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What to add to my Crew(s)?


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I'm looking to add some models to my Arcanist collection. Right now, I have:


3x Ice Gamin

Ice Golem

Blessed of December

Silent One


3x Fire Gamin

2x Gunsmiths

Essence of Power

What would you recommend getting? I'm not adverse to buying another box set if there's several models that are good in it. I'm ultimately thinking I'm going to end up with most of the Arcanist Masters in my collection.

Edited by Bazin
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Avatar Tina

Definitely want Snowstorm. Even just as a model, he's sweet looking, but at the 25 SS games we are playing lately, I'm not sure if he'd fit in ideally.

Why molemen?

We also haven't started adding Avatars to our game - but we might soon, so a good idea.

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union miners, they add an element of tricksy movement your crews are lacking

I was looking at the Union Miners, glad to hear they are worth a look.

I know that there's a good chance I'm going to end up playing against Freikorps. Are the Miners useful against them?

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Rasputina can only take 2 union miners though, since they're special forces I believe. If so...that limits their tricksy movement considerably unless she takes Joss and/or Johan as well, which is getting pretty far from a Rasputina list.

True, but if I run Kaeris as the Master, I can take more - so it's maybe a unit more suitable for her, but wouldn't be a bad investment.

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I was looking at the Union Miners, glad to hear they are worth a look.

I know that there's a good chance I'm going to end up playing against Freikorps. Are the Miners useful against them?

they're not terribly effective versus freikorps, but then again damage output is not their speciality, your gunsmiths tho are dynamite vs them

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Moles have a few nice qualities- very high Wp which can help against some crews. Sure Zoraida can still obey them but it's not an automatic thing, and they're kind of annoying for a pandora crew. Beyond that they have some nice defenses n the form of armor and the ability to get a lot more armor.

They can make decent objective grabbers and holders. They aren't zippy like silurids (note- buy silurids!) but they may be more likely to survive getting to where they are going.

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Although Raspy can take gunsmiths, I still like the convict gunslinger just for the sheer number of shots with rapid fire.

Also I find the slate ridge mauler an excellent investment. 2ss cheaper than the golem, raspy can give it armour 2 so it is durable like the golem and it's damage output is better.

Raspy's avatar can be useful if she gets herself in a bind.

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Ok I know he isn't everybody's cup of jah! But in my oopinion he is the most fun and you have a Blessed of December meaning you already have a solid heavy hitter for the list!

Molemen are awesome! Fact!

They are super cheap and worth more ss's than they cost, if you are playing Freikorps often then there potential armour value is fantastic for taking on that withering fire! Especially in objective based games, sit on it, hulk down and wait, plus there damage output is phenomenal. If you take the Snow Storm as well then you can get them onto those objectives/objective even quicker while giving them even more cover form shots with the Sleet spell reducing there ranged Cb.

Hope this helps at all and remember, Marcus! :)

Mr. Soulstone

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