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Ophelia and Ressors


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Ressers are a melee heavy faction, so the 8" range on most Kin's weapons put them right at the end of potential charges. Low WP also means they're easily subject to Lures from Rotten Belles and Terrifying duels coming from Seamus or the Hanged. Since Ressers also generally have low Df (usually in exchange for Hard to Wound), make sure your minimum damage strikes can make a dent in their pile of wounds (either by having high minimum damage or a large number of attacks); this also makes Slop Haulers somewhat redundant, as their Df debuff wouldn't actually lower most Resser minion's Defense at all.

Generally speaking, instead of taking a default Kin list, I'd recommend Som'er leading the crew with Ophelia managing a Bayou Gremlin gunline. Since the BGs will be able to ignore "Woops!" thanks to Ophelia, their Boomstick strikes become less risky. And since Resser Df is generally low, you should be able to get frequent potshots (going Dumb Luck and Reckless as necessary, with Som'er to heal with his (1) action). Taking Som'er's avatar also increases the effectiveness and alpha-strike capability of the BG gunline, as it gives him companion with them, lets them use Reckless without taking wounds, and improves your Gremlins' WP across the board. Keep Rami in if you want more range for taking out more important targets, but at the very least replacing the Hauler, Pere Ravage and your totem with 5 Bayou Gremlins could help make sure you hit from further away, more often, and with less susceptibility to WP shenanigans.

I'm no Gremlin expert, but I'd try something like this:

Outcasts Crew - 35 - Scrap

Som'er Teeth Jones -- 5 Pool

+ Som’er and Peaches, Avatars of Indulgence [2ss]

1 Giant Mosquito [2ss]

Ophelia Lacroix [8ss]

Bayou Gremlin [2ss]

Bayou Gremlin [2ss]

Bayou Gremlin [2ss]

Bayou Gremlin [2ss]

Bayou Gremlin [2ss]

Malifaux Rat [2ss]

Rami Lacroix [6ss]


If you have your heart set on no Som'er (can't really blame you for that) then a kin list with tons of BGs could still boost your effectiveness. You get more models to start, but lose the survivability that Som'er offers.

Outcasts Crew - 35 - Scrap

Ophelia Lacroix -- 6 Pool

1 Young Lacroix [2ss]

Bayou Gremlin [2ss]

Bayou Gremlin [2ss]

Bayou Gremlin [2ss]

Bayou Gremlin [2ss]

Bayou Gremlin [2ss]

Bayou Gremlin [2ss]

Bayou Gremlin [2ss]

Bayou Gremlin [2ss]

Francois Lacroix [5ss]

Rami Lacroix [6ss]

Raphael Lacroix [6ss]

Edited by Agnelcow
Kin-Centered list
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thanks only thing is I'm just starting into the game so i play mostly 25SS but replacing Pere and the Hauler with Bayou Gremlins can be easily done with some proxys. tooling around with the CC would this make a dent?


3 Young

4 Bayou



SS pool 6

Edited by rgarbonzo
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Against Ressers you are hard pressed to take anything other than a pig heavy list.

The pigs can easily deny Corpse counters via Eat Your Fill. Additionally, they dont care at all about terrifying, since it will only force the stampede. Lastly, they have an amazing threat range (especially if you run a Pig Boomerang).

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Usually against Ressers I just use Ophelia to assassinate their Master, as they all have low defense.

The hard-to-wound can also be nice as you can use Dumb Luck reliably without fear of killing yourself. Lacroix Kin are also great at killing spirits via magical extension.

If I was up against ressers in a typical objective capture scenario I would normally take... Viks and Von Schill.

Hehe JK:

Outcasts Crew - 30 - Scrap

Ophelia Lacroix
5 Pool

2 Young Lacroix [4ss]

  • Bayou Gremlin

  • Bayou Gremlin

  • Bayou Gremlin

  • Pere Ravagé

  • Pigapult

  • Rami Lacroix

  • Raphael Lacroix

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Guy in Suit:

Not really a big fan of that list as it doesn't really stop the creation of corpse counters or address the very real possibility of being Lured all over the place. Additionally, there is nothing for the Pigapult to shoot so it is pretty much wasted points (launching models towards the ressers really does ease their work).

Against a standard Resser crew I would take:

Outcasts Crew - 30 - Scrap

Som'er Teeth Jones
3 Pool

2 Giant Mosquitos [4ss]

  • Hog Whisperer

  • Piglet

  • Piglet

  • Piglet

  • Piglet

  • Bayou Gremlin

  • Bayou Gremlin

  • Bayou Gremlin

Pretty standard "Pig Boomerang" list that will allow you to get at the ressers before they get at you, bypass terrifying, destroy corpse counters, avoid LOS for Lure and give you plenty of significant models for objective grabbing (or replacing pig casualties or building a gunline or transitioning to the Alpha Stank).

This is pretty much what I take most of the time since it really is a versatile list.

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Use (2) focus alot. Even thought its a low def to hit, the hard to wound is a pain. When focusing you get a +, combined that your opponent will usually have to cheat first, you can maximize you Rams to get a cheatable damage flip.

Also don't forget Ophelia gives Aim high to your crew & Rami already has it.

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Not a big fan of using Focused shots when facing Ressers, as Gremlins aren't about Quality of hit but Quantity.

For example 3 normal Bayou Gremlins using Reckless against that low Df Resser model (which is usually only a difference of 1 point anyway) are going to produce 9 Wd's consistently for the 1 Wd each they are going to take, those same 3 Bayou Gremlins using Focused shot might produce that much using the Dumb Luck trigger (and of course are going to take half the damage from it which Ophelia isn't great at healing unless she has a Slop Hauler) with their 3 focused :ranged strikes. Additionally, with the low Cb of most of the Gremlin models overcoming Hard to Wound and achieving a duel value of 6+ is a lot more difficult to do consistenly without things like Survival of the Fittest feeding you control cards or A Gremlins Luck denying your opponent Control Cards.

With out Som'er to replace loses and the Pigs to deal with all those Corpse Counters that will be lying around the Ressers have an advantage in the attrition game.

Even with the Kin models you are often better served by just preforming 3 :ranged strikes vice the one focused shot.

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Looks like using channel on the young to cast Dirty Shot or right between the eyes may be effective. esp against Spirits, now to just remember to do it.

Might help with Right Between the Eyes due to it being a magic attack (so you have to set the final duel total before your opponent gets to cheat). Not so sure with Dirty Shot though, since successfully casting the spell doesn't actually result in a magic attack (only an immediate Pistol strike that recieves adjustments to the attack and damage flips but is otherwise a normal Pistol strike).

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