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Re-thinking Raid

Wake of Godzilla

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So for a long time I had written off the Guild scheme’s as not achievable – however after recently planning a lot of games with low value Guild minions that don’t typically engage with the enemy until they need to (Guild Hounds, Austringers, Witchling Stalkers & Death Marshall I have been finding that actually I tend to have a lot more guys on the board at the end. Combined with something like hold out you can really force the enemy to come to you and make the most out of the guild gun line. Not perfect against some crews but it does allow you to set some of the terms of the engagement. I was wondering if other players had had a similar experience with the this scheme and what everyone else thought about it?

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The scheme is achievable but is situational on when you can achieve it. Against master's that are capable of summoning models you will have trouble. Same with the dreamer, who can hide models until the last turn unless you kill him and the daydreams. Absolutely don't take this against hamelin. The best way to think of this scheme I have found is do you think you can table your opponent, cause that is kind of what you are attempting to do.

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Raid I'm fine with in general.

Round Up, however, feels like a waste of a faction scheme. It's just an extreme version of Raid, and as such, is inherently incredibly vulnerable to all the possible counters mentioned above for Raid.

Unless you feel confident you can table your opponent and they have a strat like Slaughter where you know they're going to be coming to you, I doubt I'll ever take the latter.

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Round Up, however, feels like a waste of a faction scheme. It's just an extreme version of Raid, and as such, is inherently incredibly vulnerable to all the possible counters mentioned above for Raid.
I've always wondered why they took this very cheap (from a development standpoint) option and made two schemes, that are basically the same but one is extremely difficult, and the other one is perfectly reasonable. And I can't see any time I would take Round Up, ever.

If I think I have a chance of tabling my opponent, it's probably a less experienced player I'm facing, and how much fun are they going to have if I go all out offensive and annihilate his or her team? If I'm facing someone with a moderate or higher skill lever, I'm not going to stand much of a chance of tabling them.

I can't think of a scheme I dislike more tbh. Resser schemes suck, sure, but they can be employed when you want to challenge yourself against someone weaker. Round Up is even less usefull then, if you want both players to have fun.

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To echo the thoughts of others, I think that Raid is a perfectly viable scheme for Guild. In general you can have a good number of cheap minions who are hard to get rid of and/or quite killy. In particular, if you take a few of the strong 4SS pieces like Witchling Stalkers and Death Marshalls you can start with a numerical advantage and work to keep it that way. Frequently I find that a good chunk of my time is spent killing other minions to prevent them from interacting with objectives so it’s a good opportunity to get some VPs for doing something I’d be attempting anyway.

My experience is that it’s particularly good if the other side is forced to engage you, e.g. if you are the defender in A Line in the Sand. Of course, it’s not suitable for all situations and playing against Hamelin, Nicodem or other masters with a strong summoning element will make it trickier to achieve.

Sonnia Criid can be a particularly good master for this scheme as she can also summon more Witchling Stalkers to bolster your own crew further.

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@Argentbadger i would strongly agree with you. I nearly always take raidwhen playing with sonnia. Starting out with 3 witchlings and a handler they become excellent models to lay down some hurt for there cost. Plus you can always violate them if the are going down :P

This makes it a fairly achievable scheme unless playing against kirao mcmourning etc

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