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Nicodem (I am new to resurectionists)

xX Khorne Xx

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I want to build a crew containing Nicodem and punk zombies. heres my idea for a 35 point crew


2 Vultures - 4ss

5 Punk Zombies - 25ss

2 Canine Remains - 4ss

2 left over ss for a pool total of 5

Please criticize and pick my list apart. all comments welcome and appreciated. thanks guys!!

---------- Post added 08-12-2012 at 12:57 AM ---------- Previous post was 08-11-2012 at 11:01 PM ----------

Recently changed list to


1 Vulture

Bete Noire

3 Punk Zombies

2 Rotten Belles

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Either list is pretty decent in my opinion.

List 1 is pretty straightforward, and I like it a lot actually the more I think about it. Think I'll give a very similar list a run out. There's a lot for Nicodem to do, but he's a flexible master and should enjoy the surprising number of options a list like this will give him.

I like the second list less. There's less pressure on Nicodem as there's more stuff the crew can do for themselves, but I can see there being less long term options for Nico.

What I might consider, is dropping a PZ and a vulture from the first list and adding Sybelle and an extra stone of pool. She's a good little trouble shooter and that extra stone might just ease the pressure on Nico a little.

But welcome to the faction, and I hope you enjoy Nicodem !

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Why is it bad to have less dependence on Nico? Wouldn't that be a good thing?

I'm not a fan of Mortimer, he doesn't seem worth the 7ss.

Consider how slow the 5 PZ list is, and then take a good look at Fresh Meat on Mortimer's card. Note that Nicodem himself benefits of that too.

Mortimer's present doesn't translate into direct gains. He just makes the crew run smoother, can take pot shots at targets of opportunity (and who knows, that 1-2 Wd difference can mean the death of the target couple of turns later) and is somewhat hard to dislodge if he decides to occupy a location.

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I will probably give him a second look and try him out a couple times, but I've only heard negative things.

Because people are all about min-maxing lists and assessing the SS cost of getting models. But there are other resources in the game, more precious than SS. Especially for Nicodem, who can add to his crew after the game starts. The most precious resource, IMHO, are the Action Points - no matter what you do, you won't get more of them. That's why I think people undervalue models that save them APs (and Mortimer does, even if just a little) and overvalue models that waste APs (Canine Remains in your list, for example - if you intent to kill them to get Corpse Counters, you are wasting multiple APs in the early game, when you should push forward to get good positioning despite slow speed).

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I like the second list better, as it's a little more versatile than the first. IMHO it's too little soul stones in the pool though, but I almost always have at least 6ss for any of the masters that I play. I would take out a Belle for 2 Canines. It's nice to have mobile corpse counters that are pretty fast and when run together they can claim objectives.

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The specifics of your list really should depend on what your strategy is. Right now if you got any mobility based strategy you're fairly doomed.

Further, you're going to be light on soul stones. One of my favorite tricks with Nico is using Rigor Mortis to shut down the enemy Master, which you will really need to spend a stone on if you want to ensure it goes off. Summoning can also be stone hungry if the don't get lucky on your crow draws.

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Generally speaking, I wouldn't start with Punk Zombies. They're not particularly fast and tend to be vulnerable to being killed or avoided in the early game. I think you get better value out of taking cheaper minions with a more direct application.

Punk Zombies are *wonderful* summons for a single Corpse Counter, since you can drop them right into the fray and not have to worry about their early game issues.

I'd always include a Belle in my Nicodem lists. She provides options for board control, since she can Lure troublesome enemy models, but in a pinch you can also use her to Nicodem or some other model moving.

I like dogs for their numbers (i.e, you can have quite few) and speed, though I wouldn't go too heavy on them. They combine nicely with Bete, since your opponent has to wary of (or, indeed, may forget) that killing a Canine Remains might drop Bete right on one of their key models.

I think Crooked Men are much better than most people think, especially with Nicodem, since combined with Bolster Undead almost any Crow in your hand can threaten a paralyse.

Personally I'd always take the Grave Spirit over a Vulture - it's cheap, Armour 2 is wonderful and Nicodem can actually take advantage of it.

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Interestingly, I would always take at least a couple of Punks with Nicodem. I think their speed, while dreadful, isn't crippling with Nico, the Fog can really help and they form a nice solid core to keep Nico safe.

I find his speed isn't so much an issue with him getting into position, rather he gets outpaced. Bricking him up with a couple of punks can really help.

I generally summon Belles in play if I need them. They are undoubtedly excellent, if that's what you need, but I've had too many games where they just kind of bimble around not doing much.

I dislike Canine Remains with Nico, only taking one or two for a guaranteed turn one Mindless Zombie or two. If I'm wanting speed, I tend to get much better mileage out of Necropunks.

I do absolutely agree though that Crooked Men are generally underestimated. Again, something I tend to summon in if I need to, as a Crooked Man popping up out of nowhere can really throw a spanner in the works.

I also agree that the Grave Spirit is the superior choice, but I run with Vultures. It's a gamblers choice, as some games it'll be worth its weight in gold, in more games it'll do bob all.

The reason Nico is my favourite master is his flexability. You'll get results from him once you figure out your own style with him.

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For what it's worth, the Vulture isn't a bad choice if you are bringing Killjoy and/or Bete. The 20" move and general fragility(and with Killjoy The sacrifice action) can put both models right on top of an objective or ready to kill off an opponent in the first or second round.(it really puts the opponent on the defensive and gives you some board control)

Also, if a larger base model goes down, you are just 1 corpse away from Rogue necromancy...

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