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Som'er vs Colette 30SS


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So this week's match up is my Som'er crew against Colette. Have been doing a little reading around the forum I came across this helpful summary of playing against her:

The 'recipe' to dealing with Colette is:

  1. Kill her Show girls, focus on performers first, Cassandra and Duet Second
  2. Focus, Focus, Focus. Even her SS users (Cassandra/Coryphee) go down to concentrated attacks
  3. Make her use her SS next. As long as she is burning SS you are gaining ground on Colette. She can only make 2 per turn, and that slows her down a lot.
  4. Don't focus on Colette until her Showgirls are gone. Attacks of oppurtunity are nice, but removing showgirls is more important.

Unfortunately, most of what I have read so far deals with strategies other than Slaughter, which is the strategy for this week.

So it's a 30SS game, we have to use the starter box (for me that's Som'er, 4 Bayou Gremlins, Warpig), and it's Shared Slaughter strategy.

I've not thought yet about what to use the other 14SS on (other than the usual one mosquito at least). Do I go with the Taxidermist setup that I took last week? It worked well against Pandora (wiped out her crew):

Som'er (2SS cache)

6 Bayou Gremlins (12SS)

Warpig (8SS)

Mosquito (2SS)

Taxidermist (6SS)

Any thoughts, advice, tips are well.

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Well from my experience facing colette, I tend to focus first on cassandra and the duet. This is because they are the only "real damage dealers" in a colette list. I tend to find that once they are gone, although colette can still complete numerous objectives, she has to do it without killing too many models. The rest of your list of things to do is pretty much the same though.

As to the other 14ss, with 6 Gremlins in your list ever thought of Ophelia? She is an amazing henchmen and stops you blowing your own models away so much.

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Yeah, definitely thought about taking Ophelia, but I am not sure if she'd be the best fit until I can drop the warpig (which is weeks 7 and 8 of the club league) simply due to the huge number of SS for her. I did take her against Ramos, which I was so thankful for, as she dealt with the big arachnid thing that came for Som'er.

The Bayous have been ok so far, as they mainly provide fodder for making pigs (which then make stuffed pigs), mosquitoes or running for objectives. Three of them took down one of the Ortega's (the one that gets better with lower wounds), so whilst they can be unreliable they can deal out some damage if I can get Dumb Luck off.

Will Colette's crew be wanting to get up close and personal? That may influence taking Ophelia. On the other hand, would I be better throwing stuffed pigs at her crew since they cause automatic 1-4 damage (depending on what I flip), which combined with the mosquitoes casting Pull My Finger worked well against Pandora?

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I honestly think Ophelia would be the better choice simply because it's slaughter. They're going to send any melee fighters right up their and start trying to kill off anything they can get their hands on. Ophelia has impressive combat and paired weapons for both ranged and melee and she can guarantee any gremlins in an aura can get Squeel. Also, keep in mind your ranged power. With Ophelia, your gremlins can actually get some shots off before they get locked in combat without wounding your own models, and bayou gremlins don't lose much combat wise by switching over to melee. If you have gremlins not engaged in combat you have a 12" range on anything that doesn't move in, such as models trying to stake a claim or break through. That's pretty much it for my advice, oh also, be careful with summoning during slaughter. You don't want to hand them to many points.

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The showgirl box is 21 points of models - 2 performer/manniquin pairs and Cassandra.

Most likely addition for shared slaughter is a dove and Johan. (at least thats what I'd consider.

I can't remember the exact rules, but I think you need to kill both the performer and the manniquin to get the kill.

Be prepared to take several wp tests for all your targetting.

The performers main attack is a wp resist spell which if it gets you into her melee will give you paralysed (and very shortly afterward poison 4).

Cassandra has good mobility and the ability to do blast damage at range as well as in melee.

Doves are going to be a pain for you, as if they kill things with Magicians duel he will be getting more Soulstone.

My suggestion for early targets are:

Doves. They are fast and can act as soulstone for most of his crew.

Manniquins. They can companion all the showgirls

What ever heavy combat unit he has taken with his remaining soulstone.

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Be prepared to take several wp tests for all your targetting.

The performers main attack is a wp resist spell which if it gets you into her melee will give you paralysed (and very shortly afterward poison 4).

This is one of the reasons I thought about taking the Taxidermist over Ophelia...if there were going to be issues about needing to take Wp tests to target then I'm better throwing stuff at them that doesn't require to flip to hit.

Any further insights or thoughts?

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