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New Rasputina Player


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Hello All,

New to Malifaux as well as Rasputina. I've played quite a few mini games over the years and welcome the change of game style that Malifaux brings to the table. So what I am asking is as follows; I have a Rasputina box along with Snow Storm

1. Is there a Arcanist play bible such as the War Colleges for WarmaHordes?

2. If not what should I be looking out for as far as opponent tricks based on Faction?

3. What tricks can I use on enemies be they outside or within my faction?

4. What model should be my next purchase to expand the items above? Please provide why this should be the next purchase and how to use the model to best practice tactically.

5. if you don't have a next purchase model, perhaps you have a model to avoid adding to my crew. Again please provide a why this model should be avoided.



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Seconding pull my finger for tips.

Top two models you want next are:

Silent one for range buffing and a better ice mirror node.

Essence of power for boosted damage flips for Raspy and therefore more blasts.

Nothing to completely stay away from, but you are unlikely to want a second ice golem any time soon. But there aren't many models over six stones that you'd ever want more than two of, with rare exceptions, anyway.

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Thirding Pull My Finger....great Raspy info on there.

My top choices for Raspy are, in order:

1. Essence of Power - :+fate on spell damage flips for her is a no-brainer

2. Silent One - best Ice Mirror for Raspy, Healing spell that damages enemies, buffs to increase range, plus some other nice stuff.....one is an auto-include for me...sometimes I take 2.

3. Gunsmith - Great versatility and damage output....buffed properly with Silent One and Ice Gamin can really bring the pain.

4. Blessed of December - Self-reliant, self-healing, fast moving, melee-oriented objective grabber..........yes please.

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I don't know why so few people like the wendigo. I've only played one game with raspy but the wendigo did very well. It killed an enemy, healed off the corpse, and tied up a peacekeeper long enough for raspy to get away. EOP plays to raspy's strengths while the wendigo covers her weaknesss.

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I don't know why so few people like the wendigo. I've only played one game with raspy but the wendigo did very well. It killed an enemy, healed off the corpse, and tied up a peacekeeper long enough for raspy to get away. EOP plays to raspy's strengths while the wendigo covers her weaknesss.

There's nothing wrong with the Wendigo per say, as far as I can see - but it doesn't really do anything especially great either - you can take other models that can do what the Wendigo can do - whereas, Rasputina can be putting out a lot of spell damage in a single turn (with a potential 3 AP spent on casting her blast spell and a (0) for biting chill) and all of these have the potential to be cast multiple times - therefore you get a huge benefit from the passive ability of the Essense of Power (and its still just as good as the Wendigo at casting Ice Pillars with Magical extension...)

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This is one of the fortunately rare examples of poor game design in Malifaux. The vanilla arcanist totem essence makes the wendigo laughable, while it's outright useless with Marcus at the same time. That way Ramos has 3 totems to consider, anybody else from book 1 have no choice at all.

EOP plays to raspy's strengths while the wendigo covers her weaknesss.

Out of curiosity, what weakness of Rasputina the wendigo exactly covers???

Edited by geistwald
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This is one of the fortunately rare examples of poor game design in Malifaux. The vanilla arcanist totem essence makes the wendigo laughable, while it's outright useless with Marcus at the same time. That way Ramos has 3 totems to consider, anybody else from book 1 have no choice at all.

I think you greatly exaggerate Ramos' options.

Conventional wisdom is that each of the Arcanist leaders has a totem that they strongly favour, and some other sub-optimal choices. This is part of the reason why the Arcane Effigy has seen so little interest, it just can't beat out the favoured totems.

In Raspy-related-ness, the EOP does exactly one thing for Rasputina. It gives her a :+fate on December's Curse. This is hugely imporant, because it has a very sharp damage curve. If you're only poking for light damage, that's 2. If you get medium, that's 4 and 2 for nearby models... Massive difference.

Try to hold on to a moderate card for her to cheat in for damage. Also, if a target it hard to hit, try hitting the person next to them and getting your real target with the splash, (especially if you have an 11+ to throw in).

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I just pointed out that each and every totem do something for Ramos, if only on paper. Meanwhile the essence of power does zero point zero things for Marcus, and the wendigo is something like an independent 2 pts model that doesn't fill any totem-like role. It's far from wasting 2 pts, of course... and one of the funniest miniatures in this game.

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This is one of the fortunately rare examples of poor game design in Malifaux. The vanilla arcanist totem essence makes the wendigo laughable, while it's outright useless with Marcus at the same time. That way Ramos has 3 totems to consider, anybody else from book 1 have no choice at all.

Out of curiosity, what weakness of Rasputina the wendigo exactly covers???

Getting punched in the face by a Peacekeeper, for one...

---------- Post added at 05:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:01 PM ----------

This is part of the reason why the Arcane Effigy has seen so little interest, it just can't beat out the favoured totems.

Neverborn players will be very happy to take the AEs off your hands (and use them against you to great effect) :)

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There's nothing wrong with the Wendigo per say, as far as I can see - but it doesn't really do anything especially great either - you can take other models that can do what the Wendigo can do - whereas, Rasputina can be putting out a lot of spell damage in a single turn (with a potential 3 AP spent on casting her blast spell and a (0) for biting chill) and all of these have the potential to be cast multiple times - therefore you get a huge benefit from the passive ability of the Essense of Power (and its still just as good as the Wendigo at casting Ice Pillars with Magical extension...)

Pretty much this. What the Wendigo has in its favor are:

1) More thematic (which is why I always take it over the Essence, but that's me)

2) Has some Melee Output (Severe 5 could be interesting, but somewhat unlikely at Cb4)

3) Has an ability to heal and sometimes deny your opponent corpse counters at same time (situational, though I've had this come up a few times)

4) Can sacrifice enemy living Ht1 models, but good luck casting that and getting your opponent to fail the resist

5) Can roam far away from Raspy, but technically the Essence can also do this.

6) Has Graverobber, which can help Avatar Raspy get early corpses for Gamin summoning, but then, you're spending 2 soulstones for the Avatar, 2 soulstones for the Wendigo (which disappears when you manifest), and you're doing this to summon Ice Gamin, once per remaining turn... Why? The only reason I can think for doing this is theme (which is why I'll do it), but I can't see the competitive reason for it.

Anecdotal "evidence" item #1:

Top reason for taking the Wendigo: My Wendigo killed a Teddy in my last game.

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Neverborn players will be very happy to take the AEs off your hands (and use them against you to great effect) :)

If the effigies were billed as Neverborn models with [other faction] Affinity, I would be perfectly happy with them.

I mean come on, they were made by Zoraida to use against their factions by being tuned to their weaknesses...

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  • 1 month later...

I now posses a good number of the models you've suggested and they have been great additions to my crew of Arcanists. I've really liked how Snow Storm and the Silent One interact with the rest of my crew. I just got a few of the others and I am looking forward to some additional shenanigans. I've found the Wendigo useful for eating up those corpse counters and devour has come in handy a few times against a gremlin player. However I am looking forward to using the Essence of Power.

I also got Rasputina's Avatar and how do you feel about using it. I feel very confident in being able to get the alternate form out. Are there any gotchas I should be wary about?

I had recently after only 2.5 games of Malifaux, played in a tourney of about 14 players and had been in first place going into the final match. I played against a very experienced player who was using Leveticus along with the model I've really learned to dislike wholeheartedly - Jack Daw. As a new player this model was quite overwhelming for me to deal with and it really frustrated me. Is this model consider under pointed or am I missing something on how to deal with him?

My list stayed the same for the whole event. Rasputina, Snow Storm, Wendigo, 2 Ice Gamiin. 25 soul stone games. I do like having the those 8 soul stones available because of her low Df.

I got 8 vp, 6 vp and then 1 vp for the final game. This was an event aimed at new players though there were a number of veterans as well as 3 Henchmen. I was very pleased with the ability to select schemes that allow you as a player to still climb the victory ladder even at the cost of any models in your crew. This is a very welcome mechanic from every other mini game I've played over the past 30 years.


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It's not that you're a new player or Jack Daw is under-pointed, it's just he stops dead this build of yours.

The usual way to deal with him is making your opponent discard his hand, then put wounds on Jack, or try and attack his low-ish def with nice triggers that paralyze him or make him flee or even sacrifice him, without involving dmg or wd. You can also try and out-activate him, because he can't cover the whole field, so your cheap and numerous minions can collect VP's all right.

With your crew, I think your best bet is to get him in melee with someone immune to Terrifying (=gamin), then hope for a nice flip on the disengaging strike, or spam Jack with Biting Chill attacks if your opponent seems to be low on cards or soulstones. You can also drop the Snow Storm for 2-3 other models, suddenly making the cost of Jack Daw restrictive at the 25pts level.

I'm not sure I wrote anything you didn't already know... Anyways, congrats to your performance, two wins out of three games is pretty solid.

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