workers Box Set + Rail Golem

Only played this crew once, and i loved it, but it did not seem to need a huge amount, when they come out, i think the clockwork traps (from the guild/TT section will be wanted for the easy extra movement early in the game)And like the traps, if you are playing as TT instead of outcasts, the Archers are great:) Possibly metal gamin, but i am still not sure how to use them yet, but as i said only had one game with her so far :(

Leveticus box set + Lazarus + Desolation Engine + 1 more Waif.

My preffered list is Ashes and Dust, Rusty Alyce (starter box), Cainine remains, 2 Rotten belles and 4 stones, or 1 belle and 8 stones, depending on preferences. But i also think another box of Steampunk abominations is useful, as a saftey net so you do not run out of them if the game is going well and you are turning everything into them:P

You could however swap the Rotten Bells into Lazarus if you so wished and just have more punch :)

Then as i said above, the three guild masters from book one, Perdita, Sonnia and Lady J are relatively simple, and compliment each others box sets well, of the three Sonnia i think is the most tricky to learn, and after those three box sets, i would say you want the Enslaved Nephilim, (perditas totem) Scales of Justice, (Lady Justices totem) and the Executioner, and you wont need anything new for any of the crews for a while. And those three give you a ranged, mele and caster master options, with the same options interchangeable between each crew. And i would generally say it is best to go for the box sets over the blisters as it is somewhere you are likely to go eventually anyway.

As for Nicodem vs Seamus, i would start with Seamus, and fill out his crew, then expand to Mcm or Nicodem afterwards as he needs the least models:)

---------- Post added at 06:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:19 PM ----------

Again sorry for the slow response :( I hope it was at least some how useful for you.

Edited by Ozz
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I know he wasn't part of your original list, but I do want to second the calls for Seamus. He's one of the more characterful masters around, and if you ask around over on the Resser board most people started ressers thanks to the Hatter and his undead ladies.

As an added bonus, he's a really solid box set whose really newbie friendly.

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