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The Dreamer


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there must be better strategies but here's mine;

Dreamer - 5ssc

daydream x2 -4ss



stitched together x2 -10ss

insidious madness -4ss

alp -3ss

this crew works mainly on willpower duels, so resputina and kaeris have nothing to worry about.

activating all nightmares simultaneously, dreamer is giving enemies negative flips, the daydreams stop the dreamer from being hit and also give the enemy -1wp, lilitu gives me +4wp, lelu is drinking blood (Rst; WP) the insidious madness is going to run up to the enemy and give them all negative flips on wp duels, and the stitched togethers are doing 'gamble your life' on wp10 against the enemies wp, wich will be on double negative flips and -2wp, also the alp is gonna do 'yawning' to all the fast models, and activating smother, seems solid.

then for strategies like treasure hunt take atleast three night terrors (rezzers) one moves and drags the others up with 'flock together', then the second does the same, then the third, and thanks to the dreamer they start 21" up the board anyway, so if you have four of them you can have the treasure in your zone by turn one, plus they're hard to kill, spirits and they fly.

if you see any flaws or if you have a better strategy please share

---------- Post added at 04:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:06 PM ----------

and in a brawl, instead of taking another master, save 10ss and hire Von Schill as a merc (or as a merc henchman, im not sure if thats allowed) and he gives freindly models +4wp aswell as being good at range and abilities

---------- Post added at 04:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:12 PM ----------

i have aDreamer but as im sure most would agree, its better to save two ss and alot of hassle and stick with chompy bits, whos better anyway

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I can't recommend copellius highly enough. With the sole exception of the doppelganger he's the best utility model for neverborn. I'm not a fan of the twins (although that's more aesthetic than rules wise) so I'd drop then in a heartbeat to get the Copp and another alp. Speaking of which a single alp is of limited use, two is way better (and more is better still even after the, much deserved, alp bomb cuddle).

Collodi is an awesome addition to any neverborn force, particularly zoraida but still true of the dreamer.

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I'm a big fan of the Arcane Effigy with the Dreamer. Seven cards is always awesome. Give the Dreamer a casting AP, let him (0) I Can Fly, (1) to walk, Casting AP to bring out the Nightmares, (0) to Nightmare Friend, and then Chompy comes in with basically full AP since the Dreamer only used one of their shared generic AP.

I am crutching on the Arcane Effigy in Neverborn SO hard...

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I'm also a huge AE fan.

After playing the game with Kirai all the time for most of my time in Malifaux, going from 6 to 7 cards is just...huge. Add in a casting AP and I am just so incredibly happy. I don't know I could ever play Zoraida without the Effigy, which is hard because I also want to try out the Von Schill silliness with her. But...seventh card. And casting AP. Especially when I wanna' go avatar...

Love these little guys in general. It's one of my favourite parts of playing Neverborn. :D

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i was told that you can activate them all simultaneously because they all have the nightmare characteristic and i only took the alp as i had 3 spare points, now that they're insignificant they aren't as useful, and lelu and lilitu work great together, lilitu heals any model 2wounds every turn and lelu takes 2 from an enemy, aswell as drink blood and lure, they're seriously under-rated. I dont perticularly fancy copelius as he doesnt do asmuch, summoning alps is hard to do, poison one is ok, and taking 4 wounds when he dies isnt very usefull cause i dont want him to die. and in a brawl i probably would take the arcane, does anyone know if in a brawl you can use Von Schill as a henchman in a neverborn crew with the dreamer as he's a merc?

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I dont think lelu and lilitu are underated... They seem to me to be regarded as some of the most brutal neverborn models, particularly if you take 2 pairs.

Coppelius has been more useful for me in paralyzing low WP models and causing morale duels than summoning or flat out damage. His healing flips on multiple nightmares can also be invaluable!

activate them all simultaneously because they all have the nightmare characteristic

As far as I am aware this is not the case, there are some companion shenanigans with the day dreams and chompy's ability to activate immediately after being placed as already mentioned.

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There are no companion Nightmare ability's that i have heard of and i spent the first year pretty much exclusively playing the dreamer.

The twins are great as Crawfod said, they are possibly the best valued models there is not just in Neverborn.

As for coppelius, he is great for paralysing things, and then floating off to paralyse someone else or hit them and steal their eyes. I dont tend to use his counters ever for summoning an alp, unless i decide i need the activation, as two healing flips for a 0 action is just awesome. But what is even better is he drops poison two on models he paralyses.

As for his doing 4WD when he gets killed by something, yes you dont want him to die, but it does make people worry a little bit about killing him, so he can get low on wounds quickly, but it take a bit longer before people invest a model in killing him as it hurts them drastically. It is a deterrent from killing him, rather than just losing the model he may get revenge on the model who killed him ect.

Not trying to say you are wrong to not take him, i just love the guy he just has a lot of rules that i still forget about :)

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The main drawback of teddy is his mediocre speed. The dreamer fixes that with all the bury/unbury shenanigans. So Teddy works just fine with the dreamer. Personally I much prefer Copellius for the cost though. Teddy can kill things pretty good and is pretty tough. Copellius can kill things pretty good, can slow, can paralyze, can cause models to fall back, can summon alps. He's not as tough as Teddy but his retribution of 4 wounds on whomever kills him makes taking him down painful. If you need a pure beatstick you already have LCB who puts teddy to shame.

Some people like to run teddyx3 dreamer lists. Sounds like goofy fun if not super effective for a lot of strategies.

Edited by 011121
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For goofy Dreamer fun you could run Bills "My Teddy" list of Dreamer/LCB, 1 Daydream, Kade, and 2 Teddy with 3 cache at 25SS.

And for bigger games expand with 2 more daydreams and avatar chompy. This (or 3 teddies) is the dreamer list I run for a laugh.

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Bare in mind Von Schill's +4WP aura is only for morale duels. Also, lilitu's + 4wp is only for duels targeting the model her spell is cast on (i think that's how it works, dont have cards on me) so while Lelitu's spell is of some use for stitcheds, Von Schill's aura is of no use.

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thanks for letting me know, but im still confused as to whether or not you can have von schill as a merc and make him a henchman

Henchmen can only lead in a Scrap.

They can be hired by another master in a scrap. They can also be hired by another master in a brawl. Or two masters in a brawl.

Unless they are leading the Scrap you don't get their henchman reserve and you have to pay their cost to hire.

A common plan is taking 1 master in a Brawl, and then instead of takign a second master, take the extra 10 SS that you get for only 1 master and using that to hire a henchman. You can have 2 masters and a henchman in a brawl if you want.

Unless you are using the henchman to lead a scrap its simplist to consider them a minion that can attach a totem and use soulstone.

Hope that helps

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I'm a big fan of the Arcane Effigy with the Dreamer. Seven cards is always awesome. Give the Dreamer a casting AP, let him (0) I Can Fly, (1) to walk, Casting AP to bring out the Nightmares, (0) to Nightmare Friend, and then Chompy comes in with basically full AP since the Dreamer only used one of their shared generic AP.

I am crutching on the Arcane Effigy in Neverborn SO hard...

I can't see using Arcane Effigy with Dreamer since the Effigy is so slow while the Dreamer is so fast. Moving the Arcane Effigy to a different spot where the Dreamer is at is almost yelling at the opponent "Hey the Dreamer is going to be there... eventually."

Every other Neverborn, it's awesome. Sure, with the Dreamer you will have a fantastic first turn but the kid has things to do and Arcane can't really catch up.

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the effigy is far from useless without the extra ap though, it's got decent firepower and the extra card is sweet.

This right here. With Dreamer, I don't intend to have him using an extra casting AP every turn. I need that extra AP on a critical turn which the Dreamer is still usually nearby for.

The extra card is ALWAYS good. And Arcane has a couple of pretty decent guns on him IMO since he is really accurate vs a lot of stuff. And forcing them to discard is just...delicious.

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