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Sam's Rezzers.


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This is my first attempt at a Malifaux crew. It's been about 5 years since I played a miniatures game, and the bug came back. When I saw the Malifaux miniatures, I knew this was the game I wanted to pickup.

so, here's my Seamus crew...

Starting with the Belle's. I wanted to do something a little different from the production colors, so I went with a vibrant purple, green, and yellow.


Here's Seamus. Again, I wanted to do something different than the production color scheme and I hadn't used a red scheme on any other model, so I wanted a dark, almost velvet look for his suit coat (or what's left of it.). Also, I didn't like the combination of the sculpt that Seamus was standing on and the Victorian bases, so I replaced the rock he was standing on with the bag of carrots out of the accessories.


For the unique "Belles" I stayed pretty much true to the published schemes. I just couldn't come up with a unique palette that I thought would look as good.


Rounding out the crew are the "Copycat Killer", "Convict Gunslinger", and "Bête Noire." Unfortuntely, the picture didn't come out as crisp as the others.


Next group will be "The Hanged", "Dead Doxies", and "The Crooked Men."

Critiques and suggestions for improvement are more than welcome.


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  • 4 weeks later...
Now that would be an interesting harem for Seamus to run. Actually surprised no one seems to have done this yet.

I actually have a guy that attends our weekly games that painted them up like Aurora, Belle, and Cinderella. ^_^ I think they are pretty spiffy, but I dig yours a lot.

I still think that even though they are undead, Seamus' girls would still take the time to make themselves as pretty as they can...you know, beyond body parts falling off and that odd skin condition--

But as in modern times, there's nothing that make-up can't fix!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

They sort of remind me of

Might be fun to paint up a Seamus model as Two Face.

Great job on the Doxy's, they look good (way to stay accurate by varying the colors on the cobbles). The only critic I might offer is they also look...well quite fresh and alive as oppossed to rotting and dead.

Edited by Omenbringer
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