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help with basing


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Howdy all. I have just made the move from guild to ressurs. Ive been playing malifaux and just got the kirai box set. I absolutely love the models and was wondering if anyone had any ideas for a decent base for the crew. I was considering the asian zen bases but as there are only 5 30mm bases i dont want to be having identical bases.

I was considering either a bamboo or wooden flooring but have seen both these done before. So was looking for something a bit more original?


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Yea i was thinking of maybe doing a marsh style base. I find it looks quite depressing so would fit in idealy. As for the snow my soniia crew are done on snow bases (along with nearlly all my other models :P) so would like something a bit differnt.

Does anyone here have any experiencdoing water effects? Or that can point me in the right direction of a tutorial?

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@ morpsele. Yea that would be ace if you could get a pic on this thread. It sounds really simple too :)

@ guild monkee. Yea id like to have her painted in the next week or so. Im about 95% decided on her colour scheme so hopefully i can pull it off. Ill get some pics on here once i start her.

Thanks for the info on the plog and :)

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Tried using white glue for a water effect on some bases. Came out ok although not as happy with it as I was hoping, seems to have "fogged" a bit after it fully dried. Saw some bases in a game I played and she used hot glue for her water effects. Looked really good and seemed stable, so that might be worth a try.

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Does anyone here have any experiencdoing water effects? Or that can point me in the right direction of a tutorial?

Quite a lot actually, I use a lot of water effect for my gremlins and Warhammer Fantasy Lizardmen.

I would recommend two products for realistic looking water effects, both from Woodland Scenics

  • Realistic Water (for shallow depths)
  • Water Effect (for waves, splashes and ripples)

If you are looking for deeper water effect (say more than a 1/4") I would go with Envirotex Lite.

Things like Hot Glue, White Glue and Silicon Caulking provide vastly inferior results to the above products (due to shrinking and clouding mainly).

Another one you might try though is Woodland Scenics E-Z Water. It is a "Hot" product so you will need to be careful with melting paint (though it dries very, very fast for a water product and has a slight yellowish tint that aids in the realism of swampy scenes).

Edited by Omenbringer
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Awsome. Thanks for all the replies. Ive gone and purchased spme of the realistic water as ive used woodland scenics products before and loved the results.

Can anybofy recomend a step by step process for doing the water effect bases?

Also if you have any photos online that i could take a gander at i would greatly apprichiate it.

Thanks again for all the replies :) ill be starting on the models on monday so will get some photos up asap.

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I used (the endless supply) of wooden coffee stirrers from my college cafe for building bases. I made some nice bayou style wooden fences and walkways. You could adapt these to your requirements. When it comes to building bases and scenery i use the following mantra...

"One mans junk is another mans treasure!"

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