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Just off the train... My journey into Malifaux


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Hi all, I've been an avid gamer since the early 90's but have only very recently discovered the wonderful world of Malifaux thanks to our local henchman Oz. I've started with an Arcanist crew, namely Kaeris and have been running her box in our LGS' Malifaux campaign to good effect. I have since purchased Rasputina's box and a few blisters (Iggy and Johan). This is going to be my log of the painting of these miniatures plus the gaming table I am building. I've only painted a single gunsmith so far and the picture quality is poor (iphone in a bedroom) but hopefully you lot can give me some sound advice. She isn't based properly yet but all of my crew will be on desert scrub bases.


Cheers All I hope to keep you regularly updated



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Apologies for the poor pictures but at present I'm only able to use my phone to get pictures. I have finished the Gunsmith and have now started on Kaeris. I'm finding skin very difficult to paint as I've never done it before but I hope you can see what I'm going for here. The gold on her wings is a bit off on the highlights but I'm getting there!



The lighting is a bit better but I'll try to put some white paper behind them next time!

Cheers AB

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Now we're talking! The pics are much, much better and I can now appreciate the quality of painting. The gunsmith's hair and skin look very nice. The cloak is excellent too. I'd suggest playing with dry pigments - you'd be able to easily get a nice worn look.

And Kaeris looks really nice so far, once again great skin tone and I like the metallics on her wings though perhaps you could try to add some dark ink/wash between individual feathers.

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Wow, thanks guys been a busy weekend Painted Kaeris although she's on a temporary base until I get my base inserts but I'm really very pleased with how she came out. Started work on my Fire Gamins will post when I figure out how to paint fire!




In addition to my Kaeris crew my LGS just got a restock of Malifaux so I bought myself a treat! Rasputina's crew is so I can pick and choose from the Acanists and have a good master to lead Kaeris in larger games. Lady Justice is just too damn pretty to not own!


Cheers AB

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Wow really nice responses guys. I can't believe I've only just discovered these things I just can't stop painting them! Not based yet but i've started my fire gamins. Everything is a massive learning experience. Lets see. Never painted skin before, never painted clothes before and now I'm painting freaking fire! I'm begining to think I should have picked another box to start with!






Cheers all AB

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Right I'm having trouble with basing and I need your help!

As you can see I've gone for a desert basing scheme on Kaeris but I'm not completely sold. I want to base all my arcanists the same so they look right when picked as a crew so the choice is simple.

Victorian streets i.e cobbles and kerbstones


Desert rocks as you can see on Kaeris.

The models I still have to base/paint are:

3 x fire gamin

2 x gunsmith




3 x Ice gamin

Ice Gollum


Acolyte of December

Silent One





So I leave it open to your experienced minds

Cheers AB

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Right'o bit of a change of plan, my LGS is having a tournement in a couple of weeks 30ss up to 3 proxy/conversions providing you have cards for them so I've decided to paint a special crew and try to win the best painted award. I've decided on Guild led by Lady J, 3 death marshals, a judge, nino ortega (or friekorps tracker I haven't decided), an Austrider and a Guardian. If anyone has any additional suggestions please let me know. Obviously I know thats more than 30ss but seen as you can change your crew each game I thought i'd have some variety. Anyway this is a painting thread so I better show some minis!

Here is my Lady Justice!



Cheers all C&C welcome


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I hate you, i hate you, i hope you know this :D

But ofc it is all in a friendly way, no mean hating here :)

---------- Post added at 11:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:26 PM ----------

Maybe one day ill have the energy and patience to learn to paint properly :)

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