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New player looking for advice on Guild crew.


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Hi Everyone,

First off, nice forum ;)

Now to my first post...

As the title explains I am looking into some crew selection advice. I have played a lot of different board games and different strategic games as well as a varity of "Game Workshop" games and different spin offs. So even though I might have a good background for understanding this game I have close to zero experience with Malifaux. I have read a lot of the guides and advice that are made available to malifaux players, so I am not 100% green ;)

I am looking into starting my first crew and as I am a new player, I thought a easy and maybe a bit straight forward Faction/Master/Crew would be the wisest choice. I have looked at a couple of different masters and ended up liking both the look and the story of four different masters. The Victorias, Sonia Criid, Perdita Ortega and Lady Justice all caught my eye.

As it might be a good idea (in the future) to have a larger choice pool in terms of what crew I pick for each game, I am now settling on a Master from the Guild faction.

I would like a master that gives some flexibility to both crew choice but also to how I need to play my team. In addition to this I would like a Master that is good in a support role as well as lending a hand when needed and not a "sacrificial" model? So at the moment I am looking at Sonia Criid with a bit of a mixed crew from the rest of the Guild.

That would give me a lot of options when/if I want to expand my crew.

Also my main opponent at the near/long time future is playing a Seamus crew, so I would prefer if my crew and master was not to "tailored" to combat resurrectionist, while at the same time being able to play a balanced game against them.

Sonia Criid, should not be the easiest but neither the most difficult Master to play with and at the same time, I think she might be able to function with a larger variation of crew members?

My pick for a 25ss crew is at the moment looking like this:

Sonnia Criid -- 5 Pool

Francisco Ortega [5ss]

Latigo Pistolero [3ss]

Samael Hopkins [8ss]

Witchling Stalker [4ss]

Witchling Stalker [4ss]

So I would have to buy the start set for Sonia Criid and the blister for Francisco and the Pistolero(es). This have the bonus of having an extra Wichling Stalker (for summoning) and an extra two Pistoleroes for a larger battle. For a futher enlargement of my crew I am consider a Guardian, Death Marshals or maybe a mercenary from the outcast faction (maybe a Librarian?).

But before going out and investing my money, I would like some advice or views from more experienced players?

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Welcome to the game! And if you want crew flexibility, then you can't go wrong of guild as from all the factions, it is the faction where you can best mix and match models all over the board.

From the masters you listed, I think Sonnia is probably the one that will offer you the most challenge, but it is also really fun to play.

My suggestions, without going too far to not scare you, drop the Latigo Pistolero and take the Watcher instead. He is significant (so he can fulfill objectives), has a move (fly) of 7" and can look at the top cards of the deck. Sonnia has a severe dependency on books for her spells, so the Watcher helps a little bit with that.

The other models you listed are nice to play with for fun and you can definitively use them. Although, if you are looking into making your crew more resilient, then I definitively would take Sonnia's avatar. Her defense 4 and dependency on books means she will rarely survive a game, unless you manifest.

Then, after, I would buy Perdita's box, as you get a variety of good models in there... for instance, I prefer Santiago over Hopkins, etc...

Have fun!

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First, the good news. All of the guild are pretty interchangable, in that outside of Hoffman, there really are no penalties for taking any guild models you want, and even with Hoffman, you really only need 2 or 3.

With sonnia, you will probably want more stones. I like to take at least 6. On the other hand, if you take a desperate mercenary or two, you can pretty easily turn them into witchlings. Saves you a stone.

Really, you can't go too far wrong with guild models, though. I'd recommend picking up a witchling handler, and possibly a couple of guild hounds, to switch out based on your objectives. Guild hounds can move 18 inches if activated within 6" of another hound, so they make decent objective grabbers, and because they become insignifigant when too far from another dog, you don't have to feel bad using them to target a flame burst. Witchling handlers make your witchling stalkers better, and are a good model in themselves.

While Death Martials are anti undead, they work as great 4 stone models for everyone, and aren't massivly overpowered against undead.(they get willpower bonuses, mostly) They work as almost the opposite of the witchlings, as the witchlings trigger Critical hits on melee, and the DMs trigger critical hits on range.

Also, if you plan to purchase Perdita's box at all, do yourself a favor and either wait to purchase Fransisco until you do, or buy the whole box now.

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Thank You both for the advice. I will try using it to make a better start list.

Welcome to the game! And if you want crew flexibility, then you can't go wrong of guild as from all the factions, it is the faction where you can best mix and match models all over the board.

From the masters you listed, I think Sonnia is probably the one that will offer you the most challenge, but it is also really fun to play.

Thank you and good to hear...seems the Guild is the right choice for me then ;)

My suggestions, without going too far to not scare you, drop the Latigo Pistolero and take the Watcher instead. He is significant (so he can fulfill objectives), has a move (fly) of 7" and can look at the top cards of the deck. Sonnia has a severe dependency on books for her spells, so the Watcher helps a little bit with that.

I see you point about movement. I had not really thought it could be a big issue, but what you described makes a lot of sense. A watcher would boost my teams flexibility and at the same time could increase the usefulness of Sonia.

The other models you listed are nice to play with for fun and you can definitively use them. Although, if you are looking into making your crew more resilient, then I definitively would take Sonnia's avatar. Her defense 4 and dependency on books means she will rarely survive a game, unless you manifest.

Ah, well. Unfortunately money is also a bit of an issue. At least at the beginning until I get a better understanding of the game. I would like to play a bit more before investing in more expensive models. The Avatar cost more than the whole rest of the crew, so it is at the moment off the starting list.

But I will keep it in mind and it will join my "wish" list ;)

Then, after, I would buy Perdita's box, as you get a variety of good models in there... for instance, I prefer Santiago over Hopkins, etc...

Have fun!

Interesting! I had thought about that as well...hmm

First, the good news. All of the guild are pretty interchangable, in that outside of Hoffman, there really are no penalties for taking any guild models you want, and even with Hoffman, you really only need 2 or 3.

Good that was what I was aiming for.

With sonnia, you will probably want more stones. I like to take at least 6. On the other hand, if you take a desperate mercenary or two, you can pretty easily turn them into witchlings. Saves you a stone.

Cheers, good to know. I will keep that in mind. I am not so sure about the desperate mercenaries yet. They cost a bit more money wise per model and a lot more in terms of money per SS? But it is a nice trick and it has a bit of "Guild" justice about it..hmm

Really, you can't go too far wrong with guild models, though. I'd recommend picking up a witchling handler, and possibly a couple of guild hounds, to switch out based on your objectives. Guild hounds can move 18 inches if activated within 6" of another hound, so they make decent objective grabbers, and because they become insignifigant when too far from another dog, you don't have to feel bad using them to target a flame burst. Witchling handlers make your witchling stalkers better, and are a good model in themselves.

Hmm, the Witchling Handler is on my wish list, but I thought it might be better to wait with the model, until I have more Witchling Stalkers in the crew? On the other hand the Handler does also give some added movement boost to the Witchling Stalkers?

Guild Hounds is another interesting choice. Again some speed boosting for the team to add tactical flexibility. As far as I could read one should try having at least 3 hounds in the crew, so they end up costing a bit in terms of SS? That would be almost a third of my points in a 25ss - would it be worth it, considering the loss in firepower/combat strength of the rest of my crew?

While Death Martials are anti undead, they work as great 4 stone models for everyone, and aren't massivly overpowered against undead.(they get willpower bonuses, mostly) They work as almost the opposite of the witchlings, as the witchlings trigger Critical hits on melee, and the DMs trigger critical hits on range.

Also, if you plan to purchase Perdita's box at all, do yourself a favor and either wait to purchase Fransisco until you do, or buy the whole box now.

Thanks. Seems I will have to decide what way my starting team is going. Mix with Ortegas, Death Marshals or other "independant" Guild minions.

So the the given advice is in a short list? Or did I miss a point?

1. More mobility (Watcher, Guild Hounds, Witch Handler and so on).

2. Better survivability and boosted power of Sonia Criid (Avatar, Watcher and more Soulstones).

Hmm...What about adding the Brutal Effigy for healing and a close support bodyguard to either Sonia or Sammuel, a Watcher for the added flexibility and extra power boost for Sonia and at last a bit more Soulstones for the Lady. I would have to lose the Ortegas firesupport though?

Guild Crew - 25 - Scrap

Sonnia Criid
6 Pool

  • Brutal Effigy

  • Samael Hopkins

  • Watcher

  • Witchling Stalker

  • Witchling Stalker

Would that be a better start list? I am a bit worried about it having to little combat strength?

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I'd also Add that the Gaurdian is a great companion for Sonnia--Her lower Defense means she can use a bit more crunchiness. Still, you don't really need him right at the start, you just have to be a bit more careful with how you move her. I don't know how the brutal effigy compares to that though, as I haven't had any experience using it.

Also, remember that for every 2 hounds you have, you get a soulstone added to your cache--making them closer to 5 stones/2 dogs.

Strategically, I think one of the most important things to remember is that the only model on the table that isn't a potential target of Sonnia's is Sonnia herself. :P

I'd say that none of the lists you posted were bad, just that you should really think about having the models for a bit more flexibility. Having faster models is going to be important a lot, just because most of the other factions/crews out there have more movement shenannigans than you. Personally, I've found watcher to be very situational, as he has some things that are always good, if you use him at the right time(the ability to know what is coming in your deck) and some that are very situational(his movement range is great, but you have to be careful not to put him too deep, because he doesn't have much defense or wds.) On the other hand, against Seamus, you are probably going to love the watcher, because it can strip terrifying, harmless and pitiful away from models, and help you ignore cover with ranged attacks.

Really, though, the best advice I can give you on taking lists is to be flexible, and play some games. You'll get a feel for where you are weak, and that'll give you a beter idea of where to go to expand.

That being said, I'd say when you have a few games under your belt and understand your crew's interrelationships, definitly consider saving for Sonnia's avatar, as it is one of the few avatars that is almost entirely better than the master.

As far as combat ability, you have a pretty good mix in the new list--some ranged, some melee, and some utility. Remember, the game isn't about who can kill the other teams crew, but who can complete their objectives. You might consider having a beatstick model(the executioner works well, as does Judge) as well as a few faster models to change out depending on your objectives. But as far as a crew that'll be able to do anything without too many problems, that seems like a good mix.

Edited by Dracomax
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Looking at the advice here, I would suggest, finances permitting, buy the Witchhunters box and the Ortegas box.

It gives a good range of models for movement, Melee and shooting.

It also allows you to customise your crew based on missions.

After you have a few games under your belt with those models, you will probably have an idea what sort of model you want to expand to. Are you struggling with getting to objectives? Then consider a Watcher, or a couple of guild hounds. Is Sonnia dieing every game? A guardian or a Brutal effigy could help her live.

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I first started with guild and with Sonnia. First off for 25 SS if money is tight just buy her box set and play with that. If you've got the cash to buy something else then the other boxes are the best value purchases you can pick up.

As said above most guild masters aren't particularly tied to any of their minions, or possibly put differently none of the minions have very strong synergies with any particular master.

One thing you'll find with guild is they lack much speed. When you play against some of the other factions (neverborn in particular) you'll notice they often end up on their objective turn 1 and it can be really difficult to stop them. Don't get disheartened though, guild can do a lot better at schemes which involve taking and holding points or straight up killing rather than the 'interact and done' objectives. So it does mostly balance out over the long run.

Also don't worry about not having the Avatars, I've yet to put one on the board and haven't felt I'm particularly missing out on anything, there is still a lot going on in the games without an additional complexity to manage.

Crew selection wise Sonnia loves to have a lot of soulstones, when you look at her spell list a lot of them require tomes to cast but she doesn't come with those as default, but one of her zero action gives her +1cast and the tomes she wants for a soulstone.

I've now picked up Sonnia's box, Lady J's box, 2 Austringers (long range, don't need LoS to attack really helps out chip away wounds early in the game), executioner (not really got much out of him yet, as a slow combat model think he needs to utilse some movement tricks that can be added). Just picked up Lucius's box, guild guards and guild hounds. Itried out Ryle & the guards for the first time last week, really liked their ability to do a lot of damage quicky against most opponents due to the positive flip on their guns. But really want to see Lucius on the table as he adds some movement tricks to the crew.

Also the new book 4 master sounds really interesting, think he should help out guild mobility a lot. All in all I've been drawn back to the guild a lot having moved into Neverborn for a while to play with Zoraida but find the guild sculpts so much fun to paint I love doing the faction..

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  • 1 month later...

So now I have tried a few "battles", tried a few different models and generally gained a better understanding of the game. My original list have changed a few time and I now have a list shaped out that I am happy about.

My opponent have only been playing with Seamus, so that has a lot to say.

Sonnia Criid -- 5 Pool

  • Desperate Mercenary [2ss]
  • Nino Ortega [7ss]
  • Santiago Ortega [7ss]
  • Witchling Stalker [4ss]
  • Witchling Stalker [4ss]

Samael was good, but not that good. He did have his moments against Ca 6+ targets, but the lack of ekstra shoting triggers, ekstra movement, healing, paired pistol and a higher SS cost compared to Santiago Ortega was enough to get him in the reserve.. Santiago is soooo much better and against more and different targets. He is my main damage dealer and have taken Seamus out of action the last couple of games. The extra movement have also been a bonus. He can get to those objectives that the rest of the crew struggle to reach in time.

Nino O. is a new addition to the list and a very pleasing one. His long range, high Cb combined with interesting triggers make him a solid choice.

Witchling Stalkers have been a very good choice. The focus on melee makes them my frontliners, and with the aura and magic blades they make for great disruption/distraction of magic users. The magic resistance is generally only used against Sonnias magic attack. The dispel spell have been quite good to stop different Rez effects like Seamus aura and Molys harmless/pettyful.

The Desperado is really just there to give a little extra support and healing before being turned into a witchling stalker or used as a beginning spot for Sonnias blast spell. He will be the left at home when needing extra SS.

Sonnia Creed...well, must admit that I was a bit disappointed to begin with. She has a hard time really getting the blast spell through against those pesky undeads. It did go a bit better when I started to target my own crew to get the blast through. She has not been the big crew demolisher I original thought her out to be. On the other hand her powers in protection against enemy spells and her ability to create a single fire wall to either give my crew protection in form of LOS blocking or the ability to stop Seamus fleeing by isolating him has been a winner. Violation has it positive sides as well. But mainly she has left the damage dealing to the rest of the crew and has taken a more supporting role. It has had the added benefit of a low use of SS (mostly to counter seamus or keep alive). She has also helped a bit with her aura and the use of her blade in melee. The extra fate card is a life saver and the odd high card has turned the fight around (getting a high mask card to use with Nino is a very fortunately outcome).

I am not sure if I am using Sonnia below her abilities, but so far I have been pleased with her and her new role. Any hints or tricks out there that you know of will of course be appreciated greatly!

My next focus would probably be to get my hands on Lucius as he both add more guild models and add a very different playstyle to the guild.

I would love any advice and thoughts on the subject.

Personally I have thought about a 25 SS list like this (will have to playtest it though).

Lucius -- 4 Pool

Drill Sergeant [3ss]

  • Guild Austringer [5ss]
  • Guild Austringer [5ss]
  • Guild Guard [4ss]
  • Ryle, Guild Pawn [8ss]

I am a bit worried about the low number of models though...

Please give me you thought...

- Thanks


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