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Bury and Summon Limits



Okay so let's say I bury one of collodi's four marionettes with a stitched. That mari is now out of play. The rare limit controls how many of a model you can have in play at a time. So Collodi makes a new marionette bring him back up to 4.

What happens at the end of the turn when the abducted marionette would be unburied? Is it just lost? Does it remain buried until a turn ends with less than 4 marionettes on the table? Does it come back to the table under the heading of "rules on cards over come rules in the book" and the card says the marionette comes back while the book says it can't?

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I'm almost positive that It's been outright stated somewhere on the forums that they cease to exist when they try to come back. Unfortunatly, my search fu is, as ever, weak.

When the bury ends, they cannot remain buried. they also cannot come back into play. It's the same thing as if you had tried to summon a fifth into existence. it just doesn't work.

Basicly, There is nothing that states that a model may remain buried when when the effect that buried it ends. Since that woulkd immediatly put the model in play, which in this instance is expressly forbidden, the buried model is removerd from the game.

I know I've seen the thread where this was all explained, I just can't find it. I'm pretty sure it also used the Viks as an example, and led to the inclusion of the rule in the FAQ.

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