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Pride's Pride and Joy!


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I don't have any of my minis painted yet but I have been gathering everything I need to start my Malifaux adventure! And while I am not the best painter I really like painting and just having fun!

So this is going to be a running log of everything I paint for Malifaux from now on. I bought the Lilith starter set along with a blister of young nephilim as well as a cherub and a voodoo doll and while I know she can't field the voodoo doll it was just 2 cool not to get.

I think I am going to go with her being clad in green just because every red head makes me think of Gone with the Wind and the passage where Scarlet is talking about how good she looks in her green dress. I was torn about how I was going to base her but then I found very cool bases while on the WarStore! I think I am going to make my nephilim purple and that I will have a purple tinge to Lilith's skin.

My other crew I bought I had a much easier time figuring out. Raspy and the December cult id going to be Black just like black ice! I have picked up some obsidian healing points to use for ice pillars and some obsidian rocks to use on the base as well as some GW mourn mountain snow. The other color for Raspy is going to be blue and white to keep in her theme.

Anyway please let me know what you guys think of my ideas and I will try to get some work done as soon as the rest of my stuff gets here!

Oh I do have one more thing I have never had to pin a model before does anyone have any tips on how to do it?






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Sounds like you've got some great ideas! I look forward to seeing how you get on with them, particularly the black Raspy Crew.

To pin minis I tend to use a pin vice and a 1mm drill bit. You screw that a couple of millimetres into the foot of a model (after cutting off the tab and sanding it flat) and glue in a small metal rod (e.g. part of a paper clip). I then either dab a bit of paint onto the end of the paper clip to serve as a drilling marker on the base or put a piece of blue tac on the base and position the mini to work out where to drill the corresponding hole.

REMEMBER TO DO THIS EITHER BEFORE PAINTING OR AFTER IT'S VARNISHED AND DRIED. I've ruined a few minis by pinning them after they were painted and rubbing off the paint.

Good luck!

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I'm gonna have to question the wisdom of using Scribor bases, they look good, for a character model. Given that alot of the crew is rather undersized Nephlin they are going to look a bit lost on some of the bases. As a rule of thumb height two models will probably be ok, but for anything height one you should use the loose statue bits.

Also for purple skin I suggest you take a look at using lilac instead of a bright purple.

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I think the bases look brilliant! I can see that I will have to make the mini stand out especially the terror tots but I believe those are the only ones I would consider "undersized". As for the lilac thank you for the suggestion but I have seen a lot of lighter grayish purple out there for Lilith and her crew and I want to so things that are different or at least do signature things in a different way.

Oh I have also toyed with the idea of glitter for her and the crew.........

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I have just secured a couple more minis in E-Bay I just got 2 Miss Terious minis and a Miss Demeanor for the outcast crew I eventually want to do.

I have a question I am going to use one of the Miss Terious in a conversion. Either for Nino of for Fansico Ortega, which do you think would be better? The other one will be converted using an Alt Perdita. I kinda want to make an all girl Ortega clan (other than Papa Loco my thoughts being all the girls drove him over the edge).

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When I got to looking at the sprue in pics I thought maybe Nino would be easier to do with her hands being the way they are I could cut off the axe and glue on a gun that looks like his from the guns of Malifaux pack and have her holding it straight out from her body like she is pointing it at someone?

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So I just got almost the entire Ortega clan just waiting on one last model. And I got 1 more model each for my Raspy crew and my Lilith Crew. I got Blessed of December for Raspy and an Alt Zadoria for Lilith to use as a Black Blood Shaman! Oh for the Ortega clan I got 2 female gunsmiths to use as Latigo Pistolero conversions since I only wanted girls on the table for my Ortega clan. I also got the original blister and the hats and guns of Malifaux to use for my conversions (I figure I can just put a hat on the gunsmiths and change out the gun for my conversion for Nino) Not sure what I am going to do with the extra Pistolero guys that come in the box though.......

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  • 2 weeks later...

So the havoc of Sandy finally got sorted out as far as mail goes! I finally got all of my orders in! At least the ones I needed so I could start painting!

I am working on a Latigo Pistolero!

I am also happy to report that I was able to procure the last piece of the puzzle I need to have my primarily female Perdita crew! I won a bid on a Santana Ortega!!

Oh if anyone has need of 2 Latigo Pistolero's I have the 2 males I am not going to be using avaliable just let me know and I will $$$$$$$$ them off! Also I have a Marcus alt sculpt that was mistakenly put in my order that I won't use.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Are those tots made out of candy? :3

If so, I will have a bag.

They were supposed to look like sparkling vampires........but I guess candy works as well! I was kinda bummed with how they turned out in the end and was considering getting new ones and starting over but your comment made me like mine again thank you!

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They were supposed to look like sparkling vampires........but I guess candy works as well! I was kinda bummed with how they turned out in the end and was considering getting new ones and starting over but your comment made me like mine again thank you!

They kind of reminded me of pop rocks. lol

Don't be too hard on yourself. You can only see how something loos by experimenting with it. I actually stripped a model of paint just recently because I messed up the model in my opinion. I was experimenting with the model's skin and kind of ruined it badly with some wrong washing. No mistake is permanent though.

A sparkle effect could be achieved by mixing in a silver metal paint very slightly with a light flesh tone. Otherwise I have no idea how to make sparkle skin. Haha. ^^

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