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Anzimal's Tactica Thread to the Arcanist Faction - WIP


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Rasputina is often touted as a good starter master, but i think she's bogged down by her many weaknesses. A good starter master should be forgiving when errors are made.

As for your experiences so far, I sympathize, because when i started a year ago, I lost the first 16-17 matches and it was a bitch. My friend did start as Hamelin though (pre errata) and that did not help much.

All I can say, is that you WILL get better. Something will "click" in your mind, and the games will seem less daunting. If I were you, I'd ask your friend to swap crews for a game or two, or ask him to maybe pick crews, that aren't packed with unfun models (Doppelganger, the twins, Pandora). Failing that, go to your LGS and see if you can find some opponents who aren't hung up on destroying you, but on having fun, as it should be with these kind of games

But hang in there, my first two masters were Lilith and Hoffman, and I now have 9 different masters. The game is fantastic, but you need the right mindset, and your opponent as well :)

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Have a listen to the Malifools podcast too, OldManMyke took a fluffy Rasputina crew to Adepticon and did very well, you may be able to pick up tips from the reports/discussions.

In fact have a look through all the podcasts, great info from different perspectives and the perfect thing to listen to while painting models ;)

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Your rasputina list is severely lacking in dumb broken over poweredness (DBOP) which is the main currency of malifaux.

By a coryphee duet win games for free with you ridiculous use soulstones minion.

Have you been playing long? You're join date would indicate that you are a novice in the game also. Or have you possibly been playing for several years? Know everything there is to know about the game? And finally decided to come on so you could start hurling insults?

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Nope. I just don't want the border between broken and just very good to be clouded too much. I was just suggesting a list that has a greater chance of victory.

As someone who has killed a great number of coryphees and duets, you are either not very good or your opponents are wholesale cheatmongers. And seriously ... A raspy list with no snowstorm? Werent you just whinging about 10wd spirits in another thread?

So apparently the mechanical rider ranks higher than an 8wd Spirit thats also bulletproof 3, Df 6, Instinctual, 3/3/6 with 2" range model that self heals and provides permanent soft cover for itself and anything in base contact with it. Plus casts ice pillars. Plus drops blast templates like its going out of style.

You are making it apparent that you are neither very cognisant of the metagame or overly familiar with the game in general.

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Hang in there Anzimal. As Dgraz said M2E is just around the corner and all the interviews I have listened to on podcasts indicate that this will be balanced master to master.

I usually play a lot of Raspy and I also have tasted a lot of defeat. You have Snow Storm which is awesome but he is expensive and you need to learn which crews to use him against (non magical or ranged ie Perdita) and when to just take other minions. He also has a lot of tricks to him so take the time to read the stat card and try to think out of the box. A particular favourite of mine is to use Freeze Heart to give an enemy Frozen Heart and then use Decembers Command to push them into base contact. You have now used your two 0 AP to get an enemy model within 4" into base contact and now you can use your remaining AP to Flurry. He also brings heaps of movement to Raspy's crew which is handy when trying to get your crew to a better position.

Another model I use all the time is a Moleman. These guys are the best 3ss models in the game. You can boost their armor up really high and then use them as targets for Decembers Curse. Cheat their defense down so you get severe damage and they will take 1 wound and allow you to do 2 blasts doing 4 wounds each. This is the best way to beat Pandora without having to keep doing willpower duels. They also have Blindsight so you can give them Frozen Heart and then Ice Mirror through them. This allows you to see into any auras that block Los. They are also great for sitting on objectives. Also do not be afraid to attack your own models. They are expendable and getting those blast templates off is worth it.

When I started I really got caught up in trying to kill the opponent but this is not how you win. Just focus on your strategy/schemes and try and prevent your opponent from achieving theirs where possible. You can still win and not have a model left on the table. Just hang in there because once you do start winning you will feel a real sense of achievement. Remember that even though Raspy is listed as a starter master she can be very difficult to make competitive.

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When I started I really got caught up in trying to kill the opponent but this is not how you win. Just focus on your strategy/schemes and try and prevent your opponent from achieving theirs where possible.

This is big with Raspy. If the opponent has somewhere they need to be, Raspy is boss at strategic deterrence. She can set up in a position to cover a wide area of the table and if any enemy is foolish enough to move in there.....BOOM. And if they try to use cover, she can basically pin them in place.

Make no mistake, she is tough to use right now. She is the workhorse...when to activate her in a turn is hugely important, and it's a very difficult skill to master. Open Beta starts soon, then we'll see how she is.

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This is big with Raspy. If the opponent has somewhere they need to be, Raspy is boss at strategic deterrence. She can set up in a position to cover a wide area of the table and if any enemy is foolish enough to move in there.....BOOM. And if they try to use cover, she can basically pin them in place.

Make no mistake, she is tough to use right now. She is the workhorse...when to activate her in a turn is hugely important, and it's a very difficult skill to master. Open Beta starts soon, then we'll see how she is.

Very very true. The way I see it is if you can win with Raspy you can win with anyone.

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  • 3 months later...

So after some thought, I'm selling off my Raspy crew for a handful of peanuts. The crew has been one of the most frustrating and annoying gaming experiences of my life. The crew and along with that other "spirit" crew will be traded in for something else.

I figure with Mark II coming around I'll be able to start with a clean slate.

I'll stay on the forums but I seriously doubt I will touch Raspy again, current gaming record stands at (1-1-40). After reaching my 40th loss, I decided it was time to try another master.

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OTOH, somethimes a master's playstyle just doesn't fit. WHile I would argue that Anzimal should try M2E Rasputina before giving up on her, If he doesn't have the instincts/personality for her playstyle, he is always going to feel hamstrung by playing her.

Given the background he came in with, a more kill based crew might be better to really get his teeth into the game, and then move towards some of the more tricky/movement/control crews.

It also sounds like he was hit by the "Holy cow, you can do that?) hammer a couple of times, and that always sucks. On the other hand, once you start hitting other people with it, it is all worth it.

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With some thinking I've come to the conclusion that I need a master that can contemplate an aggressive, flexible playstyle and/or one I can seriously use as a tank and throw into combat without the mortal fear of being squished too easily.

Raspy fitted the spell casting tank role in theory, but she was honestly too squishy. I've experimented with Liltih and Peniquia? and they fitted my playstlye almost perfectly. Where Raspy often left me pulling my teeth out because I was constantly on the back foot with movement and getting caught in combat and killed. I've already sold my entire Raspy crew and that retarded Kirai spirit crew that made my brain completely melt trying to get that to work.

So bidding my time for Mark II and seeing what that brings.

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Sounds like a Lilith, Lady J, Perdita, Von Schill or Viktoria crew would be better suited. If you want to stay in Arcanist Marcus is a beatstick type Master who has some shenanigans associated with his beasts.

If there is someone who has the Arsenal decks you could always proxy up a crew to find what works best.

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